
In the following Table the first column {of numbers} conteins the assay, the second the weight of moneys unworn the third the standard weight & the fourth the value after the rate of 5s gr 2d ꝑ oz of silver & 4£ pr                                                                       oz of gold.

The Guilder piece of Hollandw. 22wt1.0. 7.
Ducaton of HollandB. 31.0.2112
Patagon, or Rix Doller of Hollandw. 140.18. 0
Ducaton of FlandersB. 4121.0.22
Patagon. or Rixdoller of Flandersw. 120.18.1
Rix Dollers of the present & two last Emperorsw. 10120.18.9
Rix Dollers of Ferdinand Archduke of Austriaw. 10120.18.4
Rix Doller of Hamborough
Rix Doller of Franckford0.18.9
Rix Doller of Dantzickw. 110.18.7
Rix Doller of Thorn near Dantzickw. 120.18.8
Rix Doller of Lubec0.18.16
Rix Dollers of Sigismund III & Vladislaus IIII kings of Polandw. 110.18.9
Rix Doller of the Duke of Brandenburg0.18.13
Rix Doller of Nuremberg0.18.10
Rix Doller of Basil in Switzerland0.18.1812
Rix DOller of Zurick in Switzerland0.18.1
Rix Doller of Leipsic
Rix Doller of Mentz0.18.8
Rix Doller of the Duk of Bruns & Lunenburg0.18.17
Rix Doller of Hannover0.18.13
Rix Doller of Bavaria
Eight Mark piece of Swedeland
Four Mark pieces of Danemarkw. 3oz. 1d{r}0.14.810.1072s. 8d. 47:4 cents
Anotherw. 1. 10.11.131210.17.  2.8.30
Ecu of Francew. 0. 10.17.12
Crusado or Croisal of GenuaB. 0. 71.4.15
Ducat or Ducaton of Florence & LeghornB. 0. 81.0.4
Ducat of Uenicew. 1. 3120.14.14
Teston of the Pope
Crusado of Portugalw. 0. 10. 11. 4
Old Piece of 8 of Sevilw. 0. 2120.17.10The pieces of 8 especially those of Peru are uncertain in their weight & finenes, but usually recconed one with another worth 4s 6d a piece.
Old Piece of 8 of Peru worse 12dwtw. 0. 30.17.14
Piece of 8 of Mexicow. 0. 20.17.12
Pillar piece of 8B. 0. 10.17.16
New four Mark pieces of DanemarkW 1.4 .00.11.1314
Rix doller of Magdeburg0.18.13

The Holland DucatB. 1. 1342. 512
The Hungary DucatB. 1.2. 523
x The Ducat of the present Emperor Leopold by one assayB. 1. 2.5122.9.3.9.s 6.3
The Ducat of the Bishop of BamebergB2. 523
The Ducat of the king of Poland current at DantzicB. 1. 22.5
The Ducat of Campen in HollandB. 1. 22. 512
The double Ducat of the Duke of Heanover4. 1013
The Lewidorw. 0. 0124. 84.7 817s. 2d45
The Sequin of VeniceB. 1. 3342. 534
The Ducat of Italy coynd by the Pope
The Moeda of Portugalsta3. 1012
Ducat of DanemarkB. 1. 22. 51
Ducat of the Duke of Brandenburg.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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