Brief letter concerning the 'perusal' and possible purchase, apparently on Newton's behalf, of some Italian coins from an unspecified 'gentleman'
Decat of Venice Vnworn weight 14dwt 14gr Ducat unworn 7dwt 7gr Ducat unworn 3dwt. 15gr.
A Piece of 124 {sols} worn 3gr {or} 4weight 17dwt 22gr On one side a Lion winged before the Duke of Venice with a Flagg. & about it S.M Venst. Ant Priol Dun On the other side a Sain{t} before a Raven & about him Memor ero lui Iustina vir & underneath, 124.
A Piece of {7}2 {sols} worn 4gr or 5. weight 8dwt 22gr. Of like form with the former except that the inscription about the Lyon & Duke is S. M. Ven. Domin. Con. D. & underneath the Lyon & Duke are the letters G.D.
A Crusade of Venice of 140 sols Weight 20dwt 6gr. On one side a Lion winged in an Escutcheon & about it Sanctus Marcus Venelus & underneath 140. Not worn. On the other side a flourishing Cross & about it Aloysius Contrare Dux Venat & apart G.S.
A half piece of the same form. Weight 10dwt 0gr. Worn 2 or 3 grains. Vnder the Lyon the number 70 & about the cross Bertue Veleno. Dure Vene. And apart F.C.
A quarter piece of the same
An Ecu or Escuti of the Pope. Weight 20dwt 14gr Worn gr On one side the Popes head & about it Innocent XI Pont. Max. A. VIII. On the other side Dextera tya Domine percussit inimicum. 1684.
Three Testons of the Pope unworn weight 17dwt 15gr Singly 5. . Other four weighed 23dwt 14gr. Single 5.21. Other three weighed 17dwt 16gr.
A small piece of silver money of the Pope weighed 20gr. A half Iule not worn, coynd 1685.
A Iulio coyd 1654 weight 2d 3gr. worn 1 or 2gr St George slaying a winged Dragon & about him S. Georgius Firrarice Protector 1654. On the other side the Popes arms & about them Innocentius X Pont. Max.
A piece of Millain wieght 2{0}dwt 14gr worn 5gr or 6. The Philip. On one side his head crowned & about it Philippus III Rex Hispan 1621 On the other his arms & about it Dux Mediolan.
The crown of Millain weight 17dwt 21 gr. The kings head & about it Carolus II Rex Hispaniarum On the Revers his arms & about it Mediolain Dux etc
Coyns of Naples of 100, 50, 20, 10 grains all of like form. The Kings head on {one} side & about it Car. II. D. G. Rex Hisp & Neap. & on the other side a golden Fleece suspended & under it the number of grains. These pieces were very well sized unworn & weighed 14dwt 0gr; 7dwt 0gr; 2. 19; 1. 9
Two twenty sols pieces of the Duke of Savoy, each weighing 3dwt 21gr. One coyned 1677 worn 1gr. The Dutchess & her son on one side & about them Mar. 10. Bap. Vic. Am. 11. D. G. Dux Sab. On the other side a mixt coat of arms crowned & about it Prin. Pedsom. Reges Cypri. 1677. The other piece not worn or above grain. The Dukes head & about it Victor Am. N D. G. Dux Sab. & the reverse like the other. Vnder the arms of them both 5.20. This last coynd 1691.
The {tens} sols pieces of the Duke of Savoy weighing 7dwt. 21gr. & 1dwt 22gr worn each 1gr. Dates 1676. 1681. Coynd like the 20 sols pieces. Vnder the arms written 5. 10.
Two Sevil double Pistoles of a new form, the one not edged coynd 1682 weighing 8dwt 15gr the other edged 1699 weighing 8dwt 17gr. Well coynd. On one side a coat of arms crowned & about it Car. 11. D.G. on the other a cross & about it Hispaniarum rex On either side the coat of arms 4. {Item} a & piece of like form & proportional weight. Well sized.
{Zacheens} which half & quarter.
A double Pistole of the Pope. Weight 8d 14gr: OThe Popes head & about it Veramus Pont. Max. On the other side an Angel Mich:with a spere slaying the Devil & about it vivil Deus. 1634.
A half Pistole of the Pope weighing 2dwt 4gr The Popes arms with Innocent XI Pont. Max. On the other side the Virgin holding Christ & about her Sublimis inter sidera
A double Pistole of Millain weight 8dwt 12gr worn 1 or 2gr. A single one weight 4dwt, 6gr not worn
Another single one weight 4dwt 5gr worn grains.The [1]
king of spains head on one side & arms on the other. with the title medolain Dux.
A double Pistole of Geneva. Weight 8dwt 15gr [2]
worn 1gr. A cross & about it Conradus III Ro. Rex G.F. On the other side this figure & about it Dux {et Gub} Reip. Gen.
A Pistole of the Duke of Savoy. Weight 4dwt 8gr well coynd. His head & about it Car. Em. II. D. G. Dux Sab. 1675. On the other side his arms crownd & about it Prine Pied. Rex Cypri.
A double Pistole of Placentia weight 8dwt 9gr worn 1gr.
A Hungary Ducant weight 2deadweight 5 grains.
<10v> [Editorial Note 2]Sir
I have waited on the Gentleman about the Italian Coins, & I have obtain'd their perusal for 3 or 4 days, So that you please to vouchsafe the Honour of calling before I return 'em, shall be glad may pass your observacion, & then if appears amongst 'em any Thing Material where several of a Sort, believe may purchase 'em
I'me scarce ever from the Counting House except betwixt 2 & 3 Nor ever expect to see any Gentlemen there for whose Character shall entertain a more sensible Veneration
Your most humble & obe{dient}
Isaac Davies