
1 Richard by the Grace of God King of England &, France & Lord of Ireland to the Major & Sherriffs of the Citty of London greeting

Constabularis Beauchamp For as much as wee are given to understand of the Lieutenants of our Tower of London from time past Memory of man unto this present; In particuler John Darry. John de bello Campo Roberto de Morleo, Richard la Vasg. Alannis de Buxhill, formerly Leiutenants of the Tower have resed Customes of money & other proffitts hereafter specified as Rightfully belonging to the Tower & have peaceably enjoyed the same

Namely out of every boat loaden with rushes brought to the Citty of London, sins aquantity of the said Rushes as a Mansan with both his Armes Containe to be laid down upon the Tower-wharfe.

Out of every boat with Oysters Muscles & Cockles brought to the said Citty one Mand to be laid on the Wharfe

Out of every Vessel Loaden with Wines from Bourdeaux or any other place, one Lagena of Wine before the Mast another behind the Mast

Hee shall likewise have all shipps Barges & Boats shattered by wind & Tempest riding adrift with her Corage and Tackling brooken from London Bridge & Sgall dispose of the said Benefitt for his own use

All Swanns Swimming from the Bridge towards the Sea and from thence towards the Bridge

Likewise all Oxen horses Cows hoggs & Sheepe which shall fall from the said Bridge into the River of Thames which the Constabularies shall Seize upon, or his Servants for his use.


For every foot of the forenamed Cattle feeding within the Precinsts or Trenches of the Tower he receiveth one Penny

Whatsoever Carect laden or Empty falling in the Ditches of the Tower shall become forfeitures to our said Leiutenant A worne Eaten wowd for a Cart Noe Carecta Empty or Laden shall come from the End of the Street called Petty Wales, nor Near the foresaid Ditch but shall be seized on & brought into the Tower Noe Carecta shall pass beyond the Bridge within the foresaid A Barr that cometh from Petty Wales neare Tower Dock to Tower Street Ditches of the Tower, and of S.t Katherines Hospitall without Leave of our Lieutenant of our Tower of London and if any shall presume to passe & shall breake the Barre his Carect shall forth with bee brought into our Tower and for his transgression he shall make satisfaction according to the will & pleasure of our said Lieutenant Now wee being willing to maintaine all & each the Priviledg.es of the Tower that none of the Rights belonging thereunto be Substracted or fraudulently withheld wee hereby command you that yee permitt our faithfull & wellbeloved Thomas Murceaux now Constable of our said Tower to receive either by himselfe or his Servants all the forementioned Customes Rents & Proffits and to enjoy all Enfranchisments & Libertys without Impediment or Molestation accordingly as all former Constables of our Tower have enjoyed their Ancient & due Rights & Priviledges of this let nothing bee Omitted

Witness ourselfe at Eltham the 16.th of Novemb in the Sixth yeare of our Reigne


2 His Majesties Letter to the Lord Thresurer & other of the Lords to deliver the Charge of the Tower & Prisones thereunto Sr. Wm Wade Knight which was done by the Earle of Dorsett and the Earle of Devonshire on Thursday in the Afternoon, at the Clock being the 15 of Aug. 1605

Signed James R:

Right-Trusty & right-well beloved Cosins & Councellors & right-Trusty and well beloved Counsello.ers wee greet you well. The Lieutenant of our Tower of London being dead and the Place now void of any Cheife Officer to take Charge of it, which wee think onconvenient to Suff.er Soe to remaine, wee have made Choice of our Servant Sr. W.m Wade Knight on of the Clerkes of our Councill to Comitt the Same unto him untill wee shall otherwise dispose of it, and doe therefore require you or any two of you and hereby Authorize you to Send for said Sir W.m Wade, and to let him know his our Pleasure & then to repaire to our said Tower, and upon View taken of the state of his things as were in the late Lieutenants Charge to deliver them over to the said Wade by Indenture as you shall find to have been customed and withall to deliver him these o.er letters for his Warrant to take the said Charge and Exercise it and likewise you shall Publish this our pleasure to all inferior Officers of our Tower & Com̄and them to be obedient to him & Namely the Gentleman Porter to deliver him the Keys as one of whose fidelity & long service wee have had soo good Proofe, as wee think him worthy of that Charge. Our pleasure also in that you shall give hum the Oath accustomed to be given to the Lieutenants of the Tower and these our Letters shall be yor Sufficient Warrant & discharge in this behalfe. Given under our Signet at our Castle at Rockingham the 11 day of Aug.t in the third yeare of o.er Reigne of Great Brittaine France & Ireland Directed To our Right trusty & Welbeloved Cosins and Counsello.rs the Earle of Dorset our high Treasurer of England, and the Earle of Devonshire Master of our Ordnance, & to our Right trusty & Welbeloved Counsello.rs the Lord of Kinloss Master of our Rolls & Sr. John Fortishe Knight Chancellor or our Dutchy of Lancaster, and to any two of them, whence of our Treasurer to bee one


The Kings Majesties Letter and Warrants to Sr. W.m Wade Knight to take Charge of the Tower of London as his Majesties Leiutenant of the Tower

Signed James R

Trusty & welbeloved wee greet you well for as much as by the death of Sr. George Harvey Knight late Leiutenant of o.er Tower of London the Charge thereof is void which we think not convenient should soe continue but bee Supplyed presently in regard as well of Prisoners as other things of Charge within the Same Wee have made Choice of you for the Experience wee have had of yo.er fidelity to Comitt the Same unto you, untill wee shall dispose otherwise of it & for this purpose have Ordred our Letters to Certain of o.er Privy Councill to repaire thither & upon View taken of the state of that our house, as it now remaijneth at the death of Sir George Harvey to deliver the same & the Prisoners to you by Indenture in Such forme as in like Cases hath been customed, wherefor we will & Comand you to attend our said Councellors for that Purpose and to take Charge of that o.er house of the Tower, by virtue of these our Letters and to Exercise the same in Such manner as that said Sr. George Harvey or any other Leiutenant have Exercised it withall fees Authority, Priviledges and Rights thereto appertaining, and these our Letters shall be yo.er Sufficient Warrant & discharge in this behalfe. Given under our Signet at our Castle of Rockingham the 11 day of August in the third yeare of oure Reigne of Great Brittaine France & Ireland Directed

To our Trusty & Welbeloved Sr. W.m Wade Knight of the Clerkes of o.er Privy Councill

A Letter from the Lords of the Privy Councill to the Lord high Treasurer of England the Earle of Devon and others of their to take the Oath of Sr. W.m Wade Knight Leiutenant of the Tower


3After our hearty Commendations etcetera for as much as his Majesties last Lettres written in hast concerning the delivery of his Majesties Tower of London into the hands of Sr. W.m Wade did lack a Cause to Authorize you to give him his Oath without which his Majesty thinks not comely to hold the Same Place, his Majesty being now resolved to Establishhing fully therein is pleased to Command us to let you know that yo.er Lordships and the rest shall proceed to give him the Accustomed Oath which other Leiutenants have used to receive, for doing whereof this our Signification of his Majestys Pleasure shall bee Sufficient Warrant & Soo etcetera from the Court at Ashby the 13 of Aug.t 1605                                         Signed by                Lord Chamberlain Earle of Northampton Earle of Salisbury

The Oath of the Leiutenant of the Tower of London

You shall Sweare to Serve the high and Mighty Prince King James and his heires & Successors Lawfull Kings & Queens of this Realme both faithfully and truly in the Office that you be calld unto that is Cheife Porter of his Majesties Castle Royall the Tower of London and in all things touching his honour, and Safely you shall neither your Selfe doe procure or Give consent to bee done anything that shall bee prejudiciall to his highness person State or honour, or if you shall heare or understand of any bodily hurt dishonour or prejudice to his Majesty or any of his honorable Issue or to the Tower of London, you shall doe as much as in you lyeth to lett the Same or to disclose it to the Kings <346v> {Majesty} or to Such of the Privy Councill that you may bestowe unto & by all ways & means you can to cause the Same truly to be known

Moreover you shall Serve noe man by wages livery or fee without the Consent of the Kings Majesty or the Kings Councill

You shall bee obedient to the Leiutenant of the Tower yo.er Captain and if you shall know any thing concerning the Safety thereof you shall not faile to disclose the Same and alsoe to bee obedient to Such Officers as are to have Command over you in the Kings Service in the Tower

You shall take Care of the Keyes of the Gates and to see the said Keys when they shall bee delovered unto you by the Leiutenant of the Tower to bee Safely kept and to See the Gates Opened & shutt at Convenient & Usuall times the Locks Serched & the Keys after the Gates are Shutt to bee brought up to the Leiutenant as is accustomed, you shall See that the Wardens appointed to watch and ward be personally there & at due houres to performe their Charge and if any be some late or be absent without Leave of the Said Lieutenant or his deputy you shall advertise him thereof that they may be Checked or otherwise Punished as by the Orders Signed by his Majesty is Appointed & to give their attendance in Such Sort and in Such Places as is appointed unto them

You shall take the word of the Leiutenant and See the watch Sett in due houres all which you shall duely and Orderly performe unless by Indisposition of health you shall be less able to Execute the Same or by leave of the Leiutenant you shall be Spared upon Such Occasions

You shall not depart from yo.er Service in the Tower into the Country or elsewhere without license of the Leiutenant your Captain.

You shall keepe the Kings Peace in the Tower & in all other Places and doe as much as in you lyeth to doe the Same to the utmost of yo.er Power and all these things you Shall only & truly Observe & keepe Soe help you God etcetera

His Warrant for the absense of the Leitenant from the Tower Leaving Sir Roger Dalison Knight and Edward Forsett Esquire or either of them to attend his Charge

Signed           James R.ex

Trusty and welbeloved wee greet you well, At yoer humble <347r> 4 Suite, for yo.er Ease wee are pleased that you may at Convenient times absent yo.erselfe from yoer Charge of our Tower of London, and attened to yoer owne affaires or recreation for Some reasonable time, Soe as the whole So by you to bee taken for yoer absense doth not Exceed in the Compass of one yeare, The Space of one Month and that for the time of yo.er said absense whensoever it shall happen you leave in yo.er absense to attend yo.er said Charge our Servant Sr. Roger Dalison one of the Esquires of our body and Edward Forset Esquire or either of them and in Soe doing these our Letters shall be as well to you for yo.er absence Sufficient warrant & discharge given under our Signet at our Pallace of Westminster the 6 day of July in the fifth yeare of our Reigne of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the 40.th

      Directed To our Trusty and welbeloved Sr. William Wade Knight Leiutenant of our Tower of Londen

His Majesties Warrant received for the absence of the Leiutenant from the Tower Leaving Sr. Roger Dalison Knight Sr. John Kay knight and Edward Forcett Esquire be any two of them to attend etcetera

