Holograph draft of legislation (to come into effect on an unspecified date in 1711) on the fineness of hallmarked silver
That Goldsmith silversmith or other person whatsoever shall work or cause to be wrought or made any silver vessel plate or manufacture of silver less in fineness then ten ounces fifteen penny weight of fine silver in the pound weight Troy, (excepting such errors as shall happen by casualty & not by desinge & shall not exceed one penny weight in the pound weight Troy) nor shal they put to sale exchange or sell any silver vessels plate or manufacture of silver made after the said day of - - - - - - - to the contrary notwithstanding. And of any vessel, plate or manufacture of silver or any part therof (except soder) which before it shall be touched or marked for good, shall upon the assay be found one half penny weight worse in fineness then ten ounces fifteen penny weight of fine silver in the pound Wt Troy the same shall not be marked or touched but defaced by the Wardens or Masters of the said Mystery or by those imployed by them & returned to the owners. [And if any doubt or question shall arrise about the finenes of any silver vessel plate or other manufacture of silver , the fineness therof shall be trued by her Majesties AssayMr in any of her Mints, in the presence of the Wardens or Masters of the said mystery & of the persons concerned ofr so many of them as upon upon notice shall think fit to attend, or by any other Assaymaster & before any persons who shall]
- any falshood or deceipt, or the same or any part thereof (except the soder) Shall be less in finess then ten eleven ounces fourteen one penny weight, then the Wardens & corporation of that mystery for the time being shall forfeit & pay the one half thereof to the Queen &c - - - - - notwithstanding
& enter it in a book with the owners name & shall deface the vessel plate or manufacture - the Assayer shall report the worsness upon pain of loosing his place & shall return the same to the owner And all plate vessels or manufactured of silver wherin there shall be any falshood or deceipt or which shall be one penny worse in fineness then Eleven ounces 15 penny Wt shall be detained & forfeited to the Wardens & Corporation of that mystery . And if after the said day of any new vessels plate or manufactured silver shall be touched marked or allowed for good by the Wardens or Masters of the said mystery or those authorized or imployed by them for the assaying & marking of plate & if in the same there shall be found any falshood or deceipt or the same or any part thereof (except the soder( shall be found above one penny weight less in fineness then eleventenn ounces twofifteen penny weight of fine ☾ in the pound weigh{t} Troy, then the Wardens & Corporation of that mystery for the time being, shall forfeit & pay &c