
An Account of the Medals of fine gold made upon the Peace 1713 & by her Majesties Order delivered to my Lord Masham & the Speaker of the House of Commons

Iuly 16. Delivered to my Lord Masham for the Peers one hundred & fifty Medals weighing { 110.9.18
Aug. 14 Delivered more to him by the hands of my Lord High Treasurer for the Ladies at Court 30 Medals weighing { 22.10.18
Sept. To be Delivered more to him 20 Medals for the Peers 22 Medals for forreign Ministers & eight more for the Secretaries of Embassies or others: In all 50 Medals weighing { 36.12.0
Iuly 16, Delivered to the Speaker of the House of Commons for the Members 250 Medals weighing { 178.14.21
Iuly 23 Delivered more to the Speaker for the Members 200 Medals weighing { 146.4.18
Aug. 8. Delivered more to him for the Members 108 Medals weighing { 79.6.12
Sept. 2 Delivered more to him for the two Clerks the Serjeant & the Chaplain of the House 4 Medals weighing { 2.1918
In all delivered 792 Medals of fine gold weighing 576.18.9
The gold at 4li 9s per ounce comes to 2567.5.9
The wast & workmanship at 3s per Medals comes to 118.16.0
Total charge 2686.1.9

Is. Newton

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
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