Signed James R~

Trusty and welbeloved wee greet you well at yoer humble Suite and for yo.er ease wee are pleased that you may at Convenient times absent yo.erSelfe from yo.er Charge of our Tower of London and attend to yoer owne affairs or Recreation for Some reasonable time So as the whole by you to bee taken for yo.er absence doe not Exceed in the Compass of one yeare the Space of one Month or 40 dayes, and that for the time of yo.er Said absneces whensoever it shall happen you then leave to attend yo.er said Charge our Servants Sr. Roger Dalison Knight one of the Esquires of our body Sr. John Kay Knight & Edward Forcett Esquire or any two or one of them, and in So doing these our Letters Shall bee (as well to you for yoer absense as for them for their said attending to yo.er Charge) Sufficient warrnat and discharge. Given under Our Signet at our Pallace of Westminster the 18 day of July in the 7.th yeare of our Reigne of England France & Ireland and of Scotland the 42.th To our trusty & Welbeloved Sr. W.m Wade Knight our Leiutenant of our Tower of London


Names of the Leiutenants of the Tower of London in the Severall Reignes of these Kings & Queens following

King Henry 8:thSr. Robert ChomleySr. Edw.d Warner
Sr. Edm: WalsinghamSr. Rich.d Blount
Sr. W.m SidneySr. Fra: Jobson
Sr. Anth KnevettSr. Owen Hopton
. . . . Stoner Queen ElizabethSr. Michael Blount
Sr. John GageSr. Drew Drury
King EdwardSr. John MarkhamSr. Richd Barkley
Sr. Arthur DarrySr. John Peyton
Sr. Edward WarnerSr. Geo: Harvey
Sr. John Bridges King JamesSr. Wm Wade
Queen MarySr. Tho: BridgesJavis Helwes
Sr.         BenyfieldSr. George Moore
Sr.        OxenbridgeSr. Allen Apsley
                    King Charles / IdemSr. Allen Apsley

Signed James R. 5           Here after follow the Articles & Ordinances that the King most Excellent Majesty hath Ordeyned & Established the 18 day of July in the 5 yeare of his Majesty of England France and Ireland and of Scotland the 46.th which his highness hath Charged Sr. Wm Wade Knight Leiutenant of the Tower of London & all the Yeomen of his Guard and all other that bee appointed to give their daily attendance within the Tower for the Sure keeping of the Same to observe and Keepe upon Parries following

First that none of the said yeomen Soe appointed shall depart out of the said Tower of London without license of the said Sir W.m Wade or his deputy upon paine of forfiture of xij.d for the first default and the Second default three shillings the third default his body shall bee Imprisoned three dayes & if he make default the 4.th time to loose his Roome for Ever and his body to bee punished at the Kings pleasure

Item the said Sr. W.m Wade or his deputry shall not give license to none of the said Yeomen Soe appointed to depart out of the said Tower, but that they be Sure they shall be remaining within the said Tower xxv or more of the said Yeomen, & in likewise of all other Gunners and Artificers and this Order to bee kept by Sr. Wr. Wade or his deputy for the Sure keeping of the said Tower, upon paine of the Kings displeasure

Item the said Sr. W.m Wade or his deputy shall Surely See that there bee every day Soe many of the Said Yeomen, as Shall be thought Convenient never to be under 8 with Gunners & Artificers Surely to Keepe the Gates of the said Tower that is to say from the first Opening of the Gates till the last Shutting alsoe that Every of them Soe appointed and all other Yeomen beare in their hands a Halbeard or Bill wheresoever they goe within the said Tower

Item the said Yeomen and all other Soe appointed for keeping of the Gates Shall not depart from the Said Gates without the license of the said Sr. W.m Wade or his deputy nor Suffer any man woman or Child not dwelling within the Said Tower to enter within the Same without license of the said Sr. W.m Wade or his deputy dureing <348v> the time of their waiting at the Gate Except they know them well and that the Cause of their Coming thither bee good & Needfull upon paine of Imprisonment during the pleasure of the Said Sr. W.m Wade and loosing of xij.d for every Such default

Item the Said Yeomen & other Gunners and Artificers Soe appointed shall truly Keepe their night watch and ward as the said Sr. W.m Wade or his deputy shall appoint and Com̄and them to doe upon paine of their Bodies to bee Imprisoned at the will of the Sr. W.m Wade and loosing xijd for their first Offense and the Second Offense to loose xx.d and 2 dayes his Body in Prison, and he that thirdly offendeth shall loose his Roome and his body to bee punished at the Kings Pleasure

And if it fortune any of the Wardens Roomes to be void the said Sr. W.m Wade shall as Soon as he may Certifie the Kings Majesty thereof that his Majesty provide another in his Roome

Alsoe the said Sr. W.m Wade shall See that every of the Said Yeomen of the Guard and all other Gunners and Artificers Soe appointed have their Harness for their Bodies within the Tower as it appertaineth for the Suerty of every of them and alsoe for the Sure keeping of the said Tower and the said Sr. William Wade shall See this to bee done ore ever he be paid his next wages

The Gates of the Tower to bee Shut within a quarter of Eleaven; and Soe at Evening presently after five and opened at one of the Clock and at Seaven and not bee Opened during the times of dinner & Supper unless Messuage some from his Majesty or the Lords of the Councill or for Speciall occasion of his Majestyes Service

When the Tower Bell doth ring at Nights for the Shutting in of the Gates all the Prisoners with their Servants are to withdraw themselves to their Chambers & not to goe forth that Night

After the Great Gate of the Byward is Shut in the Night time the Same shall not bee opened for any prisoners Servants or wives or any other person but with the Privity of <349> 6 The Leiutenant or his deputy but as such as have occasion to come in or out to use only the little Wicket, where according to ancient Custome two wardens shall stand on each Side to view those that come in and out

Noe Warden to Change his day Warding or Night watches without that Privity of that Leiutenant

Noe Prisoner to bee Served but after the Gates be Shutt for his dinner and Supper and presently after they are Served to be Shuting before the Opening of the Gates

The Wardens appointed to ward on the Hill and in the Pinch are not to depart from thence till the Keys are brought up and to be there againe before the Gates be Opened

Where the Keys are Fetched in the Morning by the Watch for the Night hence forth that Wards in the day shall meet the Said Watch at the Opening of the Gates where the Gent. Porter shall receive their Names and See they be fix for the Maine ward and 2 for the Byward & if any be wanting or absent to Certifie the Leiutenant of their Names that he may be checqued for not performing his duty and after they take the Charge upon them none of them to depart from their Wards without Special license

None of those Servants that are appointed to remaine with the Prisoners shall be admitted to have Ordinary recourse upp and Downe in all places of the Tower nor on the Hill nor to Stay in the Ward house to observe what directiones are given by the Leiutenants to the Wardnes whereof may some Inconveniency to his Majesties Service

Noe other Servants to attend on them then those that are appointed by order of his Majesties Councill and with Such liberty as is also allowed, and none of the Servants of Lords or Prisoners to be admitted to lodge out of their Lords or Masters Chambers

The Servants of the Lords or other Prisoners shall dine by themselves and not to use their Lodginhs or Prisons as Ordinarys with resort of Persons to them at Meales


The wives of Such as are allowed to have access to the Prisoners to be admitted at Convenient time but not to lodge in the Tower and use the Prisons as if they were dwelling houses nor to come with their Coaches into the Tower but to the Gate of the Wardhouse without Speciall leave of the Leiutenant and there to light as hath been accustomed and not to Stay after the Bell shall ring at Eleaven or 5 of the CLock at Night.

None to be admitted to any Prisoner without the privity of the Leiutenant or Such as he shall appoint in his absense

Where of late times the doores of the Lodgings of the Lords & other Prisoners in the day time have been less open Speciall Order is to be given that the doores in the day time shall be continually kept Shut and the keepers to give their Attendance to let in Such as are to be admitted & noe others

None to be admitted to have access into the Prisoners Servants nor to Speake with any of them in their Lodgings, but to bee Stayed by the Wardens that waite & give attendance without the Privity of the Leiutenant or Such as he shall appoint in his absence

Such other Ancient Orders for Searching of the locks of the Gates of the Severall prisons & calling upon the prisons when the watch is Sett and in the Night when the Watch doe make their ROunds are to bee observed by the Wardens there as the Leiutenant Shall give direction.

If any of the Yeomen shall at any time reveale by himselfe or by any meanes directly or indirectly to any Prisoners any direction Charge or Commandment which they or any of them shall receive of the Leiutenant hee shall not only loose his Place, but be Imprisoned during his Majestys pleasure

And where in former times there hath been a Gentleman Goaler appointed by the Leiutenant who hath Speciall Charge to See the Severall Keepers performe their dutijes and the Prisoners Ordered and kept as they ought too bee his Majesty is pleased there shall bee a Gentleman Goal.er <350r> 7 Appointed by the Leiutenant for this Purpose with allowance of xijd per diem to Continue during his Majesties Pleasure

T Ellesmere . cane.      T Doresett

E Worcester    H Northampton


At such time as the Duke of Som̄ersett was Com̄itted Prisoner to the Tower in the Reigne of King Edward the 6.th being Unckle to the King and Protector of the Realme he noting the daily and dilignet attendance of the Wardens of the Tower did out of an honorable mind to Encourage them prosise them that when it should please God and the King to deliver him out of Prison he would procure them that favour from the King that they should weare his Cloth as the Yeomen of the Guard did. The Duke not long after being Set at liberty, performed his Promise and Caused the Wardens of the Tower to be Sworne Extraordinary of the Guard & to weare the Same livery they doe which had the begining by this Means, and hath ever Since been Continued


Here after Ensue the Copies of divers Ancient Records concerning the Rights & Customes & priviledges of the Tower and other Matters thereunto belonging confirmed from tyme to tyme during the Reignes of Severall Kings & Soe Continued Successively      Pat: A:o Henrici tertij M. 5

Mandat est Ballivis hundred de Berk intn̄ de Cafford Rocheford et Berdestaple quod Sint Auxiliant: dilecto & fideli Thomas de Blundhill Constabular: Turr London, et Servientibus Suis ad arrestandꝫ illos qui Cartant Sine Litentia dm̄ Rs Blund. in Thamisia deferend in ꝑtes transmarina. Teste Rege apud Westm: Nicessimo Nono Aprillis Anno Nono           Æo 35 Henrici 3           Cla: us M 6

Mandat est Majori et Vitecom London quod habere fac Petro Blindo Constabular Turr London duas Darrat plumbi ad domos Rs in eadꝫ Turri reficiend et Rex cum Sciveret Dustu illud eis fac. Teste Rege apud Westm̄: 13 die August Anno Regni Sui xxxvi         ꝑ. Regem

Mandat est Constabular Turr London quod Reclusorum Sit suꝑ Murid propo: Turrini LOndon repara fac. reparatoe qua. Indigett Ct Rex und Scudit illud ei fac, alloe Teste ut Supra <351r>           Ao 40.th H. 3 Claus. M: 16>

8 Rex ad instantiam Seux Domitisse Cornubie concessit Johanne de Auplia illud Reclusorā quod est nixta Enliam qué est apud Turrin Rs. London habend tota vita Sua, et Mandat est Petro de Bland Constabular preduct Turr quod eid Johanne predict Rechisorin Sine delōne habere fac Sicut predict et Teste Rege apud Windsor 22.th die January           Ao 46 H. 3 Claus M. 14

