Holograph notes on loss of weight of old hammered coin since the reign of Edward VI
In weighing some old hammered unclipt money, I found the crowns of King Edwd about 10 or 11 grains too light, the crowns of K James & K. Charles I too light by 4 per cent the hoarded shillings of K Edward by 7 per cent, the shillings of Q. Eliz by 10 per cent, those of K James by 5 per cent, those of K. Char. I by 4 per cent. Half crowns of K. Char I by 4 per cent. Whence these shillings weare 1 per cent in about 15 years & half crowns 1 per cent in 19 or 20 years. And by consequence milled shillings weare 1 per cent in about 24 years