Having heard that his sample has been approved, he submits his proposals for consideration by the Treasury and hopes in a few months to supply two tons of copper per week or something approaching it
My son having acquainted me that, according to your order, he last weeke deliver'd you another Specimen of Copper, which you were pleas'd to approve of, as you did the former, for both the goodness of the metal, & its workmanship: And that you would have me send you my Proposals, in order to lay them before the Lords of the Treasury: Accordingly I have herewith sent 'em.
I desire that they may be attended with your favour, which if you please to vouchsafe me, I shall be carefull to preserve it, not only by sending such Copper as shall not leave any room for just reflections, but also endeavouring in ever other respect to render my self agreeable.
I hope in a few months to be able to furnish you with 2 tons per weeke: But being yet uncertain whether quite so much, thought best not to specify the quantity in my Proposals otherwise than in generall terms.
When my attendance is requir'd, please to let me know, & I will immediately come up, interim am
Your Most Obedient Humble Servant
W Wood