Blunt Priorum Dum Rex nuper Mandaverit Edwardo de Westm̄ quod in Placea illa quiam Juxta Turrim Rs London Nota Gardens Planted with fruite by the Constable infra Murū, ejusdem Civitatis Regis nuper includi fecit plantae piroriū de Dailhon et aliox facerit plantari Mandat est Rico de Tillebir Constantibulari Turris Refis London quod nisi hoc fecerit ipse Sine dilone id fieri fac Teste Rege apud Windsore tertio die Martij et Custod: et Rex sibi fac abloc:      Ex Rotulo Claus de A.o Nono Regni      Regis Edwardi Secundi

Memorandum quod cum quidum murus terreus ex opposito exteriore partis Turris London, dudum per quosdam Malefactores de Civitate London cum Nigenti Multitudine Armartori tum Equ{illeg} <351v> quamd predict noot ant.re prestratue fuisset Cujus pretextu idem du{illeg} Rex iram et indignatuem conseperat erga Comitatem Divitatis predict tandem Johannes de Grezorous Nicholas de farndon Johes de Wengraue Robertus de Kollesay et plures A mudd wall pulld down by Certaine Malefactors was enjoyned to bee repaired by the Major {&} Commalty of London {&} a fijne of 600 Marks to be paid by them & {th}e Malefactors to be punished Aldermani et Cives Civitatis predict dum Regem attedentes in Camá Sua in Palutio Suo Westm̄ coram eod, duo Rege et Consilio Suo ibin extiter ferxis genibus geram et Benevo lentiu predict dum̄ Regii Humiliter postularunt et se ac totā Comitatem Civitatis illius gratia et voluntate predict din̄ Regni Submiserunt, Et idem Duo Rex Habitu inde deliberato etom̄ Consilo Suo per Modirū Inter Valu perdict Majorem Aldermannios Cives et Comitatem ad ejùs Pristinum gra: ac Benevo lentiam Reconciliavit et de sua gra,o Spiali nec non et per 600 Marcis quasdicti Major Aldermanni et Civitas eidem dmo. Regi dare premiserunt Solvendi ad Satt m̄ Regis transgressionem predict et oem̄ indignatoem et Upon payment of 1000 Marks to the King for the Pulling down that mud Wall which they repaired at their owne Charge they were pardoned Animirantorem quos ergo eos ea aattaoe. contepat remisit. Ita quod ipsi Marn̄ predict Sumtibus cū ei festinatoe quo fieri poterit refiti faciant et Malifactor. Civitat predicta puniant et Castigent


9Ito quod dn.o Regi de Cesere nonfarisfaciunt alioquin presens Reinisuo per Nulla habeat.em et per Transgressione predict at Si hujusmodi Remissio & Reconsiliato fact non fuissit punianter Ex F Elsing                          Convenit cum Recordo 23.th decemb. 1605

Ex Rotulo Finim de A.o decimo Regni Regis Edw.d Secundi

Edwardus dei gratia Rex Anglia dm Hiberniæ et dux Aquitaine, Oib.s adquos presentes Lre prevenStand here nit Saltin: Sciatis quod perfinem Mille Martarnim quem Majori Aldermani Cives et Cortas Civitatis noster London fecerunt Nobistu, et unde ad fam̄ nostrum: boo Marras et in Camera nostra: residuas quadrigentas Massus Nobis presolverúnt perdonavimus eisdem Majori Aldermanus Civibus et Coitati transgressionem quam quidam de ead Divitate noie: Doitatis illius fecisse dicebat.em frangerido notant.em quendam Mur num̄ seren̄ ex opposito exterioris pretis Turr. ure London cujus pretexta erga dro: Majorem Aldermanos Dives et Coitat iram et Indagnaroem ronsepannus quem quidem Murr dti. Major Aldermanij Dives et Coites Suis Sumphb. post Modū referermit et ipsor Majorem <352v> 9Aldermanos Dives et Comitatem nre pristine, Grati{æ} et Benevolentiæ plene restituimus et reconciliavimus de noster gra.tia pleniore nolentes quod predicti Major Aldermani Cives et Coitas vel eorum heredes aut Successdores rasoe tran{s}gressiones predict per nos vel Heredes nostros Seu Ministros nostros quoscum Occasionent Molestent in aliquo Seu graventer in Cujus reo testimoniū has lettras nostras, patentes fecimus Teste Meipro apud Westm̄ 13 die Julij An.o Regni noster Decimo                          per ipsim Regem Ex F Elsing                          Convenit Cum Recordo 23 dese: 1605

Ex Rtulo Clausarum de A.o 6.to Regni Regis Richardi Secundi

Richard Dei gratia Rex Anglie et Francca et Dom:s hibrie Majoris et Vite Comitibus London Saltum. Quia ut intelleximus Constabularij Turris noster LOndon a Tempore quo non extat Memoria Usque ad Tempud jam tarde Elapsum et in Spali Johes Darry. Johes de Bello Campo Robertus de Morley Ricus la Vash, et Alanus de Buxhill quondam Constabularij Turr noster predict Dastamus denarij et perficicae in infra Scripta de jure ad Turrim perde pertinent perse et Ministros Suos habuerunt et <353r> 10 Pacifise precerunt viz de quodam battello Sciepis Duerato diecto ad Civitatem predict tuntam quuntita se Scirporum Sup.er wharfum voster Turr. ponend quanta inter Brachia alicujus poterit con toneri de quo liberto batello Ostreas, Musculus et Cocheas ad Civitatem per dictam dicere consueto unam Mandam inde Super dictam Wharfam Similit.er ponend de qualiber Navi unnis Carcata a Burdegs Senalibi us Civitatem predict Venient unam Lagemam ante Malū et aliam pone Malum Quadlibet Navem Bargeum Sive Batellū Sue aluis vas quod per Tempestatem et Ventu fuerit dessolut Seu ruptis Cordis et ligatorijs Suis abi gubernaculus humanis nataverit aponte London us Gravesend Seu abinde us Pontem per Constabularium Sive Ministrom Suos Dapiend et ad opus Vict Constabularij applitand: quorem Dignos venientes Subtus Vcum pontem versus Mare Sue a Mare Versus eundus pont. Omnimodus: Equos Boves possos et Oves qui de Ponte predict in aquam Thamise Ceciderent, quod predict Constabular. Seu Ministrij Sin predict repering de quo libet pede hujusmodi Animalis infra fossata Turris predict depassentis vius denarium Quamlivet Carectam Vacuum Seu Carratam quæ in fossata predict renderis tanquam foris facturam et feodū dicti Constabularij quo predict Constabularij <353v> Superius noiati et alij consietudinebus Subscriptis a tempore predict, us fuerint et gavisus vizt quod nulla Carecta vacua Seu Carcatas afine viri Vocati petite Wales, Super Montem dce Turris nec prope folsata predicta, adaltum Statium vocat Tower-Street venire debeat nisi superit et infra Turris predict Duse et quod Nulla Carecta Vltra pontem inter folsata Vestri Castri et folsata hosptialis Sororita Katherine abs licentia Constabularij die Turris per transeat et si facerit et Bauram fregerit Carecta illa infra Turr. predict et per Transgressione ad voluntatem Constabularij eiusdem Satisfieri debeat. Nos oia & Singula Jura et Libertates Turris noster perde ne depereant Seu illicitie Subtrahantur tuam tenere Volentes Vobis Mandamus quod dilectum et fidelem noster Thomas Murreaux nunc Constabular A Barr from the way that to mesh from Petty Wales nere the Tower dock to Tower street Turr: predicti Custamus denaria et preficua percipere et habere ac Consuetudinibus predict et Gandere liberij et abs Impedimento, aliquo permitatis perut ipso Custum̄ denaria et preficua hujusmodi percipere et habere ac Consuetudus predicti uti et gaudere debet ipse et oes alij Constabularij Turr predict, Custumas denaria et preficua illa percipere et habere ac <354r> 11 Consuetudinis predictis Vti et Gaudere at Tempore predicto raco: abiliter consue verunt et nulla tenne Omittatis Teste Meipse apud Eltham 16 die Novem:br An.o Regi Henrici Sexto                     per ipsum Regem Ex Fran Elsing           Convenit cym Recordo 17 Marty 1605            Jo Borough: Nicho Parker

Ex Rotulo Ceausarum de Armo Nono Regni           Regis Richardi Secundi

Richardus Dei gratia Rex Anglia et Franciæ et Dom: Hibern Majori et Vise Dom: London Saltim Supplicavit nobis Dilectus et fidelis Miles Noster Merren{}i Constabularius curris noster London per peticoem Suam ut cum Certe libertatis et Franchesieus Subscripte de quibus Turris noster London predict ut regale Casteum nostrum ante hac Tempore a tempore quo non Extat Memoria Seisiū fuit ad dictam Castrem nostrus at Constabulariū ibidem quicun fuerit pretineant et devire pertinere debeant viz:t dequa libet Nave Vinis Caracta ad dictum Civitatem venient una lagena Veni ante Malum, et una alia Lagena retro Malū. de quolinet Battello tartato Ostreis Muscus vel Corleis ad Civitatem predict venienti una Manda de quolibet Battello Scirpes tartato ad dictum Civitatem Veniente un̄ Brachiale quolibet Navis Bargea vel <354v> Batteliū, Seu alindvas quodum fuerit quod Sup.erripum Thamise Vaganus fuerit niler Gravesend et Pontem London Si nullus vivus in eisdem Vassis inventus fuerit Quilibet Dignus vel Dignisulus qui venerit vel reveneri Sup.erripam predicto: Natando adirto ponto us Gravesend Qualibet Becia quo per infortuniū in aquam Thamise ceciderit natans inter Bundas predict, abs persecuto alicujus et le Stalbotes que ad dict Constabularium pertinere Solebat ac hunc pertinent de quibus hores: dre Civitatis aliquid Solvere nolunt per ut consuevers Volinus proclam̄acoem delibertatibus et franchesijs ad dcm: Castem̄ nostrum pertinentibus in Cevitate ꝑredict publicanū et per {nun} cranū fieri Subere in eadum proclamatore Voluntate nostram experementes quod Castrum nostrum predict Omnibus libertatibus et Franchesijs Suis predict gaudeat et vtatur non Obstantibus Libertatibus et Franchesijs per noster Civibus dicto Civitatis Consessus Nos de avisamento et assensu Prelatorum alius Magatū in Parliamento nostro Suplicacoi predict Constabularij juxta Peticoem Suam predict Gratiose aminimus in hac perte Et ideo Vobis percimus quod infra Civitatem predict et Suburbia ejusdem in locis ubi melius Expediens fuerit ex perte nostra publicari proclamari et prenuntiari fac eos Singulas libertat franchesas ad predict Castū nostrum <355r> 12 pertinentes Et quod Volumus, quod vostrum Dasteum libertatibus et Frachnesijs predict Gaudeat et utatur informa predict libertatibus et Franchysijs dictum Divibus et Coitati per nos Consessis non obstantibus ipsum Constabularij Jura et preficua ejusmodi ad dictum Dastrum pertinentia perse vel Ministros Suos havere et percipere permittatis: Teste Meipso apud Westn̄ 22.th die Novembris A:o Regni nostri Nono pereti{coe}m consessum per ipsum Regem in Parliamento et erat Patens Ex Rotulo Clausarium           Convenit cum Recordo                     Jo Barough Nich.o Parker

