Protest against preferential treatment for the Edinburgh Mint
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesties Treasury
May it please your Lordships
Vnderstanding that the Money arising by the coynage Act the last quarter ending at Michaelmas amounts to about 1400li. and that there is an Order from your Lordships to the Auditor of the Exchequer to pay out of the same to the General of his Majesties Mint in North Britain the summe of 1200li. We humbly represent to your Lordships that the charges of his Majesties Mint in the Tower of London in the said Quarter ending at Michaelmas amounts to about 1700li. whereof about 1100li. is the charges of coynage and that towards the payment of this summ there are only 310li. in our hands: And therefore humbly pray your Lordships that the said coynage Duty may be paid to the Master and Worker of the Mint as of course according to his Majesties General Warrant, or that else by the power lately given to your Lordships by Act of Parliament, other monies may be paid to him in lieu of the same for enabling him to defray the charges of the said last Quarter, the Melter and Moneyers being out of pocket and the Clerks of the Mint not able to subsist without their Salarys
All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships Great Wisdom
Mint Office 5th. Septembr. 1717.
Is. Newton
Martin Bladen