
The Mint's Account for one thousand two hundred twenty three Ingots of Silver & the new moneys proceeding there from, being the Eleventh General Remain taken in the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer on the 10th day of Iune 1696, with the Incident charges of coynage &c

11th Remain.



His Majesties Mint in the Tower.

Eleventh Remain To the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer for one thousand two hundred twenty three Ingots of silver, received into the Mint by two several Indentures proceeding from the clipt Monies melted down at the Exchequer at the taking the Eleventh General Remain in the said Receipt on the 10th day of Iune last pursuant to the Act of Parliament for Remedying the ill state of the coyn of this Kingdom which said 1223 Ingots weighed (when reduced to standard) as followeth By the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer for so much paid into the same out of the new moneys proceeding from the 1223 Ingots of silver mentioned in the Debtor side, pursuant to the Warrant of the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury dated the 28th of August 1696.
Moneys in Tale Moneys in Weight
Octob. 10th Paid into Mr Carews Office on Additional Impositions 500
Number of Ingots. Standard Weights On the 3d four shillings Aid 5200
ozdwtgr On the 27 Tunnage Duty 50
3 Additional Impositions 202060508 On the 57 Tunnage Duty 200
27 Third four shillings Aid 1826110702 On Duties on Salt450
On Impositions of East India Goods 1200
1 27 Tunnage Duty 36030022 On Impositions on wines &c300

2 57 Tunnage Duty 97081413 On the 23 double IXd Excise1300 9200 2954051000
4 Duties on Salt 173000104 13 Paid into Mr Carew's Office on the 23 double IXd Excise 2000
On the 13 double IXd Excise 1600
7 Impositions on East India Goods 458090418 On Hereditary & Temporary Excise900
2 Impositions on Wines 126041910 On Excise for 99 years2400
17 23 Double IXd Excise 1166000410 On Duties on Velum &c2000
On Duties on Marriages Births1600
9 13 Double IXd Excise 587081711 On the 2d Quarterly Poll400
6 Hereditary & Temporary Excise 316010302 On the 4th shillings Aid9100 2000 6418080900
12 Excise for 99 years 824091505 17 Paid into Mr Carews Office on the 4th four shillings Aid 31700 10171091500
21 Paid into my Lord Fitz Hardings Office on the 4th four} 40000 12845091500
11 Duties on Vellum 745080308 shillings Aid
1 Duties on Coales 6070312 24 Paid into Mr Carews Office on the 4th four shillings Aid. 37000 11881110000
10 Duties on Marriages 587100402 28 Paid into my lord Fitz Hardings Office on the four shillings Aid 30000 9628081000
5 Second Quarterly Poll 197060900 31 Paid into Mr Palme's Office on the 4th four shillings Aid. 34000 10915090000
894 Fourth four shillings Aid 68151110115 Nov. 4 Paid into Mr Carews Office on the 4th four shillings Aid. 22200 } 27200 8725021500
165 Loans on the continued Impositions 12258071907 On loanes on continued Impositions 20000 6417090500
7 Paid into Mr Palme's Office on Loans on continued Impositions
5 Second four shillings Aid 190060007 12 Paid into Mr Howards Office on Additional Impositions113. 7. 11
2 Duty on Coffee 30080613 On the 3d four shillings aid332. 16. 1.
30 Hereditary & Temporary Excise 2194050915 On the 27 Tunnage duty59. 19. 1
1 Dutchy of Cornwall Revenue 4100903 On duties on salt 74. 13. 3. On Impositions on East India goods 190. 9. 8. On Impositions on Wines 83. 0. 0 On 23 double IXd Excise 233. 10. 10 On 13 double IXd Excise 181. 6. 11. On Hereditary & Temporary Excise 56. 5. 8. On Excise for 99 years 97. 1. 4. Duties on Velum Paper &c 255. 11. 8. On Duties on coals 19. 19. 0. Duties on Marriages 183. 5. 8. On the 2d quarterly Poll 198. 10. 11. On 4th four shillings Aid 2430. 13. 3. On loans on the continued Impositions 12138. 19. 11. On 2d four shillings aid 576. 16. 5. On Duties on Coffee 93. 3. 3. On Hereditary & Temporary Excise for Tallys of Pro. 6645. 1. 11. On Dutch of Cornwal revenue 14. 14. 2. On seizures 44. 17. 3. On letter money to be recoyned & repaid the Receiver General 730. 9. 7 On rent of Hackney Coaches 66. 17. 4 On Proffers 26. 17. 7
1 Seizures 14091108
5 Letter money to be recoyned & repaid the Receiver General 241081508
1 Rent of Hackney Coaches 22001710
1 Proffers. 8101022
1 Compositions 56091601
1223 Standard of the whole is 90529041020
On Compositions 172. 5. 8 25116. 10 8060060820
Deducted for the charges of Refining Melting & Coyning
of this Eleventh General Remain & other Incidents relating thereunto as by particulars specified in the Bill of charges, which ballances & compleats the standard of this Eleventh Remain, the summ of
7816.19 2508080300
Total282033.9s 90529041020

