Partial holograph draft of MINT00643 (Mint 19/2/319)
YOU are desired to Meet the Lords and others the Commissioners appointed by His Majesty for Building the the Fifty New Churches in and about the Cities of London and Westminster, &c on Thursday the 15th Day of this augst — at ten of the Clock in the fore noon, at the Pallace yard in Westminster — to proceed in the Executing of the Authorities, and Transacting the Affairs of the said Commission. Dated the tenth Day of August – 1717 —
William Waters, Messenger.
596 Perdiceas & Caramus {{illeg}{illeg} {illeg}} of Phi{don} {illeg} the kingdom of Macedon. Phidon introduces weights & measures & the coining of silver money.
584 Phidon presides in the 49th Olympiad.
580 Phidon being overthrown, {two} men are chosen by lot to preside out of the {enly} ellis to preside in the Olympic games & called {Heleriadica}.
<336v>Pd | |||
278 | 40. | 14. | 0 |
6. | 8. | 0 | |
47. | 2. | 0 | |
Due | 49. | 3. | 6 |
2. | 1. | 6 | |
112 | 6. | 8. | 0 |
8. | 9. | 6 |
Dno nostro supremo Georgio Dei Gralia insignæ Britannæ Franci et Hebern. Regi Fidei Defensori in sexcentis libris &c
Sir Isaac: Newton Knight
in any one month, & that no other copper be coined before the coinag{e} of the said 30 Tunns be dispatched unless upon default of the delivery of such copper as is required & in such quantity.
Whereas his sacred Majesty above mentioned hath by Warrant under his signe Manual dated the day of this present August commanded Sir Issac Newton Knight Master & Worker of his Mint in the Tower of London to coine half pence & farthings of fine British Copper which when heated red hot will spread thin under the hammer so that twenty & three pence may make a pound weight Averdupois as nearly as is practicable. & to pay the Importer for such rates as the Lords Commissioners Majesties Treasury now being or the Lord High Treasurer or Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being shall allow not exceeding eighteen pence by the pound weight the one half thereof in money upon receiving the said Copper & the other half in money & copper together upon returning back the scissel the said scissel being recconed at the same price by the pound weight with the copper imported: Now the Condition
The Greeks wrote nothing in Prose before the conquest of Asia {by} Cyrus. {Thea Pherecides Squius & Cadmus Milesius} taught to write in Prose. In the reign of Darius Hystaspis or soon after Pherecides Albeniensis wrote of Antiquities & digested his work by genealogies {Epineaides} the historian proceeded also by Genealogies. Hallanicus who was 12 years older then Herodotus digested his history by the {ages} or successions of the Priestesses of Iuno Argiva Others digested theirs by those of the Archons of Athens or Kings of the Lacedemonians making their successions or reigns equipollent to generations, & recconing about three generations to an hundred years. Ephorus the disciple of Isocrates – – about repugnances. Now since {Eratosthenes} & Apollodorus computed the times by the reigns of the kings of Sparta & (as appears {in} their Chronology still followed) made the 17 reigns between the return of the Heraclitus & the battel at Thera{mo}pylae take up 622 years, which is after the rate of 36 years years to a reign & yet kings reign {illeg} at a moderate reconing but about 18 or 20 years a piece one with another: I have drawn up {ten follow} table so as to free {chronoly} from the repugnances complained of by Plad{ar}{illeg} and to make it answer to the course of nature & sent with the {illeg} sacred History. I do not pretend to be exact to a {illeg} There may be errors of five or ten years & seldom above 20.