
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury.

May it please your Lordships

We have considered the annexed Memorial & Bill of the Moniers amounting to 8032. 13s. 6d and humbly conceive that the 2083. demanded for coyning 47566lwt of silver at 10d12 per poundweight, and the 733 lent to carry on the coynage, should be {de}ducted out of that summ, being allowed in other accompts; and that the 510. 9s. 0d demanded for Horses & Carriage, and the 153. 8s. 0d for Smiths' Tools should not be allowed. These summs being deducted there remains 4512. 16s. 6d due for coyning Tools for erecting the new Mints. This recconing the Moniers give in according to a bargain made between them & the Master & Worker & approved by your Lordships for furnishing the severall new Mints with Tools at certain rates. But notwithstanding this bargain we have prevailed with them to abate 512. 16s. 6d besides the carriage of the Tools into the country, and after this abatement their Bill comes to 4000. And what is further to be done in this matter we most humbly submit to your Lordships great wisdome.

Is. Newton
Tho: Neale

Mint Office Apr 8

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