An Account of the charges in receiving into the Mint, Melting Refining, Coyning & paying into the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer one thousand two hundred twenty three Ingots of silver melted down from the clipt moneys that was foudn in the said Receipt at the taking the Eleventh general Remain on the tenth day of Iune 1696. Which said 1223 Ingots weighted (when reduced to standard) 905. 4oz. 10dwt. 20gr.

For coyning 90529. 4oz. 10dwt. 20gr of silver moneys at 14d per pound. 5280.17.7
For melting the same (with the scissel) at 34d per pound & wast at 114d per pound. 1508.16.5
For refining of 16971 of coarse silver at 12d per pound 848.11.0
For two Labourers work in the Assay Office to assist in cutting of the silver Ingots, piling & carrying them into the Office of Receipt from Oct 9 to Nov. 11 inclusive, 29 days at 3s a day each 8. 14s. 0d. For two bushels of Coppel ashes 1lb. 4s. 0d. For making coppells 29 days at 2s 6d a day 3. 12s. 6d. For Colleridge one Quarter 2s. 6d. For two Douzains of Mufflers 1lb. 10s } 15.03.0
Thomas Langworth & Richard Bullock putting the Ingots into the scale & thence carrying them into the Treasury Roome & from thence to the scale when delivered out for Melting, & for attending the Office upon this extraordinary occasion from Oct. 9 to Nov: 11 inclusive 29 days at 2s. 6d a day 7. 5s. 0d. Richard Dallow taking the moeny from the Weigher & carrying it to the Tellers 19 days at 5s a day 4. 15s. 0d. Thomas Hawkes attending the Money when taken up 19 days 4 15s. 0d Mr Tho. Turner attending the Tellers of the Exchequer 19 days at 10s a day 9. 10s. 0d } 26.05.0
Philip Dallow Assistant to the Porter 412 weeks at 10s per week 2.05.0
Cartlidge from the Mint to the Exchequer & loading 29 loads at 10s a load 14. 10s. 0d. Mr Pendleton going up to the Exchequer with the Carts ten times at 5s a time 2lb. 10s. 0d. Rich. Bullock going up with the Carts ten times at 2s 6d a time 1. 5s. 0d } 18.05.0
Arthur Iones Overseer of the Moneyers Work 29 days at 3s a day 4.07.0
Paid for the Tallies of this eleventh Remain 27.14.0
Paid the Exchequer Porters for carrying the Moneys from the Carts to the several Offices 6.17.0
Paid in for the Pix of this Remain 77.3.0
Last by the Assay of the new moneys 0.15.0

