{illeg}5.. 3 Guilder p.=5s. =10 skillings.
{3}6 denarij=1 stufro. 20 stufr.=1 floreno, Scooten 6 floren=1℔ Fland.
24 m =1 Gross (=1 denar) & 12 Gros=1 solido.
{illeg}8 denarij doits=1 Gross. or Denier 2 Gross=1 Stiver. 2 Stivers=1 double Stiver. 12 Gross=6 Stivers=1 Skilling
20 Stivers=1 Floren or Gilder. 6 Florens or Gilders=1℔ Flanders=20 skillings. They usually reccon in Florens Stivers & pence or Livers sous & grosses Aur Gal. val{ue} 4 flor. 5 stuf.
In Holland France & Spain the weights are Marks & a Mark is Troy in France & Spain & in Holland.
316. 8. 0
. . .
As the world was formed of a chaos or materia prima which was voyd & without form with darkness upon the face of the deep, in which mass the four elements were confusedly blended together, & god said let there be light & a firmament with waters above & below & dry land & seas & a Sun & noon &c so in our work the Elixir is made of a chaos or materia prima which by putrefaction is voyd without form & dark or black & a dark or black cloud hangs over the face of the deep or black putrid matter & this matter conteins in it the four elements confusedly mixed together & then by further digestion light is separated from the darkness & the superior waters or vapours are separated by destillation from the inferior & the inferior are gathered together into one place & the dry land appears, & then the earth vegetates & at length the sun & Moon are formed . p 59, – & inde ad p 102, & p. 242, 243. But this knowledge is for them that with the eyes of a eagle can behold the sun from its nativity & touch with their hands the son of the Sun, know the hour of its nativity by the septenary number draw it from its darkness separate the after birth & other superfluities was it nourish it & bring it to age of maturity & can know & adore Diana his true sister, & having Iupiter favourable in their nativity are as Apes of the Creator in the work of the Stone. p 99, 100, 129, 130, 131.