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These are to signifie unto you his Majesties Pleasure that the Royall Armes to be impressed on their Majesties Coine or Mony as well Silver as Gold are to be Marshalled as is depicted in the Margent. Given under my hands the 13th. day of Iune 1689 in the first year of the Reigne of Our Sovereigne Lord and Lady King William and Queen Mary.

Norfolk & Marshall.

To the Warden, Master
Worker, and Comptroler
of their Majesties Mint.

These are to signifie to your their Majesties Royall Pleasure that the impressions to be used on the Silver Coines, vizt. the five shillings piece, the two Shillings and six pence, the shilling piece and the Six pence Piece are to be as Depicted in the Margent hereof, Of which you and the Officers of their Majesties Mint for the time being from time to time are to take notice of and conform to, And for so doing this shall be your Warrant, Given under my hand and the Seal of my Office of Earl Marshall the 12th. day of September 1691. in the third year of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the Faith &c.

Norfolke & Marshall.


[1] To the Warden Master & Worker & Comptroller and other the officers of their majestie's Mint.
The like Warrant by the Earle mareshall dated the 21st. Ianr. 1694. being after the death of Queen mary.

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Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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