The {Cite} of London A.o Edwardi Tertij Caput 101 Concerning the Authority of the Constable or Leiutenant of the Tower

Because that the Errors Misprisions & defaults which bee openly used in the Citty of London for good Governance of the Majo.rs Sheriffs and Aldermen canot be enquired and found out by folks of the said Citty, it is ordeined and stablished that the said Major Sherriffes & Aldermen which have the Governance of the Citty shall doe to be redressed the faults Errors and Misprisions above named and duely punish them from time to tijme upon Certaine paine at first default a thousand Marks to the King at the Second time 2000 Markes and at the third time the Franchises of the said Citty shall be taken into the Kings hands & that it beginn to be enquired of them at the feast of S.t Michael next coming Soe that they make due rederssing as is abovesaid <355v> and it shall bee enquired of their defaults by Enquest of Forreigne Countijes Kent, Essex, Sussex Hertford Buckingham & Berkshire, as well at the Kings Suite as at others which will Complaine. And if the said Major Sherriffs & Aldermen be by such Enquest indicted they shall becaused to come by process before the Justices Assigned therefor out of the Citty before whom they shall make their answer as well to the King as to the people and if they bee put to Enquest, those Enquest shall be taken by folkes foraine as abovesaid and if they be attaint the said payne shall recon and be laid of the Major Sherriffes & Aldermen for the default of their Governantes, and Notwithstanding the Plantiffe shall recover his trible damages against the Said Major Sherriffs & Alderman and because the Sherriffs of London be partie to this business the Constable of the Tower or his Leiutenant or Minister shall be instead of the Sherriff to receive the writ as well the Originall of the Chancery as the Judiciall under the Justices Seale to make Execution in the said Citty and process shall be made by Attachment or distress & by Exigent if need bee Soe that at the Kings Suire the Exigent shall bee awarded after the first Capias returned & at the Suite of the Party after the third Capias & if the said Major Sherriffs & Aldermen have lands & Tenements out of the said Citty process shall be made against them by Attachment & distress in the Same Counteijes where the Same Laws & Tenements bee & every of the said Majors Sherriffs and Aldermen which some before the Justices shall answer Singularly for himselfe as well at which Perill of other that be absent as of him Selfe and this Ordnance shall be holden firme & Stable, notwithstanding Franchises Priviledges or Customes whatsoever and this Ordnance shall extend to other Cities & Burroughts of the Realm where Such defaults & Misprisions be Used & not <356r> 13 onely Corrected & redressed etcetera Saving that the Inquests shall bee taken of Folkes of the Same Shire where Such Cittyes Burroughs & Townes bee and the Paine of the Attaint shall bee Adjudged by the discretion of the Justuces which shall be there unto Assigned

Here Followeth a breife Note or abstract of the Proofes or the Part of the Major Com̄onally & Cittizens of London touching the differences between the Leiutenant of the Tower & them & the Leiutenants answer to Every one of them Severally

               1 The Posterne & the building there Concerning    2 The Soile of the Tower-hill within &                without the Posterne                The water gate nere the Tower

It appeareth by divers accompts beginning Ao32 Edw Primi and SOe continuing untill Ao H 8 that the Major & Com̄onality of London did repaire that Posterne & Porvide lorks & teyes for it and Scoured the ditch there to their great Charges in which Accompt it is called Some while Posterna apud Turrim Some time the Posterne next the Tower Ditch Some time Posterna Juxta Turrim

Item that they appointed keepers of it as of all other the Gates of the Citty and in time of danger Appointed men Armed to Guard it & Charged the keepers quod non {Sinant} Leprossus intrare as appeareth 5th Edw:d 2únd Anno 49 Ed. 3d.

Item that they did let & demise the housing & dwelling upon the Posterna as appeareth A.o 49 Edw.d 3d & A.o 9th. of Richard 2.d with this Caution that in time of warr they might release for the Same & keep for the Cittij


Item a Presentment A.o 29 of H: 8 by Wardmole Inquest of London that the dwellers there were Com̄on Bawdes and lodged Suspicious persons by these words the Posterne within our Warde

Touching the Posterne 1.st By all the proofes the posterne which the Citty had must be aplase of binding & habitation which the Supposed place never was, but was a Bulworke of Stone which Some few years past fell downe as is Testified by Many wittnesses

2d the Posterne which the Citty had must bee aplase of Com̄on Passage in & out of the Citty which the Supposed Posterne never was nor Could bee for it was an Entry only into the Bulworke now decaged & the Great Towne ditch lyeth all along to it over which could bee noe passage nor never was by Bridge or otherwise

3.dly also it must be at the Tower ditch as the Evidence doth plainly Prove, which the Supposed place is not

And it is to bee noted that Mr. Leiutenant doth make noe proofe for the Posterne but only Since Edw 6 time and that only aproofe of possession in that they have leased it and held it ever Since, where indeed the Controversie hath been So ould between the Citty and them at least and therefore their possession is now quiet possession and Soe great an Adversary as the Leiutenant of the Tower one in possession not easily gotten out espetially Shadowing himselfe under the Colour of defending the Kings Right

1st It is proved in the Cittyes behalfe from time to time that they have amended the way on the hill within the Posterne and Erected & amended the <357r0> 14 Scaffold, Gallows and the Gibbet there & when Some other persons A.o 9 Edw 4 erected Gallows there the King by his Proclamation disclaimed in it and Com̄anded it should not be taken in derogation of the Franchises libertys & priviledges of the Citty

2 Item that untill A.o the 6.th edw. 4 they did lease Gardens there and received Rents for the Same

3Item that in A.o 6.th Edw 4. the{y} Granted the Queen certaine Grounds at Tower-hill neare the Posterne to build a Chappell upon and from thence the rents of the Cittyes Gardens there ceased & the Kings Majesty holdeth the Ground to this day

4Item the Presentments have been before the Coroner of London touching the death of men on Tower-Hill and in the Tower ditch Nameing the Place of Some Parish in London

5 The Parishoners of all S.t Barking in Tower Ward London have used in their Preambulations to Compass the Tower hill within the Posterne

6 The Sherriffs of London have usually resed Prison out of Touching the Soile of the Tower-hill both within & without the Posterne the Tower at a Stone neare the utter-gate or Bulwarke at which place the libertyes of the Citty have alwayes been holden to beginn which Stone hath lately been taken away by ord.er of Some of the Leiutenants of the Tower

7 Touching the Tower-hill without the Posterne it appeareth A.o 19 of Ed.d 2d that the Citty of London was at Charge to make the ditch there at the Posterne

8 Item 13 Ri: 2d that the Major Com̄alty & Cittizens Sold to the Abbot of Graces which was on the farthest part of the said Tower-hill towards the toward the East two wash peices of Ground lying on Tower-hill on the West of the Abbey.

9 And diverse ancient presentments have been made within London of Incroachments com̄itted within that Place. A.o 20th of H 8: & A.o 41 H: 8


10 Item A.o 21. H. 7 a Presentment was made in London that the watring place at the End of the Tower-ditch next the Posterne was defective for want of Ragles & that the Reparations belonged to the Chamber of London

11 It appeareth by ancient Accompts that the Tower-ditch without the Posterne & Certaine Vaults & Sewers nere the Posterne were Clensed at the Charge of the Citty of London

12 Item at that & time out of mind the Citty hath had & leased out divers Gardens lying without the Posterne whereon houses are now lately built

14A.o 3.d of Edw 4.th it was by Act of Com̄oncouncill appointed to bee one of the places where Ruch Boats Should bee brought for the Sale of Rushes

15 Item the Same watergate and the places nere adjoyning to it have from time to time been paved at the Charge of the Citty


The Leiutenants Answ:er to the Cittyes Breviatt

Imprimis the Citty by their first Article did Challenge a Posterne Scituate as in their own Records is Specified Sometimes juxta Sometimes prope and Sometimes , the which proveth that the Precincts of the Tower-liberty should Extend to the Posterne but assigneth no certain Place where the Said Posterne was Seated in Ancient tijme, the Leiutenant of the Tower tooke akind of Toll for the Victuall coming to the Citty as well by Land as by water which he could not doe but at the Entring to the Gate or before or after there coming in at the Gate which Shews that the Tower hath had greater Extent of Liberty & Territory belonging to it in Times past then it hath now, and at the Posterne that now is there could not any Cattle come and therefore it appeareth that the place where that toll was taken was the Ancient Posterne now decayed, and it is made very plaine by the Record of Edw 3 upon an account then Yeilded up by the then Constable of the Tower that he tooke rent of five Shillings for the Herbage of the place Extra posternam Veterem Juxta Turrim

2d & 3d The 2d & 3d: Articles make nothing to their Title for that they make no direct proofe where the Posterne Stood other then the Posterne described in their Ancient Mapp. which is most probable to bee the Posterne whereto they doe make their Challenge as appeareth alsoe by the Title of their Second Particular of their own Breviatt and wee will manifestly Shew that the Posterne they Speake of was at the End of Petty Wales

4 The fourth is their Presentment in wardmole Court which can give them no title to the Kings Soyle

5 It is not confessed the Citty had any Posterne neare the Posterne now in question & it is absolutely denyed that any Posterne should bee apassage but in his right <358v> Nature, ought to bee as a Secret Sally only to view the outward part of the wall and the Ditch or for Some privy way or Passage alongst the Ditch in tijme of danger

To all their Allegations it is replyed that their proofes being out of their own Manuscrips & Memorialls are not of force Sufficient to disinherit any Subject of his Just Pessession & Title much less his Majesty

But to make the matter more Cleare it is on his Majestijs behalfe proved that the said Posterne hath been time out of mind in the Kings Majesty & his Predecessors Possession as appeareth by the Presentment of the Kings Enquest the 27 of H 8. & also by ademise of the Said posterne in A.o 6 Edw. 6:th unto Rob.t Hemming & by divers other Records taken by order of the King & his Councill which remaine in the Councill Chamber

To the first Particular of their Proofes touching the Erecting of the Scaffold upon Tower-hill it doth give them noe further Title to the Soyle then the Setting up of other Instruments of Execution of like nature doth unto the Soyle of other place within the County and the Sherriffs of London are Sherriffs as well of Middlesex as of London and are to Erect Gibbets and Scaffolds for Execution in either places at the Kings Commandment & King Edw.d the 4 having been once Expelled out of the Realme inclined much to favour the Citty on whose Assistance he then depended

The Gardens demised are not Certainly Assigned it also appeareth by a Record of A.o 46 of H. 3 that the <359r> 16 Gardens were then Orchards and were planted with fruite Trees by direction given to the Leiutenant of the Tower from the King

The ground they granted to the Queene is not certainly Assigned but it is most likely to lye in Some place between the boundaries of the Tower and Aldgate & there can̄ot bee any Such place as the Citty doth Challenge on which a Chappell was built the Gardens being yet remaining and the Place not Certainly Assigned where the Said Chappell was Seated