His Majesties Mint in the Tower

To the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer for one thousand seven hundred sixty nine Ingots of Silver Received into the Mint by three severall Indentures proceeding the clipt moneys melted down at the Exchequer at the taking the twelft General Remain in the said Receipt on the 24th day of Iune pursuant to the Act of Parliament for Remedying the Ill state of the coyn of this Kingdom: which said 1769 Ingots weighed when reduced to standard, as followeth
Number of Ingots. Standard.
20 Additional Impositions 1409081610
112 Third four shillings Aid 8293070514
9 27 Tunnage Duty 623000511
21 57 Tunnage Duty 1529090104
82 New Customes 6067091721
28 Duties on Salt 2014061320
36 Impositions on East India goods 2617080200
26 Impositions on Wines 1878031106
118 Impositions on Tobacco 8831000613
39 23 double IXd Excise 2874001515
20 13 double IXd Excise 1408101410
27 Excise for 99 years 1911101723
18 Duties on Vellum &c 1314111422
11 Duties on Coales 767100217
60 Duties on Marriages 4405071311
9 Second Quarterly Poll 471070314
906 Four four shillings Aid 68531010721
14 Second four shillings Aid 860021211
6 Tenths of the Clergy 320091204
3 Duties on Coffee 87031108
6 Dutchy of Cornwall Revenue 308081910
79 Hereditary & Temporary Excise for Tallys of Pro 5905081913
7 Seizures 393000111
21 Imprest money repaid by Treasurer of the Navy 1450070222
14 Letter money to be repaid the Receiver Generall 944071500
4 Land Revenue 96071322
4 Proffers 40080216
6 First four shillings Aid 288100914
9 Coynage Duty 565090214
1 Rents on Grants 44061817
30 Imprest money repaid per Earle of Ranelagh 2158011616
3 34 Customes 155010901
1 First Quarterly Poll 12110009
1 Kings Bench Fines 18071720
1 Aid of two shillings per pound 3070403
1 Additional aid of Xijd 1090704
1 Review of the first Quarterly Poll 0111221
5 Rents of the Lottery Farme 313051011
7 Alienations 413081400
3 Duties on Glass wares 212110500
1769 Standard of the whole is 129550050923

By the Receipt of his Majesties Exchequer for so much paid into the same out of the new moneys proceeding from the 1169 Ingots of Silver mentioned in the Debtor side pursuant to the Warrant of the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury dated the 24th day of October 1696

