Complains that despite Newton's approval of his copper sample he has still not been offered a contract
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury
The Memorial of William Wood Gent.
Humbly Represents:
That your Memorialist (upon the Advertisements in the Gazet for any Persons to put in their Proposals who were willing to serve Copper for the new Coiange of Half Pence & Farthings) deliver'd in his Proposals amongst the rest proerring to serve at 17 pence halfpeny per pound.
That your Memorialist happen'd to be out of Town when the Proposers were order'd to attend Sir Isaac Newton at the Tower, but his son attended, nevertheless to begin the Coinage the person that at present serves the Copper, was order'd to send into the Tower 20 or 30 Tun at 18d. per pound.
That upon your Memorialists application to the Lords of the Treasury afresh, & proffer to serve fine Copper at 17d. per pound, a Minute was made that your Memorialist should serve at the rate he propos'd all such Copper that should be fresher wanting for Completing the Coinage after the 20 or 30 Tun contracted for.
That your Memorialist's Copper has been approv'd of by Sir Isaac Newton, who has often declar'd his Willingness for your Memorialist's serving the remaining Quantity.
Your Memorialist therefore most humbly prays that (in consideration he has been at great Charges to provide Copper in pursuance of the Minute abovemention'd, & that his metall has not only had the approbation of Sir Isaac Newton, but the preference, being the finest & most malleable,) he may serve in the rest of the Copper wanting to Complete the Coinage.
<369v>Whitehall Treasury Chambers 15th Iuly 1718
The Right honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury are pleased to Referr this Memorial to Sir Isaac Newton Knight Master & Worker of his Majesties Mint who is to consider the same and Report to their Lordships a true State of the matter of fact together with his Opinion what is fit to be done therein WLowndes
[1][1] Wm Wood Ref to Sir Isaac Newton