The Coroner Sitting Super Visum Corporis within the libertyes of the Tower, doth not Carry away the Kings Soyle and there are diverse Records to the Contrary that the Steward of the Tower & Sometimes the Coroner of Middlesex hath done the like

The Cittyes disordered Preambulation is aweake Evidence against the King where there is a Record to the Contrary our Perambulations of the Tower-Liberty are Enjoyned the Leiutenant by orders of the Councill & that very ancient & in a Solemne Manner

The Sherriff is to receive his Prisoners according to the writ, and the laine they would inferr to bee the Cittyes boundarij, was no bound Stone but aloose Stone as is to bee proved by Ralph Gascoyne & others besides the Boundaries of London have alwayes had the Cittys armes or other Marks Sett on them which this never had nor could have being Soe Small & the Stone which they mention is quite within the Bulwarke & therefore it should bee strange that a Bullwarke being a Principall place & part of the Tower should be within the Citty & the Major & Aldermen at such times and occasions have procured Letters from Lords of the Councill (as of late they did) both at the Kings Entry & also <359v> at the King of Denmarks Coming to Suffer them to come to Sucha Place and that Should be no prejudice to eithet Title, and I have heard the old Lord Treasurer Say to them in the hearing of 100 persons that the Tower of London was the Mansion house & the Citty the Demesnes and therefore what is not Comprehended in Express words in their Charter do shall appertaine to the Tower & it will appeare by Ancient Records that the liberty of the Tower doth Extend unto the End of water Lane and on that Side of the Dock next the Citty it appeareth that anciently there Stood a tyle house for the which the Leiutenant of the Tower received the Rents whereof there are accounts to Prove it

The Cittyes trespass upon the King by this it appeareth plainly that the ancient posterne was at the End of the Citty Ditch, but they to Enlarge their Encroachments Vsurped the making of aditch which now Extendeth almost to the New Posterne and in the time of Civill warrs the Citty was apt to Incroach upon the Kings Soyle and the Kings then less Curious to looke to their rights and Circuits of their Priviledges

The wast Sold by the Citty is not Certainly Assigned and making nothing to Prove the Case in question and Cannot make any thing for the Citty but to shew that the Tower-hill then Stretched further then now it doth and that these parcells were not any part of that which is now Called Tower hill


17 The Present made by the Citty of London can̄ot Exclude the Kings right & the Tower shews divers presentments to the Contrary

The Places are not Certainly Assigned neither is the repairing of a Vault or the Sewer Sufficient to give the Citty Title to the Kings Soyle and this was meant of the Posterne by water-Lane

The Citty havein made an Intrusion upon the Kings Soyle there are to returne the Possession to his Majesty & not by President thereof to Offer his highness more wrong and in the Article where those Posternes is in question it is Sufficiently answered

The Cittyes Art of Com̄on Councill Neither the repairing of those places which the disorder of their own Carriages were Impaired doth dive them Title to the Kings Soyle - This is Notably mistaken by them for there were divers water-gates by Petty wales which their owne Records will manifest as I will plainly prove and this is ameere intrusion upon the Kings Highway and the Kings Wast which I am able to prove in my owne Knowledge & Soe they Pretented to have had the Rushes Carried to the Temple by their Appointment where they have as little todoe they may aswell Claime the Temple Staires because by their order as they say they appointed the Rushes to come thither


Sr Leonard Holiday Knight Lord Major of the Citty of London upon the 16.th day of December 1605 did come forth of the Citty unto Aldgate accompanied with divers persons & Entring by a byway at the Same Gate came all alongst the Banck of the Towne-ditch Close to the wa{ll} that Leadeth to the Posterne-gate of the Tower & there h{e} came forth at alittle hole into a Yard & Soe (with the Sword Carried before him) did make Entrance a{t} the Posterne Gate but the Chaine was denied to be open{'d} to him and went over Tower-hill into Tower-street betweene for & Six of the Clock that Night the Gat{e} of the Tower being shutt: Hereupon the next Morn{ing} Sr. W.m Wade Knight Leiutenant of the Tower caused dive{rs} Carts laden with Goods & Merchandize belonging to Ceratin Cittizens of London passing from Thames street to Tower-street to be taken & brought into the Tower according to the Priviledges & Charters of the Tower by which noe Carts cann pass out of Thames Street to Tower-Street without Leave of the Leitenant which Stay of the aforesaid goods was made by the Leiutenant in reguard of the abuse Offered his Majesty & the libertijs of the Tower by the Lord Major in having his Sword Carried up before him in the Said libertyes whereupon the Cittizens that were own.ers of the Goods repairing to the Lord Major the Citty made Complaint to the Lords of the Counci{ll} before whom the Cause was heard & by Letters fro{m} the Lords to the to the Leiutenant the Goods were delivere{d} upon bond that the Partijes should Stand to that order with their Lordships Set downe & for the present that Order was Sett downe that here                                                   followeth


18 29.th December 1705

Where as Complaint hath been made unto the Lords of his Majesties Privy Councill by Sr. W.m Wade Knight his Majesties Leiutenant of the Tower that the Lord Major of London with Certaine of the Aldermen & others in his Company entred on lately that is to Say of Friday the 20.th of this Instant month of decemb in the Evening come into the Liberty of the Tower compassing a Great part thereof with the Sword carried up before him and that he tooke possession of the Posterne Using Some Speech or words to Call the People to Wittness of the Possession Soe taken thereby derogating from the Priviledge and liberty that is Supposes to belong to his Majesties Royall house & Castle of the Tower, which complaint was grounded by the Leiutenant upon information given him by Some persons that were present at the Lord Majors Coming unto the Posterne aforesaid and Espetially upon the Testimony of one       Chambers that had affirmed unto him and likewise did affirme the Same before the Lords of the Councill that he heard the Lord Major Speake words to the effect before mentioned concerning the taking the Use of the Posterne to the use & in the right of the Citty, and whereas the Recorder of London together with Some of the Aldermen namely Sr. John Garret & Sir Thomas Middleton Knights having come before the Lords this day to make answer unto the Same Complaint in the behalfe of the Lord Major have declared that the Lord Major came not at that time into the Limits or posterne aforesaid or into any part or place about the Tower with any Such intent or purpose (as is Complained of) to take possession in the Cittyes behalfe or to take any advantage in the Matter of Jurisdiction and that he Vttered noe Such words or to Such Effect touching the taking of Possession, nor did take any possession, but that his Coming thither was Merely & only to Survey the Tower Dike between Algate & the Tower being of late yeares very Noisome <361v> And as Imediately as he had been before to Survey the Sew{ers} about those parts of London and that he tooke his way to pass by the Posterne Gate & over Tower hill for noe other respect but because he was told at that present that it was his Nearest way Acknowledging never the less (that the Lord Major Soe passing by the Posterne gate the Sword was Carried upright before him as in other places of his Jurisdiction which they affirme in his behalfe & from himselfe not to have been done of any Lett purpose at that tijme for advantage in the Question of Jurisdiction but only because at other times heretofore it had been Soe Carried in that place by his Predecessors, alleging that also it being late in the Evening as it was grown darke and he being Soe meanly Accompanied it could not well be Supposed that the Sword was Carried to make any Shew of Claime of Jurisdiction there and further more after their Answer to the said Complaint) have made a Renunciation partly against the said Leiutenant of the Tower & partly against Some person or persons Employed by him against himselfe that he thereupon Caused the Goods of Certaine Cittizens to a good Value (as they were to be Carried through Tower street to be Staid & brought into the Tower) and there to be detained in leiu & requitall of the said wrong which he the Leiutenants the Tower grounding himselfe therein (as he alleaged upon Presidents of former tijmes & upon a Supposed rightfull power & Authority in the Leiutenant upon Such Occasion Soe to doe) against the partie or parties Employed by him Namely against one Phillips a Warder that the said Phillips Spake these words or to this effect, viz.t that as the Traytors lately Com̄itted to the Tower Sought to take away the Kings life, Soe the Lord Major Sought to take away the Kings Land (Scandalizing greatly by that Speech & depraving the Reputation of the Citty in their duty & Allegance to his Majesty with Some other words Offensive towards the Citty: upon hearing <362r> 19 Of the said Complaint, and answers on both Sides & mature deliberation had therin the {Lords} have Given their Censure & Judgment as followeth: First that the Lord Major whatsoever his Purpose was of Coming thither at that time in Such Sort did inconsiderably in giving Cause of Suspicion for taking Some Advantage in Matter of Jurisdiction & espetially at such a time when the Tower was soe replenished with Prisoners for soe heynous Offences as he knew then to bee In which respect if any Turbulent disorter should have happened concerning the Jurisdiction through occasion of his Repaire thither it is easy to be considered how Inconvenient it might have been, but hard to say what evill effects might have Ensued & so much the rather to bee misliked because heresofore Straight Charge & Order hath been given to forbeare all occasion of Strife & Contention about the said Question of Jurisdiction untill Some COurse were taken for deciding it, Secondly that the Goods taken & detained by the Leiutenant shall be fortwith Restored to the Owners without any trouble or Charge to them for the Same (this direction & Order for Restitution in this Manner or any thing else Soe ordred to be here Vnderstood as that it may not be taken to prejudice any Right & Authority that either the Lord Major or the Leiutenant can Shew & Claime bthe Charter) thirdly that the said Phillips for the Lewd & Scandalous Speech uttered against the Lord Major & Aldermen (acknowledged in Effect by himselfe & reproved by the Leiutenant & not for any other respect or Offense shall be Com̄itted to the Prison in the Fleet, and lastly that withall Convenient Speed a Course shall be taken by way of Commission (whereto the Record.er did Absent in the behalfe of the Citty, for drawing <362v> The Controversie of the Jurisdiction & Limitts of the Tower and of the Citty to Some Good End, and in the meane time as formerly hath been Ordred, All Action of Strife & Content{ion} thereabouts, & Attempt to take any Advantage, on either partie to be forborne Ed per Wm Wade           Signed      L.d Aris Bishopp of Canterbury      Lord Chancellor Earle of Worcester      Ld Treasurer Earle of Northampton      Earle of Lenox Earle of Salisbury      Ld Admirall Lrd Knolleyes      Earle of shrewsbury Lrd Wotton                     Lord Stanhopp                     Lord Bruce

Memorandum that upon the 7 day of July 1606 Christo{ph} Asquith Saller was Arrested within the libertyes of the Tower at the Suite of Edmund Churrs in a Plea of debt of 1630:£ & being there in Execution for the said Debt and 10:s Charges he entreated a Protection of Sr. Wm Wade Knight Leiutenant of the Tower which was granted him for one yeare & a day to the intent he might the better leave the Said Sume of Money to Satisfie his Creditors afterwards about the 7.th of October following within the time of the Lemitation of his protection the said Asquith was Arrested in London upon an Action pf debt at the Suite of Waterton Payne & Luke Cropley

