
Mr: Hind is Willing to Import into the Mint any Quantity of Clear Copper not exceeding fifty Tons per annum in Bars nealed and blanched of such a fineness as will bear the Tryal by Hammer That is to say will bear hammering when red hott without cracking, at the rate of Eighteen pence per pound and to take back the Waste or Scissell at the same price, One half of the Mony to be advanced him on Delivery of each Quantity of Copper and the Remainder when Coined and the scissell deliver'd back.

Mr: Iones Proposes under the Restrictions above to Deliver in batter'd Copper at 18d12 .... any Quantity that may be wanted. He believes cast Copper might come at a penny per pound or more cheaper. If Copper falls 5li per Ton will bate one halfpenny per pound and so pro Rata if it rises will take no more.

Mr. Hind offer'd Cast Copper at 18d per pound under the Restrictions and undertook it should bear the Hammer Assay.

Mr: Essington Proposes to Deliver in cast Copper that will bear the Tryall of the Hammer at 18d Cast and Rolled but nott hammer'd under 19d.

Mr. Pye in behalf of Neal and others Offer'd at 17d12 Butt must Reconsider upon flatting and drawing through the Mile to a proper size.

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