

By the Coinage Act of the 18th. of Car. 2d. the Fees and salaries of the Officers of the Mint, the charges of Providing maintaining and repairing the houses, Offices and Buildings of the mint and other Necessaries for Assaying, Melting-down & Coyning were not to exceed Three thousand pounds per Annum but that sum not being found sufficient, and the residue of the mony Arising by the said Coynage Act being appropriated, a further Provision was made of any sum not exceeding five hundred Pounds per Annum for the same uses by an Act 4to. & 5to. Annæ; And Mr. Auditor Harley finding that by the Inclosed Accompts both these sums have been Exceeded in the Articles abovementioned, directs me to send you the said Accompts, desiring the said Charges may be reduced, as they ought to be, according to the direction of the saic Acts, I am



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Professor Rob Iliffe
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