Whereupon Mr. Leiutenant Sent to the Lord Major & sherriffes of London to demand the delivery of his Pris{oner} being in Execution in the Tower which they refusing to doe Mr Leiutenant to Maintaine the Priviledge of the Tower caused the next two Cittizens that came within the libertyes thereof, wiz.t           Nott &            Kember to{n} <363r> 20 Bee taken & brought into the Tower where they were detained till Such time as they did procure the said Asquith to be Set at liberty hereupon the Lord Major procured habeas Corpus out of his Majestys Bench upon a Friday in the Terme time in the absence of the Lord Cheife Justice being then at the Starr Chamber) for the bodies of the two foresaid Cittizens to bee brought Imediately to the Kings Bench. upon receipt of which Writt Mr Leiutenant repaired to Sr. John Popham Lord Cheife Justice and informing his Lordshipp of the Case he tooke the writt into his hands and after upon Complaint of the Recorder - and Some of the Aldermen his Lordship heard the Cause & upon Consideration of the Priviledge of the Tower - in that Case (the like where of is in other Courts) his Lordship Caused awrit out of his Majestys Bench to bee directed to the Sherriffs of London to deliver the said Asquith to Mr. Leiutenant Whereupon by virtue of that writ Asquith was Brought to Mr. Leiutenant by two Serjeants of London and then the Same Nott & Kember were discharged & Lett at liberty

In Magno Rotulo de A.o Secundo Rs Edw.d tertij inter alia cont ut Sequetr

Comptus Stephani Seagrave nuper Custodi Turris London defunct. ꝑre Bree: Rs: patens, dat quarto die Februar A.o 16 Regis Edw pris: hujus perquod Rex com̄isit eidem Stapho Custod ejusdem ejusdem Turris cum̄ pertine haend quam duo Regi placuerit eodem Modo / quo alia Custodes illa habuerint pertipender Ann. ꝑer ead Custody foad. consuit et Vizt de erit ejusdem Turris a ditto quart die Feb. 16.to Vsque xviij dien August{illeg} <363v> Prox Seqū Ann.o xvij.th incipiendj quodie Libavi:t eandumque Custodj Waltero Exon E. po Vna Cum armant et alijs rebus / ac at Prisonibus en eadj Turr. existend per Indenturas Aquo xviij die Augusti dict Epus Domp inde Roe xvij Regi Edeo pris hujus in London

Rex Idem reddit Dompt ve iij:a iiij:d ve reddꝫ Willi de Troup adfest pasche & Nat Sr:tie Johs Bapte de quadam domo ei dimisa ad firm̄ per Idem Tempus Sicut Cont in R.o de particulis / quem libet in Tho: et de iiija de reddꝫ ad eosdem terminos de quadam domo locat Johs Symonds ꝑer idem tempus Sicut Cont ibiden et de iiij.a de reddꝫ ad eosdem Terminos de quadam domo locat Johi Hetiham ꝑer idem tempus Sicut Cont ibiden et de xj.a de xj Navibus ducent Alex rub. ve Jeremū qu London infra dict Tempus vixt de qua libet Navi xij.d ex Consuetud: Sicut cont ibiden Et de xiij:a iiij.d de iiij: or Battellis de London: Vocat Stalbotes Piscant in aqua Thamiss / ad piss vocat Spratt durant Seisona: infra fict Tempus viz.t de quo libet Battello vja viij:d per annum ex consuetud / antiqua Sicut Cont ibidem et de xxa de quique Battellis fornir vocat Stalbotes eodemque modo piscant per idem tempus vizt de quolibet Battello per Annum viij.a ex Consuetud Sicut cont ibidem et de iij:a vj.d de Terr project Circa vict Turr: Venit diversis tegulatarj ad tegulas inde faciend infra predict tempus Sicut Cont ibidem Et de xviij.d rec de ix ꝑer Egrm Vement de Sr.to Jacobo per aquam Thamiss in Navibus de Whitsand per idem tempus Sicut Cont ibidem et de iiija vj.d de xix:m kedellꝫ Stantibus per aquam Thamiss: per idem tempus <364r> 21 Viz:t de quo libet kedellꝫ ꝑer Annum vj.d ex Consuetud: Sicut Herbage Cont ibidem Et de iij.a vj.d de herbage wn placea extra Turr Sicut venit infra idem tempus Sicut cont ibidem et de xij.d recept de diu pellecto Londoner Bellibus Siccande Super placeas extra eund Turr Infra idem Tempus Sicut Cont ididem           Sume Recept Lxx:s viijd

In Magno Rotulo de Ao 8.vo Regis Ed: terij Continetur inter alia ut Sequitur

Computus Willi La TOuch de Mortuo Maria de Exitt Turr. Rs London per Litteras Rs: pater dat q. die Maij A:o Secundo {irrot} in Orig deodumque A.o per / quas Rex concessit eidem Willo Custodꝫ vce Turr. cum pertinem habend, ad totam Vitam Ipsius Willi eodemque Modo quo Allij Custod: illum prus huerunt Nichi de felmsham Attorn̄. ixijus Willo per eo Sicut continetur in Memorandum de A.o ix.no Terminco Sr.ti Michls vizt a xxij:d die Augusti vco: A.o Secundo quo die dict Willims Custode illam Recepit de Mauricio de Berkle / qui ante / diiem illū inde Computavit Sicut Cont in R.o Secundo in Item London us vij diem Febr. {p}ox Sequend: Ante qua lib. Custod / predict cum Stuaro in dict Turr Existend Idhi de Crumbewell per br Rs. et Indenture aquo vij.no ide Fbr: idem Johi Debet inde Respondere Et Regi infra

The Leiutenant received the quit rents of Certaine houses in East Smithfield Idem redd Comp de iij:a iiij.d rec. de quieta Reddit detribus parvis vomibus Sup.er East Smithfield per tin as dict Turr Terminos vizt Srti Machs. infra dcou tempus, Sicut to con{illeg}t{illeg} <364v> In R.o de particubam libum Tho et de iiija rec de quist Reddict de quadam domo quondam Johis de London. ibidem ad eundem termum Sint Cont ibidem Et de xij.d de quiet Redꝫ de domo quondam Johis: de Hechesham ad eundem Terminius Sicut Cont ibidem Et de iijs recep.t de quodam Ten. quod quondā fuit Symon de Farmer in East Smithfield Existent in Manu Rs: et Sic demis ad firm predict tempus Sint cont ibidem De Turr Regis in Vito de Petty Wales, extra Portam dictum Turr non Respondit eo quod vacum fuit et Nullus illud Concere Voluit per idem Tempus ut dr et de xa de Terra piect circa predict Turr Sic Vendit diverse tengulator ꝑer idem Tempus Sicut Cont ibidem et de xx.a de viij Battellis London Vocat Stalbotes priscant magna Thamiss ad piscem qui vocat.es Sproutt apud Turr va Mare Dran Seisona vizt per dcm tempus Scz Verata demidum Mersa per Annum de quolibet Battello Ex (antiqua consuetudine ad Eandem Turr pertinem sicut cont ibidem et de xviij.a xd de vij Battellis forniss Vocat Stalboles consuimisit.er pistan per idem tempus viz.t de rata viija per Annum de quolibett Battello Sicut Cont ibidem et de xxiiij.a de xxiiij.or Navibus ducem Alec Ruben de Jerrend Vs Lond.o a festo Sc:ti Martini in hiene vs festū Purifis (xx Sequendam viz de qualibett Navy xijd et antiqua Consuetū Sicut cont ibidem et de vj.a recept de Sex Mercator Extraneis hentib. / Alex in perde Navibus vizt de qualibet eorundem Mercatorū xij.d ex consimilis consuetude SIcut Cont ibidem Et de vj.s viij.d repit: de quadrigint peregrinus euntibus / apud Stin Jacob et de inde Venient per aquam in Thamiss ijd Sicut Cont ibidem De kidell <365r> 22 per aquam Thamiss apud & Turr us Mare non Respondit eo quod Nulli Keddellis Sunt ibidem Sed deponunt per magnam Garbage within the Posterne. Chartam) nec Respondit de herbage placea Extra posternā Juxta dram Turr Seu de Pellibus Siccand Super Perseas in East Smithfield extra Portam ejusdem Turr quia Null perficium in Accidit per dcm. tempus ut dicit

Sume Recept iiij:£ xvj:s xd

          Concordat quod premises cum Magno Rotlo:redict           hic in Scas: in Custode Clerici pipe de Record reman̄                per me Alex: Williams

Examinatur Concordare cum Originalis in oresentia horā cest. Salmon Green, Peter hone, Meiqer Wm Logan

In Magno Rotulo v.e A.o Vndecimo Rs Edw.d tertij inter alia Continetur ut Sequitur

Computus Johs. de Weston Junior Nuper Constabularij Turr London perbre Rs: patens date xvij die Novembris A.o xxij Rs Edw pris Rs hujus Annotato in Titlo Domp ipsus Johs. de Exitibus ejusdem turr in Rotre is.dno vestri Rs. pris Rot compt ꝑer quid Rex Comissit eidem Jhi Custodia dre Turr cum persicum Lond. quam diu Regis placuerit eodem modo quo alij Custodium illum Suerunt ꝑrecipiendo per Annum ꝑer eadem Custodia feod consuetum vizt de Exit ejusdem Turr a foe S.cti Mchs: A.o xix dci Rs pris incipient ante quod festtū idem Johs. inde Compt in dcto Rotlo: is.no VS fest Sanct Michs. A.o xx us xvij die Novembris per x Sequen et ab eodem antequam hb Custodiū Johs de Gizors et Rico de Getoigne parlia. patent <365v> Issabella R.a Angliae et Edwardi primo fili Rex date vj.to die Novemb. vestro A.o xx per quas Manda vto: Constabulario quod dū Turr cid Prisonibus et Orbus alij in Turr illa Existent prefat Johi et Rico per Indent lib aquo xvij die Novemb A.o xx jdem Johes Gizors et Ricus de lib inde Compas

Annus xix

Idem Reddit Comp de xxxj:a iiij.d Recept de Reddꝫ in EastSmithfield et petty wales pertin ad vestram Turr determinis viz.t Nat vestrum pasche Srti Johs Baptiste et Sr.ti Mchs Eoranij Sicut Cont in R.o de particulam quem libet in Tho: Et de xxxj.a Recept de quadam Custid perveniendum de xix.m Navibus et duo decem: Mercator ducent rubend alec de Jernemuth Vs London Eot A:o viz:t de quali: Navi xij:d et de quodam Mercator xij.d Sicut cont ibidem et de viij:s Recept de xvj Kedel Stant per aquam Thamiss inter ꝑredcma Turr et Mare hoc A.o Sicut Cont ibidem Et de v.s Recept de herbage Vnius Platea Extra Posterno Veterem juxta eandem Turr Vendit et per pellib.us Super eundem platea ve Siccandis infra Tempus predict Sicut cont ibidem Et de Exit Stalbotes, ibidem non Respondit The herbage without the Posterne & other Accruments belong to the Leiutenant eo quod Nullū perficum inde / accidit Hor A.o ut decit Nec respondit de Vendit Turr project ibidem per tegulis faciende eo quod nulla fuit inde Venditis Sue fieri potuit hoc A.o ut dictum Nec respondet de Consuetudine peregrinorum quia nulli peregrini ibidem transtrecarunt nec Applictuereunt hoc ANno ut dicit et Sicut Cont ibidem            Sume recept Lxxv:s iiijd


