The values of several foreign Coynes.

Silver moneys unworn
Assay.Weight before wearingStandard weightValue at 5s 2d pr oz.
The old Ecu of France or piece of 60 sols TurnoisW. 1dwt17dwt. 12gr17dwt. 10gr. 2mi54d
The new Ecu of France or piece of 100 solsW. 12 19. 161219. 15. 960∟9
The Piastre of Spain or Sevil piece of 8 Reaus now reduced to 10W. 117. 1217. 10. 254
The new Sevil piece of eightW. 11214. 013. 21. 1543∟11
The Mexico piece of EightW. 117. 105917. 8. 1453∟83
The Pillar piece of eightSta 17. 917. 9. 053∟87
Crusado of Portugal or Ducat, worth 400 Res, now marked    & raised to 480 Res}W 211. 411. 1. 1234∟31
Patacks or Patagons of Portugal worth 500 Res, now marked    & raised to 50042∟89
The Ducat of Naples of 100 grains or 10 Carlins or 5 TærinsW. 314. 01413. 1. 040∟43
The half DucatW. 37. 0186. 12. 1020∟215
The Escudi or Ecu or Crown of Rome or piece of 10 Julios or 100 Baioches20. 1412
The Teston of Rome or piece of 3 JuliosW. 15. 21125. 20. 1918∟21.
The Ducat of Florence & Leghorn or piece of      Seven Lires or 1012 Julios}B. 820. 320. 20. 864∟63
The Piastre or Crown of Ferdinand II Duke of TuscanyW 117. 12
The Crown of Cosmus III Duke of Tuscany, the moneys of the    present Duke being 4 per cent lighter then those of his    Father}W. 116. 1816. 16. 451∟69.
The Croisat of Genua or piece of 712 LiresB. 724. 1525. 9. 1178∟74
The Piastre or Ecu of Genua, a piece of 7 Lires 12 Sols
The Ducaton of Millain
A Philip of Millain a piece of 7 Lires20. 20
The Piastre or Ecu of Millain or Crown17. 21
The Ducat of Venice with the words Ducatus Venetus upon it, a piece of six Lires}W. 231214. 1413. 0. 19340∟42
Another Ducat of Venice with the number 124    upon it, signifying 124 Sols or 6 Lires 4 sols. This Ducat is divided    into 24 Gross or deniers gross}18: 2
A Croisat or St Mark of Venice wirh the number 140 upon it,    signifying 140 Sols or 7 Lires}20. 6
A half Croisat of Venice10. 3
A quarter Croisat5. 1
The Ducaton of Savoy & Piedmont
The Ecu of Savoy & Piedmont
The Livre or 20 sols piece of Savoy3. 22
The 10 sols piece of Savoy1. 23
The Ducaton of Holland or piece of 63 StyversB. 320. 2121. 3. 1565∟59
The three Gilder piece of Holland or piece of 60 styversW. 220. 820. 3. 1265∟46
The Patagon Legg Dollar or Rix doller of Holland or    piece of 50 styversW. 1418. 016. 20. 1552∟28
The Lyon Doller of Holland or 23 of the DucatonW. 4417. 1414. 2. 743∟7
The 10 schelling piece of Zeland or piece of 60 styversW. 220. 620. 1. 1362∟21.
The Ducaton of Flanders or piece of 60 sols or PatarsB 41220. 2221. 8. 266∟15
The Patagon of Flanders or Cross Dollar or     piece of 48 Patars}W. 1218. 117. 1. 1352∟91
The Ducaton of ColognB. 320. 1821. 0. 1565∟2
The Rix Doller of ColognW. 1318. 016. 22. 1452∟53
The Doller or Patagon of the Bishop of LiegeW. 1217. 221216 22. 552∟48
The Rix Doller of MentzW. 61218. 18
The Rix Doller of ZuricW. 1318. 1
The Rix Doller of BasilW. 71218. 1812
The Rix Doller of the late Emperor LeopoldW. 101218. 917. 12. 454∟27
The Rix Doller of his Predecessor Ferdinand IIIW. 101218. 917. 12. 454∟27
The Rix Doller of Ferdinand Archduke of AustriaW. 101218. 517. 8. 753∟78
The Rix Doller of Sigismund III & Vladislaus IV King of PolandW. 1018. 917. 13. 454∟4
The old Rix Doller of the Elector of BrandenburgW. 918. 1317. 19. 155∟17
2A Gulden of Brandenburg or piece of 23W. 43dwt11.dwt 3gr
3 A half Gulden of Brandenburg or piece of 13W. 435. 134. 12. 514.
1 An old Gulden of Brandenburg now raised from 24 to 26 Marien Grosh}W. 4312. 49. 19. 930∟41
The old Rix Doller of HannoverW. 818. 1217. 20. 255∟3
The double Gulden of the Elector of HannoverW. 718. 1818. 3. 1656∟29
The Gulden of the Elector of Hannover or piece of 23B. 17128. 109. 1. 1828∟14
The 12 Gulden of the Elector of Hannover or piece of 13B. 17124. 54. 12. 1914∟07
The old Rix Doller of LunenburgW. 1018. 1117. 15. 254∟65
The Gulden of the Duke of Zell or piece of 16 Gute GroshW. 4311. 18. 21. 1327∟6
The old Rix Doller of LubecW. 81218. 16
The old Bank Doller of HamboroughW. 819. 917. 17. 454∟92
The four Marke piece of Denmark of coarser AllayW. 6114. 810. 9. 1032∟23
The four Mark piece of Denmark of finer AllayW. 2111. 131210. 11. 532∟45
The eight Mark piece of SwedelandSta20
The four Mark piece of Swedeland
The old Rix Doller of Dantzick
The old Rix Doller of Thorn near Dantzick
of Austria
The Gulden of the Bishop of Hildesheim or piece of    24 Marien Grosh now raised to 26}W. 401211. 229. 17. 1730∟21
The Rix Doller of Frankford
The Rix Doller of Nuremburg

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