Rather than see it dismantled, the Moneyers' Corporation are willing to buy back the equipment they supplied for the recoinage in London and elsewhere for twice its scrap value
To The Right Honourable The Lords Comissioners of his Majesties Treasury
May Itt Please your Lordshipps
In Obedience to your Lordshipps directions we have Ordered the Corporation of monyers to Weigh and Value The Severall Tooles and Vtensils that was made on Account of the Late Greate Coineage both for the mint In the Tower and those In the Countrey and Vpon the Whole wee find that the Cast Iron Weighes 09Tunn: 17cwt: 02qrs: 04li: and the Wrought Iron: 09: 09: 00: 00: The Value whereof being Very Vnconsiderable (vizd) £21.. for the Cast Iron att one Farthing per pound weight and £88. 4. for the Wrought Iron att one penny per pound wee find that the moneyers are Willing to allow double that Vallue for them Rather then they should be demolished, and will lay upp so maney of them as will keep without spoileing & are not of dangerous consequence to be kept that his majestie may have the benifitt of them if Occasion should Require and for the support of their Owne Tooles that they are Obliged to maintaine to the King