Partial and variant holograph draft of MINT00543 (Mint 19/2/508)
A. R.
Our Will & pleasure is & we do hereby authorize & command
you forthwith to melt down standard & coin into shillings &
sixpences all such Plate as shall be brought into our Mint by vertue of our Warrant grownded on an Address of of our House of Commons (bearing eaven date with these presents) & directed to you & other Officers of our said Mint, & that you pay the whole moneys produced thereby into the Receipt of our Exchequer, & take Tallies for your discharge in your accounts. And herein all Officers of our said Mint are to give due attendance in their several station{s} And for so doing this shall be to you & all others herein concerned a sufficient Warrant. Given
To Sir Isaac Newton
& Worker of our Mint in the
Tower of London.