Coinage accounts 1713-1715
An Account of the Gold & Silver coyned at his Majestys Mint in the Tower of London from Lady day 1713 to Lady day 1715, & of the Gold & Silver remaining in the Tower in order for coynage at Lady day 1715, & the Denominations & species in which the said Gold & Silver were brought into the Tower.
From Lady day 1713 to Lady day 1715 there were coyned 44179 pounds weight Troy of standard Gold, & 3899Lwt of standard silver. This Gold at 44 Guineas to the pound weight & 1li 1s 6d to the Guinea amounted in tale to 2113412li. 18s. 3d. And the silver at 3li 2s per pound weight to 12086li. 18s. 00d.
At Lady day 1715, there remained in the Tower to be coyned 6464. 11. 2. 5 pound weight of standard Gold & 278. 4. 11 pound weight of standard silver. And this Gold at the rate abovementioned will make in tale 309265, 17. 7 & the silver will make 862li. 19s. 06d.
The Gold above mentioned came to the Mint partly in the form of Portugal Barrs & partly in the form of Barrs or Ingots melted by the Goldsmiths in Londonout of forreign moneys (hose of France, Portugal, Holland, Germany &c), & sometimes out of Gold dust, or out of Iamaica Gold tuffened or refined. But in our books we enter nothing more then the weight & assay of every Barr or Ingot with the name of the Importer.
All the silver above mentioned has been extracted out of English Lead by a Corporation of Smelters mr Wright & Partners, & came to us in the form of Ingots of fine silver, & under the denomination of English & Welsh Silver is stamped on the Reverse of the moneys with a proper mark to distinguish it from moneys made of forreign silver.
R. S.
I. N.
M. B.
<268v>A pound weight of fine Gold is worth 15 pound weight of fine silver in France & 15∟571737 = 14 pound weight of fine silver in England according to law
And a Guinea is worth in France only 1li. 0s. 8.
<269r>All the Gold above mentioned came to the Mint in the form of barrs & Ingots, some of which were Portugal barrs & others were Barrs melted by the Goldsmiths in London out of various sorts of forreign gold moneys gold dust & coarse Iamaica gold brought to them by the Merchants the various denominations & species of which are not entred in our books. And all the silver above mentioned was extracted out of English Lead.
All the silver above mentioned was extracted out of English Lead, & all the Gold came to the Mint in the form of Barrs or Ingots, some of which were Portugal Barrs & others were Barrs melted by the Goldsmiths in London out of various sorts of forreign gold moneys, gold dust & coarse Iamaica gold, the various denominations & species of which are not entred in our books.
& all the gold came to the Mint in the forme of Barrs of Ingots great part whereof {B}y their shape we do conceive to have been imported from Portugal in Barrs & the Rest were Barrs melted by the Goldsmiths in London out of various sorts of Forreign Gold moneys chiefly french & Portugese.
All the silver above mentioned was extracted out of English lead & all the gold came to the Mint in the form of Barrs or Ingots the several denomination or species of which are not entred in our books. But by the shape & assay of the Barrs we conceive great part thereof to have been imported from Portugal & the rest to have been melted by the Goldsmiths in London from various sorts of forreign gold & chiefly from the moneys of Franch & Portugal before it came to the Tower
[1] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript
[2] 6464. 11. 2. 5