Holograph draft of four additions to be made to MINT00442 (Mint 19/3/81-93)
pag. 6 And whereas by the Act of Vnion it is ordeined that from & after the Vnion the coin shall be of the same standard & value throughout the united kingdom as before the Vnion in England & a Mint shall be continued in Scotland under the same Rules as the mint in England: &
pag. 13 The like with the General & Warden of the Mint at Edingburgh for the time being to try the moneys of Gold & silver from time to time coined in her Majestys said Mint in fineness thereby: as also to Try the Gold & silver Bullion brought thither if any difference shall happen to arise between the said Master & Worker & the bringers of the same. The like with the Master & worker to make the said moneys in fineness thereby. The like with the Warden of her Majesties Mint in the Tower to try the moneys of Gold & silver coined in the said Mint in finess thereby & alse to try the Gold & silver bullion brought into the said Mint when any difference shall arise about the fineness thereof. The like with the Master & Worker of her Majestys Mint in the Tower to make the moneys in fineness thereby. And the like with the Wardens of the company of Goldsmiths within the City of London in Goldsmiths Hall.
pag 14 lin 6 And our soveraign Lady the Queen doth by these presents order & appoint that the said Master & Worker out of the said moneys to be paid to him as aforesaid shall pay or cause to be paid yearly unto the several respective Officers of the said Mint by quarterly payments their Fees & Salaries according to the allowance & appointment mentioned in a Schedule hereunto annexed.
pag. 2 lin 1. And whereas an Indenture is to be made & executed on his part for & concerning the making of the several sorts of money of Gold & Silver & for payment of the several Officers of the Mint & for other matters & things relating thereunto & to the execution of the said Office & for the better management & carrying on of that service: Now this Indenture witnesseth &c.
[1] 7 {Stannard} yeares