
480,12105=4800831(425712116 960831(425712116 105gr(425712116 5655831(425712116 547831(425712116 61551072331(425712116 3002331(4253148116

16965(547831 1460(547831 225(547831 8(547831


4800(547831 960(547831 5760(547831 105(547831 5655 31)16965 (547831 15500(547831 1460(547831 225(547831 8(547831




2300 21700 2400 12,31


12769616(54∟9 4253148(54∟9 240)13195148(54∟9 1190148(54∟9 23500148(54∟9 102.001.9b0148(54∟9 a.005.357148(54∟9 104.005.304148(54∟9 53148(54∟9


12,4800 00,0960 5760 5112a

93.1001712=432gr or 431 60 554(464,946 46(464,946 372(64,946 68(64,946 837(4,946 43(4,946 58(,946

a 480.465 b31a31b=. ab 15.465 31a31b=b. 31a=32b.b

57600 4032 53568

31.30480.14400(464∟516 12400(464∟516 2000(464∟516 1860(464∟516 140(464∟516 160(64∟516 155(64∟516 50(4∟516

105.37167537.=21s.1112 21.370331.37.=21s.1112 126.37198637.=21s.1112 3.37004737.=21s.1112 3700063749=21s.1112 12937.2040249=21s.1112

{illeg}5.. 234 3 Guilder p.=5s. 134=10 skillings.

{3}6 denarij=1 stufro. 20 stufr.=1 floreno, Scooten 6 floren=1 Fland.

24 m     =1 Gross (=1 denar) & 12 Gros=1 solido.

{illeg}8 denarij doits=1 Gross. or Denier 2 Gross=1 Stiver. 2 Stivers=1 double Stiver. 12 Gross=6 Stivers=1 Skilling

20 Stivers=1 Floren or Gilder. 6 Florens or Gilders=1 Flanders=20 skillings. They usually reccon in Florens Stivers & pence or Livers sous & grosses Aur Gal. val{ue} 4 flor. 5 stuf.

222{illeg}444.9148.3641258012(1,3077 1365 1332 0033

5s.22d12131 5s.1,3077 5s.1,53226 5s.5,84


2480(1∟899099 3140.645.11110.68103110.18600(1∟899099 21080(1∟899099 9980(1∟899099 1100(1∟899099 1010(1∟89909 110(1∟8990 101(1∟899

152 102,839 101,53226 156,37126 1423 skil.


13449.201423. 11729.101423 15123.1044. 155.233044 131.23644.264(81631 131.23644.216 131.23644.21617131

In Holland France & Spain the weights are Marks & a Mark is 725 Troy in France & Spain & 7910 in Holland.

ab 157.484 471 13

16113 3.10skil. Flor. 31.18skil. skil

16113 Floren=3.101831s.6031s=1s2931=1s.11d.11d731=Floren


058 29 348(1


480000(108=9s. 0355555 12000000 00888888


61 12,20

)1244.2317 )1245112 )16220. )1210323 )124441417240 16327111217240 )12316.7.

(61)1244,85 (61)24897, (61)049794 (61)29876,4

746910 00124485 74815485 124692475 03117311834

037,7.5,51. 259255

7593585 12655975 0316,399375 0000,7.9975 0000,01995 0000,14∟97

316. 8. 0

1005.12.16. 1033.10.10 1069.16.12 1108.18.18 1461.16.18 1101.07.16 163.10.16 1274.11.12 1195.10.10 1095.15.10 1169.14.10 1264.19.10

1238.12.14 1226.17.16 1264.19.10


290dwt4gr+8gr 024 31412 157.2+8gr

3614=81112+19gr=157.4gr. 81112=156.9gr. 9=



35.0134. 245.1214.

017.81517.1278. or 17.82917.1289. Diff 423. 1.4245.0017.1278. or 104118..2212.



17.8151100 20451100 16.113910015 82.81920120 247.21720120

As the world was formed of a chaos or materia prima which was voyd & without form with darkness upon the face of the deep, in which mass the four elements were confusedly blended together, & god said let there be light & a firmament with waters above & below & dry land & seas & a Sun & noon &c so in our work the Elixir is made of a chaos or materia prima which by putrefaction is voyd without form & dark or black & a dark or black cloud hangs over the face of the deep or black putrid matter & this matter conteins in it the four elements confusedly mixed together & then by further digestion light is separated from the darkness & the superior waters or vapours are separated by destillation from the inferior & the inferior are gathered together into one place & the dry land appears, & then the earth vegetates & at length the sun & Moon are formed . p 59, – & inde ad p 102, & p. 242, 243. But this knowledge is for them that with the eyes of a eagle can behold the sun from its nativity & touch with their hands the son of the Sun, know the hour of its nativity by the septenary number draw it from its darkness separate the after birth & other superfluities was it nourish it & bring it to age of maturity & can know & adore Diana his true sister, & having Iupiter favourable in their nativity are as Apes of the Creator in the work of the Stone. p 99, 100, 129, 130, 131.

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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