As requested, presents his six proposed mottoes, and descriptions of six proposed emblems, for the reverse of the Coronation Medal
Exchequer friday 3d. Septr. 1714.
I am so engagd in bringing forward our Entries that I cou'd not give myself the pleasure of waiting upon You. And the Invention of a design proper for a Coronation Medal is an undertaking in which few can hope for success; there being no one thing wherein the tast of Mankind is nicer, & there is so little agreement in their Opinions. In complyance however with {your}{their} desires which will have always the force of commands upon me, I have sent 2 or 3 designs for a Reverse graving which may suggest somthing for You to improve, & I shall be glad if even they have so much use with You.
Reverse for Coronation Medals
I am afraid how these designs will succeed in Your good opinion but if I think of any more, I will take leave to acquaint You with 'em.
I am
Honoured Sir
Your most obliged &
most obedient Servant
Hopton Haynes.