Notes and calculations relating to the cost and distribution of various gold and silver medals
Fifty Medalls of Gold for Lord Masham (gold refining & coynage) came to 168li. Three hundred comes to 1008li.
Twelve hundred Medalls at Queen Anns Coronation came to 634oz 5dwt which at 5s 8d per ounce was 170li 4s 1d. Workmanship at 6d a piece 30li. Total 200li. 4s. 6d.
Total of ☉ & ☽ 1208. 4s. 6d.
The 50 ☉ Medalls were to weigh 14dwt 15gr a piece & all together weighed 36oz. 13dwt. 17gr = 733dwt. 17gr The gold cost 4li 7s 6d per ounce The making 3s a piece. Total price of the ☉ 160li. 9s. 11d. Workmanship 7li 10s ☉ & workmanship 168li.