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Edenborough. 16 Septr. 1707.


I wrote to you last post, & gave account of what {Availes} us, & begged your advice & direction. Although I gave express orders for pieces of the first & last of both pots already melted: yet they have so mingled the barrs, that I can only send you pieces of the two pots distinct; but am not able to tell you whether these pieces are of the first or last of the respective pots. I referr you to my last for the Assays & for the allay put into those pots.

You need not give your self trouble about the name of the Ship in which our things are: those we have a bill of loading sent us.

The Officers & servants of the mint as busy about trying the Pix of the moneys coined before the Vnion: but in a post or two, I hope to send you some of our Coin, & further nottices about our meltings & Pot Assays.

I must beg of you to acquaint by your next, in what forwardness the Puncheons & Dyes are & when we may expect them. I am


Your most hume and most

Oblidged servant



[1] Pray let me have your Assays masters Opinion of those {two} pieces of Silver.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

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