After Our hearty Commendations By Virtue of his Majesties General Letters Patents Dormant bearing Date the 14th. day of August 1714 These are to Pray and require Your Lordship to draw an Order for Paying unto Sir Isaac Newton Knight or to his Assign's the Summ of Thirty Pounds without Account to reimburse the like Sum by him Advanced to Thomas Hamilton who is gone or going Down to Scotland with his Brother James Hamilton (to whom alike Summ hath been issued) about the Affair of the Silver Mine said to be Discovered there The said Summ of Thirty Pounds being intended not only to Defray the said Thomas Hamiltons charges in going Down but also During his stay there. And let the said ORder be Satisfyed out of any his Majestys Treasure or Revenue being and remaining in the receipt of the Exchequer applicable to the Vses of His Majesties Civil Government And for so doing this shall be Your Lordships Warrant Whitehall Treasury Chambers the 5th. day of September 1716.
To Our very good Lord George Earl of Halifax Auditor of the Receipt of Exchequer.
Wm St. Quintin
R. Edgcumbe
Sir Isaac Newton 30li to reimburse the like Sum by him advanced to Thos. Hamilton
After Our hearty Commendations By Virtue of His Majestys General
Letter Patents Dormant bearing Date the 14th. day of August 1714 These
are to Pray and require Your Lordship to Draw an Order for Paying unto
John Francis Fauquire or to his Assignes the Sum of One hundred Eighty
Two Pounds without Account. The same being intended to be applyed and Paid Over by him unto Iustus Branshagen James Hamilton and Thomas Hamilton to Satisfye the Several and respective Ballances which appear to remaine due to him severally for their several and respective Services and Expences in and about their journying to Scotland and back again and their and every of their inspecting and Working or trying the working of a Mine there reputed to be a Silver Mine according to the Vnderwritten Statement of their Prospective Accounts upon the foot of Sir Isaac Newtons report to whom the Examination of their several and respective pretentions was referred by Vs That is to say
The Account with respect to the said Iustus Brandshagens charges as followeth |
li | s | d |
| | |
For going down to Scotland upon the said Work |
60. | –. | – |
For an Allowance of 20sh per diem from the day of his arival at Edinburgh to the day he left that place to wit from the 13 day of Octor. 1716 excluding to the 19th day of February following inclusive |
129. | –. | – |
For Reimbursing so much Paid by the said Iustus Brandshagen to James and Thomas Hamilton to wit 21li. 13s. 3d to James and 233li. 3s. 3d to Thomas |
44. | 16. | 6 |
For charges in cleaning the Mine of Rubbish and Providing Iron Tools for the Labourers and Timber to Prop and Secure the Mine |
8. | 12. | – |
For the Charge of fitting up a Laboratory with Furnaces an Assay Table Mortars Sives Charcoal Pitcoal Nitre and Other things necessary for making the Assay |
10. | –. | – |
For the Charge of 7 fair Copies of the Report of the said Mine and of Providing Baggs for the Ore |
6. | 8. | – |
256. | 16. | 6 |
Against which there is to be allowed in Discharge |
The Money issued to the said Iustus Brandshagen at the Receipt of his Majestys Exchequer by Virtue of an Order bearing date the 27 day of Augst 1716 to enable him to go down to Scotland |
li | s | d |
60. | –. | – |
The Money issued at the Receipt of the Exchequer to John Fras Fauquire by Virtue of an Order bearing date the 24 Novr. 1716 and Paid Over by him to the said Iustus Brandshagen on his Order the day of |
100. | –. | – |
A Further Sum issued to the said John Francis Fauquire by Virtue of an Order bearing date the 9th. day of February 1716 and Paid Over likewise by him to the said Iustus Brandshagen or his Order the day of |
50. | –. | – |
| | |
210 | – | – |
And then the Ballance hereby meant to be Satisfyed and Paid to the said Iustus Brandshagen is the Sum of |
} |
| | |
48. | 16. | 6 |
Borne forward |
48. | 16. | 6 |
Brought forward |
48li. | 16s. | 6d |
The Account with respect to James Hamilton Charges as followeth |
li | s | d |
For going down to Scotland upon the said Work |
30. | –. | – |
For an Allownace of 10sh per diem from the day of his arrival at Edenburgh to the day the said Iustus Brandshagen returned from thence to wit from the 14th Septr. 1716 exclusive to the 19th day of February following inclusive |
79. | –. | – |
For his Attendance after the return of the said Iustus Brandshagen at the Mine, and all Demands in consideration thereof no further attendance there being expected from him |
20. | – | – |
129. | – | – |
Against which there is to be allowed in Discharge |
The Money issued to the said James Hamilton at the Receipt of the Exchequer by Virtue of an Order bearing Duty the 27th day of Augst |
1716 to enable him to go down to Scotland |
30li. | –s. | –d |
The sum paid to him by Iustus Brandshagen as Appeares by the said Iustus Brandshagens Account. |
21. | 13. | 3 |
51. | 13. | 4 |
And then the ballance hereby meant to be Satisfyed and Paid to the said James Hamilton is the Sum of |
} |
| | |
77. | 6. | 9 |
The Account with respect to Thomas Hamilton Charges as followeth |
For going down to Scotland upon the said Work |
30. | –. | – |
For an Allowance of 10sh per diem from the day of his arival at Edinburg to the day he left that Place to wit from the 14th. Septr 1716 exclusive to the 19th day of February following inclusive |
79. | –. | – |
109. | –. | – |
Against which there is to be allowed in Discharge |
To the Money Issued at the Receipt of the Exchequer to Sir Isaac Newton by Virtue of an Order bearing date the 7th day of Septr 1716 and paid over by him to the said Thos. Hamilton or his Order |
the day of |
30. | – | – |
The Sum Paid to him by Iustus Brandshagen as appeares by the said Iustus Brandshagens Account |
23. | 3. | 3 |
53. | 3. | 3 |
And then the ballance hereby meant to be Satisfyed and Paid to the said Thomas Hamilton is the Sum of |
} |
| | |
55. | 16. | 9 |
| | |
| | |
182. | –. | –. |
And let the said Order be Satisfyed out of any his Majestys Treasure or Revenues being and remaining the Receipt of the Exchequer applicable to the Vses of his Majestys Civil Government And for sod doing this shall be Your Warrant Whitehall Treasury Chambers the 24th. Iuly 1717.
To Our very good Lord George Earl of Halifax Auditor of the Receipt of his Majestys Exchequer.
I Wallop
Geo Baillie
Mr. John Francis Faquire for Branshagen and Hamiltons
Warrants for repaying 30li to Sir Is. Newton, & for discharging the Account of Brandshagen & the two Hamiltons for surveying Sir John Ereskins mine.