
Every hundred Tunns purchased above what the consumption will carry off makes a dead stock of Tynn annually increasing the interest of which at 6 per cent will in the end of seven years amount unto about 10000li & the dead stock of Tynn which should have been sold for 76li per Tunn will at the end of that time if the contract be not renewed, be scarce sell for above 50s per Tonn , so that there will be 18200 lost in the stock besides 10000li in the interest, & in both together almost 30000li.

NB If the King should renew the contract for seven years, the dead stock being at present about 400000 & the reconning would be as follows.

1840 Tunns per an' at 3li 9s in money & coynage duty st. wt 126960
Freight to London 1840.
Salaries in London 1350
Incident Charges in London as Porters &c 200
Passing Accounts & 94
Salaries in Cornwall & Truro 1540
Incidents in Cornwal 700
Insurance & other unforeseen accidents 1000
Interest of 400000li dead stock at 6 per cent 24000
Sold per an' 1400 Tun's averdupois at 76li per Tun 106400
Expended yearly above the income {5}1284
Expended in seven years above the income 3449888.
Interest of this money lost during the contract 62097.17.
Interest of the money advanced by the King the first two years {w} 10000
Quantity of Tynn remaining unsold per an' 571310 Tunns Averd
Total unsold in seven years 4000 Tunns Averdupois.
The value thereof at 3li. 16s. 0d per cwt 304000
The value thereof at 4li 18s per cwt in ready money if the contract cease 152000
Which being deducted from the 344988 leaves a loss of 192988
Add the lost interest 62097.    62097
Interest of the moneys advanced till the Queens debts be paid 10000
Total loss above 265000

There may be a figure of a woman presenting the King with a Governall & the Woman may be either with a speer in her hand to represent Great Britain or in a Veil to represent Religion

7653200li 26600 10000 36600 128800760002957∟040 18403040051940800 2696010640062097∟84

1840 stand=310 131310 stand= 440310 stand= 571310 stand= 3999310 stand=

18400 110400 16560 126960


7617,6 30088 10626,4

13500 94500 8100 102600

7600 2280 380 260

23135∟2833504 16194696330504 661080 703584 694584

184037 13137 197137 135037 62137

43500 304500 26100 330600


per an' 2400 800 3240 5200 2040 1600 400 1240

7∟36008385200 2696400 115560 23112 31 2835100

76)400000(52∟6 380000 20000 15200 4800

13055∟28 20110560 214160∟88

304500 152250

18400920)19080 9450 9530

1865∟04 37300,80 39165∟84

31084 1865∟04 37300∟00 39165∟00

21000 126000 114912 261912

11472 68832

91200 5472 109440 114912

600036000 547227360 2736063360 1865∟04 3730080 39165∟84 559512 44760∟96

1336840 267368 16042∟08

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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