
Here Athenagorus by calling Christ the Idea of all things, takes him for the Logos of the Platonist; & by saying that God had this Logos always in himself because he was rational from all eternity, makes Christ the inward reason & wisdom of the father, the λογος ενδ{ι}α{φ}ετος without which the father would be ασοφος & αλογος: & by calling him the first begotten of the father who was not made (or created out of nothing) but came out of the father as the Idea & energy of all things in order to Gods creating the world makes him generated not from all eternity but in the beginning of the creation, the internal Logos being then emitted or projected outwardly like the Æ{rms} of the Gnosticks & Logos of the Calap{a}rygians & Platonists. For Athenagoras had said before {serm noster Beum lustum celebrats conditore illium universilatis, qui} {ingenitus ipse (ni erum generari petist quod est sed quod non est,) omnia Verbo suo creavit}. He makes also the Holy Grail an emanation of the fathers ot a necessary & eternal emanation but a voluntary & temporary one sometimes flowing from the farther sometimes returning back to him as the rays of the sun are emitted from him & reflected back.

Of the very same opinion was Theophilus bishop of Antioch the Metropolis of the east, For in his second book to Autolycus he wrote thus Deus habens {summ} serononem ενδεα{φετον} internum in suis vesceribus


Carpocrates who appeared in the reign of Adrian & {Antonieus} Pius ringleader & was coryphæus of the Grataes Gnosticks taught his son Epiphanes the Platonic philosophy & discipline, & whereas Plato had said {illeg} he misunderstanding Plato taught that all mens wives were common. Clem. Strom. l. 3. p 428, 431. And Marcin also who began to spread his heresy in the beginning of the reign of Marcus & Verus, borrowed several doctrines from Plato. Clem Strom 4 p 434.

House of Commons 14th. April. 1709



The Description of what Bullion shall be received {at} is, two pence half penny per Ounce, for Every Ounce of Foreign Coynes & foreign or British wrought Plate of the Standard of Eleven Ounces two penny weight fine or reduced there unto, I heard you was inquiring for me about this matter, so I have taken the liberty to send it to you, and am

Your most humble


Crav: Peyton

To Sir Isaac Newton

[1] {Carpocrate}

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