
A 60 piece of Charles 2d 1682 weighing 425gr wors iijdwt

A 60 piece of William & Mary 1691 wieghing 425gr standard

A 40 piece of K William 1695 weighing 283gr wors iijdwt

A 20 piece of K. William 1695 weighing 141gr standard

A 25 piece of Charles 2d 1673 weighing 175gr wors vijdwt

A 15 piece of Charles 2d 1675 weighing 101gr wors ijdwt

A 10 piece of K James II      weighing 68gr standard

A 5 piece of K William      weighing 35gr wors 112dwt

A 12 piece of Charles 2d      weighing 86gr wors vijdwt

A 6 piece of Charles 2d 1665 weighing 42gr worse iiij12dwt

A 3 piece of Cha II 1682, weight 425gr wors iijdwt or ij
3 W. M 1691 425 sta
3 Car 1681 416 wors iiij
40 Iac. II 1687 284 not assayd
40s Wm 1696 284gr sta
40s Wm 1695 283 wors iij or ij.284
40 W 1689 284 sta
40 Wil 1696 285 wors ij
40 W 1695 284 sta
40 Iacobs 1688 283 sta
20s W 1695 141 sta 142
20 W 1696 142 sta
20 W 1695 142 sta
10 Gul. 1695 7112 not assayd.
10s Ia II 1687 71 sta
10 Wm 1695 68 sta a peace {wors}{worn}
10 Ia II 71 sta
10 Wm 1695 73 sta
5s Wilm 35 wors 112 or 12
{Hatton} { 26s.8d Cha II 1673 175 wors vij
13.4 Cha II 1675 102 wors ij
13.4 Cha II 16   86 wors vij
6s8d Cha II 1665 42 wors iiij12

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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