Draft of MINT00641 (Mint 19/2/443)
May it please your Lordships
In obedience to your Lordships Order of Reference to us of the Proposals for importing barrs of fine copper into his Majestys Mint for coyning of copper money we humbly represent that upon giving the Proposers a meeting, we find that the Mint may be supplied with such barrs for 19d per pound weight Averdupois or under, but scarce under 18d per pound weight taking back the scissel at the same price. The Master & Worker is willing to undertake the coynage out of those barrs at 3{d} per pound weight & to defray all incident charges after a mint is set up except repairs of buildings. And except the payment of the kings Clerk if it be thought fit to have such an Officer; And so a pound weight of Copper may be cut into 23 or 24 pence.
Among the Proposers Mr Hind & Partner are willing to supply the Mint with barrs at 18d per pound weight, & the specimen of Copper which he shewed to us is good & bears the Assay: & he is to bring in some barrs of such copper equally sized to be further examined.