De quibus

23Idem Comp in Vad 5 unius Custode Aqua Thamsiss Colligent reddet Custum predict persipient per diem ij.d hoc A.o xixa - lxxs. x.d Sicut cont ibidem Et Sicut Allocatoes in Annum precedent et eidem proroba Sua per Annum per iij iiijd Sicut Cont et Allocato.es ibidem

Concordat (quod permisse) cum Magno R.o redict hic in Suo in Custodum in Clerici pipede Recordem remaner ꝑer me Alexand.er Williams

Examem concordarecum Originalibus {in} presentia horam Testimum Soloman Greene. Petri Honemei Wm Logān

Henricus Dei grat. Rex Angliae et Franciæ Dns. Hiberniæ. Escheatoribus in Com̄ Moidd Sex Salutus Quia Henricus Dux Exon filij Heres Johns Nuper ducis Exon qui denobis tenuit in Capite die / quo obijt dicit Se plenūe etatis essu, et petit a Nobis ter. et The Tower of London is in the County of Middlesex Tenement / que Sunt de heredetate Sua et in Custodiu nostra at in Custodium predict Henrici Ducis at Willi Bourghier Misit Jhis Chancy Ac Hugonis Payne Tho Caldwodly. Tho Bodulgate Armiger et Tho: Manning Clerici ex Commissionibus nostrus Sibi redi per quod Volumus quod idem Dux qui apud Turrim nostram London in Com̄ predicto Natiss et in liba Cappella Sr.ti Stepham infra Pallatine nostrum Westm̄ in eodem Com Baptizatus fuit Vt dicit Etatem Suum prebet coram te, et ideo tibi precipimus quod ad certos diem et locum quos ad hoc previderis per bacoem perdumc per Sacrum tam Militum / quam alior per branum et legatum homum de Com predict per quos ꝑrebatio illa illa Cpi et <366v> Veritas Etatis perdice Meluis Sciri Poterit et enquiri Capias Et Scire fac ꝑrefat duci Willo Johi Hugoni. Thoma Thome et Thome quod tunc Sint ibi ad Ostendere Siquid perse {Exeunt} et Vel dicere Sciant, quare prefato duci ut illi qui plene etatis est, Si plene Ætatis Sic terr et tendum predict cum pertine reddere nondebeam et probatcoem illam Sic Capta Nobis in Cancellar nostrum Subsigillo tuo et Sigillis eorum per quos fact fuerit SIna dilone mittas et hoc Bree Tine ipso apud Westm̄ xxa die May A.o Regni nostrum tricessimo Sexto                                    Friston

Clausæ de A.o 51 H. 3 M 5

Rex Balivis Civitatis Sue, London Saltum cum Commissionus delecta fideli nostro alano la Buch Civitate predict et Turr Cummum ꝑertine custodiendum quā dui Nobis Placuerit, Vobis Mandamus quod habere faciunt eidem alano Singulis diebus Sexaginta Solodos ad Expensas Suas circam Cus{t}odium de Exit ibide Civitatis predict. tam de firma placitis et prequisitis quam alijs inde pervenientibus et hoc pretextu alicujus Mandati nostri vobis directi Sendirigendi nulla temus Omittatis et Cum Sciverimus / quantū et liberaveritis Bre: nostrum de allocatione Vobis inde havere faciemus, T Rege apud Westm̄ xxijdie Junij


24.Copie of an ancient Record to prove the Priviledges of the Tower Calus A.o H. 3: M 24

Mandatum ut Majori et Vite Com̄ London quod oia perlita tent London qui ad Coronam pertinent et que placitari debent corā Justiciar apud Turrini London Simionit per preceptum vm Rs: corā Justiciar apud Turr London in Dro Purificatoris bte Maria A.o x.o Venire faciunt plene et Evidenter coram Justiciarijs apud Turr London Line per x postdiem amd.o eodem Sicut ad aliud die Sum oniti fuerunt T Rege Apud Chessbury xxx.mo die Februarij Coram Justiciarijs

The Leiutenant of the Tower holdeth that place with Priviledged men daily attendant of the Same, tanquam Locus Asuij Specialij Priviledged without touch of any others in Derogation of the Same as well as the Cheife Justice of England holdeth the place of his Majestys Bench

The Priviledges of the Tower & Libertyes of the Same take their Comensement & Beginning long before the Citty of London as the Premises Cheife Place & hold, which is well prov'd by Ancient Vsage and Custome in giving the Major of London his Oath by the Leiutenant and Steward of the Vtter gate of the Tower in London in time of Sickness or other occasion of Closing the Premises high Court of Chancery The Authority & Priviledges of the Tower appeareth by keeping of the Court of great Sumes of debt Transgressions delime or other Actions where many great learned men in the Laws as wel Serjeants as others have pleaded. In which Court they ha{ve} <367v> Vsed to make Process de horam in horam as well as in a Court of Pipowders and the Leiutenant & Steward with their Councill have often Judged & determined upon them according to Law & Equity and Consciense

It hath been an old an Ancient Vsage to keepe Table in the Court of the Kings Bench. to be delivered thither of all the Priviledged persons of the Tower to the end that no process or Trouble should thence bee Moved or Stirred against any Such who had Soe great Continuall & painfull watch and Care day & Might about the Princes Cheifest Place charge & Treasure and if any Such person be troubled the Leiūtenant having Knowledge thereof should goe to Such place where he is with the Ax of the Tower to Fetch him home

The Tower in Some respects is and has been taken as a house of Warr Exempted from all other libertyes Franchises & Places and their Laws only Standing to the Ancient Tower Laws Priviledges & Customes of old Time possessed & Enjoyed by all Officers of the Same with grace & Permission as well of the Princes aforetime as of the Princes of this Age

Copie of a Certificate from Sir Edw:d Cooke & Mr John Doddridg 16th Aprill 1605

Concerning the Stewardshipp of the Tower

Our dutyes most humbly resembled yoer Lordships having referred the Consideration of a Petition exhibited into yor Lordships by John Whitby one of the Yeomen of his Majestys Chamber concerning a Grant Made at his humble Suite unto Robert Browne under the Great Seale <368r> 25 Of England of the Office of Steward of the Court usually holden within the Tower of London which the Leiutennant of the said Tower doth pretend to bee in his Gifts requiring us to make report unto yo.er Lordships what wee conceive thereof - May Afterwards upon better Consideration his Majesty was Satisfied that the Gift of the Stewardship (is in the Leiutenant who giveth no other place in the Tower & Browne was put by the Place & M Arkell the former Steward continued in it it please yoer Lordships therefore to bee advertised that wee have called the said parties before us, and have heard there Allegations and perused the Patent of the Said Office passed into the Said Browne from the Kings Majesty & doe find by Good Matter of Record that the said Court is an Ancien.t Court of Record, and that it is the Kings Court and for any thing that hath appeared unto us to the Contrary that the said Steward (who is Judge of the Court) is to come in by his Majestys Grant, and that the Patent thereof passed unto the said Browne (for anything wee can finde to the Contrary) is good and available in Law. And how necessary it is that the said Court (being an Ancient Court of Record and having Power to determine Matters of great Importance within the Jurisdiction thereof) shall be directed by a Certaine Lawfree Judge, wee humbly referr it & our doings herein to yo.er Lordships Honorable Consideration & ever Remaine             Most Hunbly at yoer Lordships Commandment                               Edw Cooke                               John Doddridg

After the decease of Sr. George Harvey. Browne renewed his Suite to the Kings Majesty which was by the Master of requests referred to the Leiutennants Sr. Wm Wade. Sr. Julius Cesar then being Master of requests & upon the Answer of the Leiutenant of the Tower to his Majesty his Majesty was soe Satisfied <368v> as Browne did Vtterly relinquish his Suite by Express Comandment from his Majesty

After our hearty Comendations - Whereas the Kings most Excellent Majesty hath granted a Com̄ission under the great Seale of England bearing date the of the last Month of August by which power & Authority is given to us and others of his highness privy Councill to Nominate & make Choice of such Knights and Gentlemen of Good discretion and Experience in Martiall Affaires together with the high Sheriffe to be Commission.ed for the Musters of those Comitijs where there are no Lord Leiutenants or where any Leiutenants Shall happen to desease and in Town Corporate also to appoint other Commission.ers to Joyne with the Major & Justices to Execute undertake & discharge all those Services concerning the Mustring Viewing & training of men as well horses as foote which the Deputy Leiutenant did or might doe. for as much as there is noe Leiutenant in the County of Middlesex Wee have by Virtue of his Majesty Send Commission given Authority to Certaine of the Principall Gentlemen in that County to bee Commissioners for the takeking of the View & Musters of the trayned Bands from time to time as there shall bee occasion the Hamlets that doth Appertaine to the Tower of Londō have herefore in regard of their Attendance on that place been under the Charge & Care of the Leiutenant of that Tower & it is Meet (as in former time hath been Vsed / you Should see in what Order & readiness they bee and how they are furnished and keep a Register of them; Wee doe Authorize yoi the Leiutenant of the Tower to take the View of those <369r> 26Tablemen their Armour & Weapons that are inrolled & reduced into the inrolled Bands within the aforesaid hamlets and to See the Defects repaired as well of the Armour Weapons & Furniture as of the persons of the Men in Such sort as the{illeg} their Commission.ers bee Authorized to doe for the Rest of the County wherin these shall be yo.er Sufficient Warrant in that behalfe & So Wee bid you heartely Farewell from the Court at the      day of Septembr. 1605                     Signed by the Lord Chancellor                Earle of Worcester Lord Treasurer                Earle of Northampton Earle of Lenox                Earle of Salisbury Lord Chamberlain                Lord Knollijes Earle of Northumb.                Mr Treasury Herbert

The Session or Court of Sewers holden in the Tower of London the 13.th day of June A.o 1607 A.o  R R.s 5to.

