
By his Royal Highness the Prince Guardian of the Kingdom.

George P. C. R.

Instructions which We (in his Majestys name) do will and require to be Observed by Iustus Brandshagen and his Assistant James Hamilton in the Survey and Tryall which they are to make of the Mine with the Mountain about it called Sir John Erksines Mine in the Parish of Alva five Miles from Stirling East and by North.

You are to repaire with all convenient speed to the said Mine, And (having the Assistance of John Haldane of Glenagles Esqr. who is willing to Encourage and forward this business) you are to break off or cause to be broken off from each of the two Veins of Ore which are represented to be in the said Mine about Six or Eight pounds of Ore, the breaking off of the said Ore being to be performed in the presence of the said Mr. Haldane, and any One or more of his sons together with Mr. Drummond Warden of his Majestys Mint at Edinburgh, or any other person; whom the Earl of Lauderdale General of the said Mint shall think fit to send thither And you are to take Care, that the Ore which shall be broke off in the presence of the said Persons be immediately sealed up in two papers with the respective seals of the said persons each paper to have an Inscription denoting what Vein the parcel of Ore contained therein is taken from, which Inscriptions are to be signed by your selves and the aforenamed persons as Witnesses, And then to be safely packed <229v> up and sent by the best and speediest Conveyance to the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury in Order to be Assayed in London.

You are also with the Assistance and in the presence of the persons aforenamed to break or cause to be broke off other pieces of Ore from each of the said Veins and make Assays thereof upon or near the place where the same shall be taken and repeat the said Assay Once or twice if need by And the Assays so made with your Report thereupon are to be immediately sealed up (the Assays upon each Vein in district Papers) with the respective Seals of the said persons, And to be inscribed by them in Testimony that they were made before them, Which Assays after being so sealed Witnessed and secured as aforesaid are also to be sent by the same Conveyance to the said Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury.

You are to give a discription in Writing of the said two Veins as to their breadth depth and distance from one another and to Report which way they run and what sort of Earth or Stone they are lodged in, and what is the depth of the Mine and the distance of each Vein from the surface of the Mountaine where the Mine is lodged, And whether in that Mine there be any beds of Silver or Copper Ore besides the said two Veins.

You are in the presence and with the Assistance of the persons aforesaid to Enquire after and Search for Sundry Casks which We are informed were filled with about Forty Tons of Ore dug out of the said Mine in the time of the late Rebellion and buried in the North west side of the Lady Erskines house and upon finding of the said Ore to make an Assay and Report thereof in the presence of the persons aforenamed, And then to secure the remaining Ore in such place and manner as you with the persons aforenamed or the Major part of you shall think fit.

You are carefully to View the Burn or Channell made in the South side of the Mountaine by Floods running down <230r> about three or four Furlongs Westward from the said Mine and see what Sparrs and other signs of Minerals are therein And in Case any Ores of Minerals or Mettals be found there You are in the presence of the persons aforenamed to Assay the same, and Report the produce, Witnessing Sealing up and discribing all Assays to be made by you in like manner as afore directed.

You are Carefully to View all Sir John Erskines part of the Mountain, And Observe what signs of Minerals appear any where above ground, and Report what you find, As also any Credible Informations that may be given you concerning any other Mines of Copper or Lead in that Mountain.

You are also to repair to a Copper Mine which lyes (as We are informed) about two Miles Westward from the aforesaid Mine, And procure some pieces of that Ore and make Assays thereof in the presence of the aforesaid persons And see how much Copper and how much Silver it holds.

Lastly You James Hamilton are to be Ayding and Assisting to Iustus Brandshagen in all your Observations Tryalls and Experiments, And both of you to use your best Skill and diligence in performing the same And inn Case there be any other Mines within three or four Miles of the Mine hereby meant to be tryed You may repair thither and Examin what Silver the Ore may Contain, And you are to make a return in Writing of all your proceedings herein to the Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury with the utmost Expedition that may be.

Given at his Majestys Court at Hampton Court the Third day of September 1716. In the Third year of his Majestys Reign.


By his Royal Highness's Command.

R Walpole

Will. St. Quintin


R: Edgcumbe

3 Sept. 1716.

Instructions to be observed by Iustus Brandshagen and his Assistant in the Survey and Tryall of a mine call'd Sir John Erskins Mine in Scotland.

Instructions to be observed by Iustus Brandshagen and his Assistant in relation to a mine called Sir Ino. Erskines Mine.

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