'Extracts out of an Act of the first Parliament of King James the seventh chap. XXIV anent a free coinage'
Extracts out of an Act of the first Parliament of King James the seventh chap. XXIV anent a free coinage
The said moneys to be delivered to the General or Master of the Mint at such times as his Majesty or his Privy Council shall think fit for payment of Salaries & defraying the charge of a free coinage, & kept in {a} secure Chest by it self whereof the General or Master of the Mint is to have one key & the Cash keeper or Receivers another.
The stan{d}ard fineness of the Silver moneys is 11 deniers 2 grains & the Merchant to receive of the General or Master Weight for standard weight imported
The Officers of the Mint to import no bullion on pain of being punished for malversation.
Three Piles of weights, One kept in the Exchequer, one by the Dean of Gild of Edinburgh & the 3d in the Mint house.
A printed Table kept in the Mint house of the value of Bullion or Money according to the Denominations of Weights used in the Mint of Deniers Grains Primes & Seconds, & the Ordinary Denominations of Pounds Ounces Drops & Grains
No preference in point of assaying or coinage & delivery
The Clerk or Book Keeper to keep two Registers in fair books of Parchment & in one of them to set down the times of In-giving in the presence of the In-giver or Importer, which book shall be open to all persons gratis under pain of deprivation. And in the other of them he is to enter Accompts subscribed & delivered to him by the Master, Warden, Counter-Warden & Assay-master of all the silver coyned in his Majestys Mint according to the Standard & fineness And all the Officers or their Deputes for whom they will answer are to subscribe the same quarterly.
The Master to give to the Importer a Note or Receipt under his hand a Note denoting the weight fineness & value of the Silver imported together with the day & order of its delivery into the said Mint, bearing in the body of it a Clause of Registration & deliver back the same coined within the space of ten days if the Bullion doth not exceed 6000 Scots; & ff 15 days if it doth not exceed 12000 pounds Scots & of 20 days if the quantity be greater.
No seizure of Bullion imported upon any account publick or private.
The General or Master upon refusing to accept of enter & coin bullion brought in, to be deprived, unless for want of money to coin the same. In which case he is to apply to the Lords of the Council for money, after the rate of 18 pounds Scots money for every stone of bullion brought in, to be repaid to the King the next Session of Parliament.
Then follows the weight & limits of sizing the several pieces of money, & triall of the Pix before the Council twice a year.