Moneys in tale Weight
Nov 14 Paid into Mr Palme's Office on additional Impositions 400, on the 3d four shillings aid 21000 25000 8030110500
18 Paid into Mr Carew's Office on 27 Tunnage Duty 1500 on the 57 Tunnage 4000 on new Customes 1500. On duties on salt 6000, on Impositions on East India goods 7000, on Impositions on wines 20000, 37000 11879010000
21 Paid into Mr Palme's Office on impositions on wines 2000 on impositions on Tobacco 22000, on the 23 double IXd Excise 6000, on the 13 doube IXd Excise 3000, on Excise for 99 years 4000, On duties on Velum & Papers &c 3000 on duties on coales 1500, on marriages Births &c 85000 50000 16053071000
25 Paid into Mr Howards Office on Duties on Marriages 3500, on the 2d quarterly Poll 500, on the 4th four shillings aid 35000 39000 12527081000
28 Paid into Mr Palme's On the 4th shillings aid 34000 10916110000
Dec. 2 Paid into Mr Carew's Office on the 4th 4 shillings aid 28000 8989110500
5 Paid into Mr Palme's Office on the 4th four shillings Aid 23500 on the 2d four shillings aid 2500 26000 8342061000
9 Paid into Mr Howards Office on the 4th four shillings Aid 17000 5450110500
12 Paid into Mr Palme's Office on the 4th four shillings Aid 16000 5131060500
16 Paid into Mr Carew's Office on the 10ths of the Clergy 600, On duty on Coffee 100 on Dutchy of Cornwall Revenue 600, on Hereditary & temporary Excise for Tallys of Pro 13700 15000 4810090000
19 Paid into Mr Palme's Office on Hereditary & temporary Excise 2300 on seizurees 1000, on imprest money repaid by the Treasurer of the Navy 4000, on letter money to be repaid the Receiver general 2600, on land Revenue 200 on Proffers 200, on the 1st 4 shillings aid 700, on coynage Duty 1650 On imprest money repaid by the Earle of Ranelagh 6350 on 34 Customes 400 on rents of the Lottery Farme 900 on alienations 12000 on duties on glass wares &c 600 22000 7058021000
24 Paid into Mr Palme's Office on the 3d 4 shillings aid 3500 on the 27 Tunnage duty 200 on the 57 Tunnage Duty 200 On the new customes 1200, On Impositions on East India good 500 On Impositions on Wines 1200, on impositions on Tobacco 4100 on the 23 double IXd excise 2100 On the 13 double IXd excise 1000, on Excise for 99 years 1500, On duties on Vellum paper &c 700, On duties on Coales 500, On duties on marriages &c 1000, on the 2d quarterly Poll 500, on the 4th four shillings aid 800 19000 6097020500
Ian. 2 Paid into Mr Howard's office on the 4th shillings aid 21000 6732000000
9 Paid into Mr Palme's office on the 4th 4 shillings aid 16000 5136011000
13 Paid into Mr Carews Office on the 4th four shillings Aid 7400 2374090000
16 Paid into Mr Howards Office on the 4th four shillings Aid 5000 1606041000
20 Paid into Mr Palmes Office on additionall Impositions 243lb 2s. 0d. On the 3d four shillings aid 453. 05. 04. On the 27 Tunnage duty 175. 08. 03 On the 57 Tunnage duty 404. 14. 11 On new customes 514. 5. 10. On duties on salt 58. 16. 9. on impositions on East India good 364. 7. 7. On impositions on wines 444. 7. 8. On impositions on Tobacco 458. 0. 11 on the 23 double IXd Excise 545. 1. 3. On the 13 double <286v> IXd excise 235lb. 15s. 2d. On excise for 99 years 242. 7. 2. On duties on Velum &c 255. 7. 11 On duties on coales 311. 5. 1. On duties on marriages 244. 14. 0. On the 2d quarterly poll 418. 0. 10. On the 4th 4 shillings aid 2511. 15. 3. On the 2d 4 shillings aid. 85. 4. 4 On the 10th of the Clergy 364. 13. 3. On duties on Coffee 162. 12. 11. On Dutchy of Cornwall Revenue 328. 18. 9 On Hereditary & temporary Excise for Tallys of Pro 1754. 14. 7. On seizures 180. 18. 4 On imprest money repaid by Treasurer of the Navy 361. 5. 3. On letter money to be repaid by Receiver General 240. 16. 1 On land revenue 89. 16. 10. On Proffers 22. 10. 2. On the 1st 4 shillings aid 168. 9. 3. On the Coynage duty 52. 11. 1. On Rents on grants 134. 0. 7. On imprest money repaid by Earl of Ranelagh 140. 9. 7. On 34 customes 66. 6. 6. on the 1st quarterly poll 38. 17. 8. On Kings Bench fines 56. 2. 2. On the aid of 2s per pound 10. 16. 5. On the additional aid of 1s. 5. 7. 0. On the Review of the 1st Quarterly Poll 2. 18. 5 On the Rents of Lottery Farm 42. 14. 3 On alienations 45. 7. 10 On Duties on glass wares &c 40. 18. 0.
12278lb. 5s. 2d 3941031023
Paid Tho. Iett Esqr by Warrant of the Lords of the Treasury dated Nov. 4 for himself & others mentioned in his last being for the charges of telling Melting &c the summ of 889. 3. 4 285090500
Paid Peter Floyer & Charles Shales by Warrant of the Lords &c dated Nov. 20 for themselves & others mentioned in their list being part of the charges incident to the melting of the clipt moneys the summ of 1088. 2. 10 348090000
Paid John Packer Esqr by Warrant of the Lords &c dated Dec 5 for himself & others mentioned in his list 571174 183030500
Deducted for the charges of refining melting & coining of this 12t general Remain & other Incidents relating thereunto as by particualrs specified in the Bill of charges delivered to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury which ballances & compleats the standard of this 12th general REmain, the summ of 11379 10. 4 3652090420
403606. 19. 0 129550050923

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