
For the Croisat of Genoa which is worth 6s 6d74 goes at Geneva for 1512 Florens & thence a Floiren of Geneva is 5d08. And there the Spanish Pistole foes for 3812 florens or 16s. 5d58.

The Ducaton of Millain goes at Geneva for 12 56 florens or

At Florence Legorn Bulloign & Ancona (a city upon the Gulph of Venice three Iulios make a Teston & the Teston by assay is worth 1s 6d21 & thence the Iulio is 607d. At Florence three Iulios are two lires & 1012 Iulios make the Ducat & thence the Iulio is 615d. Ten Iulios make the Escuti or Ecu of Rome but I cannot

At Millain the piece of 8 went lately for 5 lires 17s sols & the Philip or Ducat for 6 lires so that the Philip the Piece of 8 (or 4s 6) as 40 to 39 & therefore is worth about 4s. 7d513. This piece as I am informed goes at Venice for 812 lires & therefore the sequin which goes at Venice for 17 lires is there worth 9s. 21013 as above.

In these recconings standard gold is valued at 4li per ounce as Goldsmiths value it for the melting pot. The standard value is 3li 19s. 8d34 per ounce At which rate about 78ths of a penny are to be added to the value of the Guinea in forreign Countries.


the Pope's Nuncio's Residence in this Kingdom, in the Reign of the late King James, that there was a Synod call'd, and they openly and audaciously Scrutinised into the Rents and Revenues, and called several Persons to an Account, and made several renew their Leases, and declare their Trusts, which amounted to a very considerable Value, and was yearly remitted beyond Sea. All which, and every one, and many more of these Particulars and Circumstances, will easily be proved and attested: Also how their Agents had employ'd at the Business of the Hogue, a hundred thousand Pounds against the Government, since the happy Revolution.

Now, Sir, in Length and Process of Time, these things will be worn out of Memory and forgot, or else the Witnesses die, and then they will boldly affirm, it was a meer Fiction, or a downright Lie, and Maugre all your Designs, will possess their Lands and Revenues in England, that when Opportunity offers, will like nourished Vipers sting you to Death.

I shall not enumerate the many Dangers whereunto we are daily exposed by this sort of People; for certainly you are not Ignorant of their hellish Intriegues: I do, with Submission, take it to be an undeniable Maxim, That if England was once so happy, as to be Purged of those Locusts, who debauch the Youth by their erronious Doctrine, and worse Practises; and in carrying Youth over to the Seminaries and Monastries beyond the Seas; teach them, that in Murthering a Heritick, they thereby do God and their Church good Service, and so send them home fraught with dangerous and diabolical Principles.

I presume, if these Mischiefs were once removed, we should for the future live in Concord, and promote the Welfare of the established Church and Nation.

Wherefore it concerns you highly at this Instant, to lay the Ax to the Root of the Tree, and so at once exterpate Popery out of this Realm; I mean, not by sanguinary Laws now Massacres, which those Blood-thirsty Men have, and do daily inflict upon our poor distressed Brethren, but only by a Re-inforcement of those ancient Laws which hitherto have prov'd defective, and some ew additional one, viz. That those Rents and Revenues which they hold, and have fraudulently obtained to pray Souls out of Purgatory, &c. may be Converted to the Government, or some Hospital for maimed Soldiers, or Augmentation to small Livings; and as it comes from Impious, so it may be Converted to Charitable and Pious Uses.   And I hope that every Member of your August Assembly, will think it highly necessary to promote so good and Religious a Work.

These Things being duly weighed and considered, I doubt not but in a very short time the House will be sensible of the great Service and Safety will thereby accrew to her Majesty's Royal Person and Government:  And also the black Designs of our intestine Enemies will be frustrated, and the Glory of the present Queen be transmitted to Posterity, and even surmount that of Queen Elizabeth.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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