'A Bill of the prizes [i.e. prices] of such Tools & other things as may be usefull in her Majts Mint in Scotland', with a covering letter to the Treasury
A Bill of the prizes of such Tools & other things as may be usefull in her Majestys in Scotland.
From the Office of Receipt
For the Assay Office
For the Melter
For the Moneyers
For the Graver Engineer & Smith
Cast Rollers are not to be bought. The man who makes them keep the secret to himself & only lends the Rollers to the moneyers at 10s a day. Hammered rollers cost 6li a pair but are not so serviceable. What is meant by a siseing Mill we are not certain. If it be the Mill for drawing the barrs of gold & silver to a just thickness, such a Mill with three hammered rollers in the late recoynage cost us 177 pound. The Moneyers have some of those Mills remaining in their hands which they can afford cheaper. German steel is scarce to be met with in shops fit for our use. Our Smith tends into Germany for it. It costs from 8d to 12d or 14d according to the goodness & scarcity. Its chief use is for making the Dyes & puncheons & we believe it We believe it safest for the money to have the the Dyes for both mints made from the same puncheons. For the variety of impressions makes it more difficult to know good money & more easy to adulterate it.② Besides the things mentioned in this Bill there should be two indented Trial pieces of crown gold & two of standard silver sent them, the one for making the money of due allay, the other for examining it before delivery. They will cost the value of the gold & silver conteined in them which may be about 40 or 40li ① What is meant in the Inventory by large scratches half wier we do not understand nor to what use they would put the large scratch brushes. Besides the things mentioned &c
<16r>May it please your Lordship
In obedience to your Lordships order of the 3d Instant we have considered the Inventory therewith sent us of Tools & other necessaries proposed to be provided in London for the use of her Majestys Mint in Scotland & have here subjoyned the prizes of such of them as seem to us proper & necessary to be furnished for the said Mint, supposing they are not already in that Mint & cannot be had cheaper from other places then from London.