
3602.5.10 10806.5.17 00360,2.10 1.51.1910 11166.4.10 67.11.17

701.14.19.0 3602.15.17.8 4303.10.16.8 12909.10.19.0 430.16.18.0 1.10.0 13341.19.13.0

66305445000 3315272250 1657636125 7127835∟3375

44,5.1335 3337500 47,837500 47.16∟7500

7127835li. recconing 4412 Guineas to a pound weight Troy & 21s 6d to a Guinea, & in

In obedience to your Lordships Order of Reference of the 19th Instant that an account should be laid before your Lordships of what Gold & Silver have been coyned the last 15 years & how much thereof has been coyned out of plate & what quantity of copper money hath been newly coyned: it is humbly represented that since Christmas 17012 to that of this instant November there have been coyned in Gold 663054412 Guineas recconing 4412 Guineas to a pound weight Troy & in Silver 223380      pounds sterling recconning 3li 2s to a pound weight Troy whereof 13342li.     pounds sterling were coyned out of the Vigo plate in the years 1703 & 1704 & 143085.16 pounds sterling were coined out of English Plate imported by Acts of P. in the years 1709, & 1711 & 45732     pounds sterling was coyned out of silver extracted from our own Lead Ore & the rest of the silver moneys amounting to 21220li was coyned out of it out of Plate melted down & some of it out of Peeces of eight

The Graver of the Mint hath been hard at work ever since the last sessions of Parliament, in making the Embosments & Puncheons for the half pence & farthings & taking off a few Dyes from them. The making of an Embossment & Puncheon for an halfpenny takes up the time of about six weeks, & there have been two embossments & two Puncheons made for the half pence & one for the farthings. And now these are finished & some Dyes are made from the Puncheons, it will take up a little time to examin the copper & settle the best method of preparing sizing & cleaning it & making it fit for the Mint, this being a new manufacture not yet practised in England –. For the manufacturing of fine copper is different from that of manufactoring coarse copper & much more difficult. As soon as this method is fixed we shall begin to coine in quantity.

All which &c

this being a manufactur different from that of coarse copper, & more difficult & not yet practised in England. And as soon as this method is fixed we should begin to coin in quantity.

into communion: vizt repentance from the dead works of the world the flesh & the Devil. & the Creed or systeme or doctrine of faith here called Faith & baptism & Confirmation founded upon it including the resurrection & last judgment. And under the name of strong meats &c

But this would be to alter the terms of salvation which cannot be done by any humane authority. Temporary laws may be made about changeable circumstances of religion & temporary Iudges may be appointed to execute those laws but the laws of salvation are unalterable. Dan. 7. 25

Men may be excommunicated for breaking the conditions upon which they were admitted into communion, but not for any thing else. And men of the same communion are to love one another. Enmity & discord – – – of the same communion & if the strong in faith despise the weak or the weak judge the strong with what judgment they judge they shall be judged. <39v> For baptism is into the remission of Sins is of divine institution & the laws of God are unalterable. Dan 7 Temporary laws may be made by men about the chang{e}able circumstances of religion, & temporary Iudges may be appointed to put the laws of God & the King in execution Ezra 7. 25, 26. But the Gospel which Christ sent his Apostles to preach is not alterable by humane authority. It is the law of God: & if an Angel from heaven preach any other Gospel then that which the Apostles preached [imposing it as a law of God necessary to communion & salvation,] let him be accursed. Gal. 1. 8, 9.

As for instance if the God who in the beginning appeared to Adam in Paradise be Christ, the God who appeared to the Patriarchs & to Moses in the bush & who wrastled with Iacob, & led the Israelites out of Egypt (Exod. 23. 20, 21) & gave the law in Mount Sina.

& who came down from heaven became flesh took on him the form of a servant, reascended & is now glorified with the [] glory which he had with the fath{er} before the world began.

& who came down from heaven became flesh, ascended where he was before, & is now glorified with the glory which he had with the father before the world began.

The God whose throne is for ever, & whose God (because he loved righteousness) hath annointed him with the oyle of gladness above his fellows; & who in the beginning laid the foundation of the {ea}rth & made the heavens. [See Psal 45. 6, 7. & Psal 102. 25] & who came down from heaven, was made flesh, ascended where he was before & sits at the right hand of God in the glory which he had with the father before the world began.

Et Leibnitius de serie Mercatoris a Pellio admonitus fuit

Et Pellius cui hæ series ignotæ non erunt, cum Leibnitio de seriebus verba habuit.

And as the Prophesies of the old Testament remained in obs remained in obscurity till that coming & then were expounded by Christ so far as they related to that coming, & then the interpretations became a part of the religion of Gods people: so the Prophesies of both Testaments so far as they relate to his second coming may be expounded by divine authority at that coming & th{e} interpretations may then be made a part of the religion of Gods people for the future

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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