Another clerical copy of MINT00404 (Mint 19/3/121)
To the Right Honourable The Earle of Godolphin
Ane Memoriall concerning Her Majesties Mint at Edinburgh in North Britain
Given in the Generall and other officers there
That by the act of Parliament made in Scotland the fourteen day of Iune One thousand six hundred and eightie six years Entitled ane act anent ane humble offer to his Majestie for ane imposition upon certain Commodities for defraying the expence of a free coynage and other matters relating to the mint The whole offices and these things to be performed by each officer is fully expressed and what sallaries is due to them for their pains is particularly therein mentioend As likeways the fund for the defraying of the charge of a free coynage which at that time was laid on upon goods imported to Scotland And as the act bears was to be applyed for the use forsaid In these words viz And his Majestie with advise and Consent of the Estates of Parliament Doeth hereby appropriat and sett apart the forsaid exposition {attenarly} for the use of the said Mint and the supporting the Charge of a free coynage and his Majestie with advice and Consent ot the Estates of Parliament aforsaid doeth hereby Command and require the locksmen and Collectors of his Customes and their deputs to keep the said imposition a part by it self and to pay the same quarterly to the Lords Commissioners of His Majesties Treasurie deput for the time being who are hereby required to keep the said moneys and impositions a part by itself separat and distinct from all other his Majesties customes and revenues and his Majesties Cash keeper or receivers are herein Commanded to keep a part the said moneys in a secure Chest by it self whereof Generalls or Master of the Mint is to have one key and the Cash keeper or receivers ane other key and the said Chest not to be opened with out the Generall or Master of the Mint be present nor shall the said moneys be delyvered but at such times as His Majestie or his Privie Council shall think fitt to the Generall and Master of the Mint for payment of the Sallaries of the officers thereof and for defraying the expence and charge and charge of a free coynage But since the Vnion these impositions upon goods which was to defray the forsaid Charge and expence is {fentzied} by the duities being made equall to those in England befor the Vnion.
Of late there was a Collector of the Bullion appointed to receive the same and he now being dead a considerable sum remains in his executors hands which should satisfie and defray the forsaid charge of the free coynage and officers sallaries as aforsaid and those that does manage his children and successors affairs now think themselves straitned to give out the money of the bullion in their Custodie So that there is {No} terms wanting to the officers of the Mint of their sallaries in respect they have no authoritative warrand for payment thereof And because that the 15th article of the treatie of Vnion appoints that the recoinage of the moneys and the expence thereof should be made good out of the equivalent
Since the Vnion Her Majestie has been pleased to sett down her orders and instructions to the officers of Her Mint here That both Her Majesties Mints may be uniform, in their working these instructions with all application have been following and obeyed But for want of those encouragements there is like to be demurr for want of orders for payment of the sallaries and expences there is like ways by Her Majesties order new Clerks appointed viz one to the Master ane other to the Warden and a third to the Counter warden or Comptroller who have all attended and done their duitie and have received noe {fies} This with all submission is laid befor your Lordship that you may give such directions as you shall think fitt Which is the desire of your Lordships obedient and most humble Servant