

The underwritten Table is copyed from the Report which Mr. Hoar late Comptroller of the Mint presented the Treasury board in 1692, about some foreign coins then current in Ireland, vizt

Assay. Our Weight. Our value. Irish Weight Irish Value Proportionable
expresd in the current. value of All the pieces
dwt. dtssgrs. s.d Letter from the Lords Iustices. s.d to the ducatoon at our standard
Ducatoon. B.412 20.22 5.6. 20dwts16grs 6.0 6s.0 2ddw.00grs.
Piece of 8. uncertain 17. 4.6.12 17. 4.9 4.10 21.8
Sevile Real. B.1dwt. 17.12 4.6,12 17. 4.9 4.10 17.14
Pillar piece. B.1dwt 17.12 4.612 17. 4.9 4.10 17.14
Mexico piece. Standard 17.12 4.6.14 17. 4.9 4.10 17.12
Rixdollar. W.7dwt..12 18.15 4.7.34 17. 4.9 4.10 18.0
Cross-dollar. W.12dwt. 18. 4.4.34 17. 4.9 4.10 17.
French Lewis. W.12dwt 17.12 4.6 17.12 4.6 4.10 17.11
Spanish & French Pistole. W.14gr. 04.8 17.4 4.8 17.6 18.6.12 4.8

This is a true copy of the Comptrolers scheme of these Coyns; how exact his calculations were, I have not leisure to examine, tho' I make no question but You Sir will, & correct any errours You discover.

I am Sorry I had not the good fortune to see You this day at the Excise; tho' I hope You are so kind, as stil to continue your good inclination to favour my pretension, if occasion be.

But I have received such demonstrations of your friendship, allready, for which I never pretend to return, & You I dare say, never expect any other requital then my gratitude that I cannot but ensure myself of, your good Offices when a fair occasion presents, by which You'll extremely add to the many obligations You have allready layd upon.

Sir Your most Obedient
& most Humble Servant
H. Haynes

Excise Office
5 a Clock



Isaac Newton Esqr
in Iermin Streett


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