It is by the Comissioners hereafter Named for redress & remedy of Annoyances and Noysom Savors & other inconveniences arisen & growing by reason of Priveijs & Seiges builded or hanging over or having Issues into the ditch of the Tower of London called the Tower-ditch ordeyned enacted & Established that all Buildings that now doe {Jutly} or hang or be fisced Set or placed over the further Side of the said Tower Extend which are or shall bee used for a Stoole or Stooles, or place or places of Easment or for a Privy or Privys having or which hereafter <369v> shall Issue into the said Tower ditch or for any other use or purpose shall be reformed obated & Clene taken away before the last day of August next Ensuing at the Charges of the Farmour or farmers Occupier or Occupiers or Owner or Owners of the Freehold of the Place or places house or houses wherin Such Jetty privy or BUilding doe or shall Soe hang Stand or be fixed Sett or places as aforesaid upon paine of forfeiture of v:£ of Lawfull Money of England for Every Month after the Last day of Aug.t wherein any such Building shall remaine and not be abated & Cleane taken away according to the True Meaning hereof to bee Levied upon the Lands Tenements Goods or Chattells of the said Farmer or Farmers Occupier or Occupiers owner or Owners of the said Jutty Privy or Building which doe or shall hang Stand or be fixed Sett or places by any person to bee thereunto Authorized by Warrant under the hands of the said Commissioners in the said Commisson named or of any Six or more of them whereof five to be of the Quorum

And further it is Ordeyned Enacted & Established by the Commissioners hereafter Named that Every person that shall hereafter make or use or Cause to be made or used any hole Snick or Passage through the Wall of the said Tower into the said Tower-dithc whereby any water Ordure or Soile shall or may Passe upon the wall of the said Tower into the said Tower-ditch through the said Wall said forfeit for Every such Offense the Sum̄e of x.£ of Lawfull Money of England & further that if upon any resaonable warning or Notice given to him her or them Soe Offending to <370r> 27 Reforme or Stopp such hole Snick or Passage by any Person or Persons to bee Authorized as aforesaid by the said Commissioners in the said Comission named or any Six or more of them whereof five of them to bee of the Quorum / the same shall not within 20 dayes be Sufficiently reformed & Stopped that then the Party Soe Offending or failing shall forfeit for the said Offence the Sum̄e of x.£ of Lawfull Money of England

And Whereas there is a Very Presumptious Incroachment upon the Counter Scarp of the Tower-ditch being parcell of the Fortification belonging to the said Tower by reason that divers Persons und.er pretence & Couller to have Garden Plotts demised unto them of and in the said Counterscarpe like unto a Platt Forme & have also in divers places Streightned & lessened the Currant of water in the said Tower-ditch by makeing it firme Land. It is therefore for the reforming of this presumptuous & dangerous Inconvenience. Ordeyned Enacted & Established by the Comissioners hereunder Named that Every of the said Severall divisions & Petitions shall be pulled down & Reformed and the said Counterscarpe made Slope & descending in all & Every part & Parts as before it was digged & levelled & the said Currant of Water in the said Tower-ditch be made as large deepe & Wide as it was before by every person or persons their Execut.ion or Assignes Respectively which have or hath Committed or made any of the said Offences or Incroachments before in this last Branch mentioned before the last day of August next coming upon paine to forfeit <370v> x.£ of Lawfull Money of England and for every Month that the said Offence & Incroachment shall remaine Vnreformed & Vnamended after the Saide day the Sum̄ of v£ of Lawfull money of England

And also Whereas there hath been erected Sett or Builded upon the said Tower-ditch divers buildings which are an Occasion of great Store of Filth Soile & Rubbish to be cast into the said Tower-ditch & therefore inconvenient to bee Suffered neare any such fortifications as his Majestys Castle Royall the Tower of London: It is therefore Ordeyned Enacted & Established by the Commissioners here under named that before the said last day of Aug.t the said Buildings & Every of them shall be pulled down & amoved upon paine in default thereof to forfeit the Sum̄e of tenn pounds of Lawfull money of England and for every Month after the said last day of August the Sume of five pounds of like Lawfull money of England                Signed by the Commissioners following                and by them also Sealed / viz:t Sr. Jerome Bowes    Sr. Tho Bennet Sr. W.m Wade         Sr. John Brett Sr. Walter Cope     Sr. Wm Rummey Sr. Vincent Skimmer    Edw.d Forcett Esquire Sr. Thomas Fowler      Nicho Collins Sr. Leonard Holiday      Sijmon Bassill                Ra Dobbingson


28 Right Trusty & right wellbeloved Cosens & Counsellors wee greet you well for as much as it appeareth daily more and more that whilst wee have been Contented of our Grace & Clememcy to tolerate a greater libery to all Sorts of Prison.ers within the Tower of London, then hath been used in the times of our predecessors Kings of England there hath been Such and Soe Continueall resort of all persons & at all times to chose that bee restrained and Such an Entercourse & Intelligence among them Selves as that place which had the Reputation of best order & Security is used now more like to a house of Hospitality and Entertainment of Company then of Restraint. Wee purposing to give Order to these inconveniences and yet graciously intending to use such favour Vnto them as may not prove Vnsafe to our Selves: Wee doe command you of our privy Councill to infrome yo.er Selves of those Orders which have been Established in the time of Our Predecessors (and that done all due Circumstances considered Soe to direct our Leiutenant by virtue of this warrant that he may be the more Accomptable to us for any Error there: When he hath received new & certaine directions from you on whom wee Authorize by this Letter und.er our hand for that purpose given Vnder our Signett at our pallace of Westminster the Second day of July in the 9:th yeare of our Reigne of England etcetera

To our Right trusty & right welbeloved Cozens & Councellors & to our Right Trusty & welbeloved the Lords and others of o.er privy Councill


After our very hearty Comendations his Majesty having of late entred into the Consideration of the Government of that place whereof you have Charge & observing What great Inconveniences may Arise by Irregular liberty in a Place of that Mature and Importance as that is whereof his Majesty hath had Soe late Experience by the Escape of Mr. Seymour hath now taking into his Princely care to have those abuses presently reformed which have Crept in there by degrees and which may prove dangerous if there should be a longer tolleration for which Purpose particular direction of anything which may appertaine to the Reformation, being imposed upon us by Commandment from his Majesty as will appeare unto you by the Copie of his Majestys Letter which wee Send you hereinclosed. Wee have therefore Conceived Certaine Orders & Instructions (Sent you likewise herewithall) agreable to his Majestys Meaning as Neare as wee can having respect as well to his Majestys own Clemency & Moderation as to the Safety of that Place in which the too much liberty of Strangers resorting to the Prison.ers & the Continual Intercourse which those that are Restrained have & daily doe Use amongst themselves is by his Majesty held both Unsafe & dishon.rable these Orders therefore you are presently to impart to Every Officer within that place whom they may Concerne and precisely to observe & Cause to bee observed by others Respectively for Soe much as Concernes Every man in his Offices as you and they will answer it upon yo.er utmost perrills <372r> 29Whereof you Especially that have the principall Comand & Charge over the Rest Wee hope will have that Care & over Sight as shall be answerable to yo.er owne Reputation & the duty & Allegance, which you owe unto his Majesty & soe ever bid you heartely Farewell, from Whitehall the last of June 1611           Signed by the                Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury Lord Chancelor                Lord Admirall Lord Treasurer             Lord Chamberlain Lord Privy Seale           Earle of Worcester Earle of Lenox           Lord Knollijes

Orders Concerning the Tower of London to be observed by Mr. Leiutenant there & the rest of the Officers to whom it appertaineth

First for those that are Concerned Persons to whom his Majesty hath extended Extraordinary & Gracious favour as the Lord Cobham and the Lord Grey they are to have but two Men to attend upon them with a Read.er & a Cooke, which is a greater proportion then in former time hath been allowed to an Earle or a Duke

Sr. Walter Raleighe shall not in all Exceed the Number of foure

All these are to bee Locked up in the Lodgings allotted to the Lords and him and Neither they nor the Servants of any other Prison.ers to have Lodgings any where within the houses of the Wardens or other where within the <372v> Tower, and none of their Servants to bee aliens or strangers, but Men of honest Conversations & their Names to be Sent unto us. Neither shall they Change or take any in the Places of those now appointed to attend upon them untill wee be Certified the Names & quality of the persons they shall hereafter desire

Noe Officer Ward.en or Inhabitant within the Tower shall Losge any person or persons in their houses but Such as are of their owne houshold & Family upon Paine to bee removed out of the Tower and if he bee a Warden to loose his Place

Moreover where great Inconvenciencys have been found in the Extraordinary favour granted unto them contrary to the Ancient Custome of the Tower to make their owne diett whereby they have increase of Servants & Officers & Guests resorting to them they may bee permitted to Continue the making of their own diett Soe as thereby they have no further Increase of Servants or Guests to repaire to them at Meales and the Provisions to be brought in due time by Such as you shall Appoint Soe as the doores of their Lodgings be not kept open und.er that Collour but for the most part kept shutt, wherein if hereafter at any time any Inconvenience by their Seeking of too much liberty shall be formd then the dieting of <373r> 30 Them Selves shall Cease & they to bee dietted by you according to the Ancient Order of the Tower.

The Lady Raleighe, must Vnderstand his Majestys Express will & Comandment that She resort to her house on Tower hill or Elsewhere with her women & Sonns, to remayne there & not to Lodg hereafter within the Tower

For the Earle of Northumberland whose Offence is in another degree he is to reduce his family to the Number of Seaven the Names of which his Nessessary Attendants were Shewed us in a list being a Double proportion which in former times hath been allowed to any Earle

For his Recreation he may walke at Convenient times in the Kings Garden in the East Side of the Tower & on the hill by the Ordnance-house first Sending unto you to have leave & either with yo.er Selfe or Sr. John Kay or such Person as you shall appoint to keep him Company

And because his Majesty doth Vnderstand that Coaches come Vsually into the Tower within former times was never permitted without Express leave from us being a thing inconvenient in it Selfe & unfitt to bee used in that his Majestys Royall Castle neither used in any of his other houses his Express will & Commandment is that from hence forth you Suffer no Coaches to come unto the Tower or to any person whatsoever within the Tower Prison.ers or other


And wherefore the More Security of the Prisoners his Majesty is pleased you shall have ten persons weaponed & hable-men out of the Hamlets every Night to watch there to whome there shall be allowance of vj.d a man for their Attendance yous hall See them disposed with the Warders that doe likewise watch at the doores & Windows of the Prison:ers and at Such other places as you shall think fitt and Convenient for the Safe keeping of the Said Prisoners for whom you are Answerable

Soe likewise in the Wardhouses and other Ward places newly Erected and neare to the Prisons where the Cheife Prison.ers are kept you shall dispose the Warders as you may from time to time have good Accompt of the Prison.ers & the Tower Wherein this Rule would be observed that none be Suffered to come in or out at the Byward but Such as are well known to the Warders that Keepe the Gates upon lose of their places & Such other Punishments as shall be inflicted upon them if any inconveniency doe happen by that Passage as lately there did

Further more whereby the Order under his Majestys hand halfe of those Warders who are in pay should be continually Resident in the Tower wee have thought good hereby to Charge you that the said Order be noe longer Neglected but that the said Number of twenty of those Warders at the Tower to give their Attendance upon every Needfull Occasion & that they <374r> 33 have Armour and Weapons as is by the said Order Com̄anded

Moreover you are Epressly Charged from hence forth to See the doores of the Prions outward hambers to bee more Strickly looked unto then hereto fore hath been used both for yo.er pwne discharge and the Safety of the said Prison.ers and a keep.er to attend there who may informe you of all such Persons as desire to have Access to the said Prison.ers whereof none shall be admitted without the Privity and for Necessary occasions

When you shall have Occasion to attend upon us or to goe forth out of the Tower for nessessary business there shall noe Persons be admitted to any Prison.ers in yo.er absense but Such of the Earle of Northumberland his Servants & Officers as are known to the Warders to have access unto him

Lastly because you can̄ot performe all things in yo.er own Person the Gentleman Porter is hereby Commanded to give due Attendance according to his Place & Oath to See the Warenrs performe their dutyes in their Severall places to See the Watch Lett every Night and to Advertise you of those that make default that they may be punished according to the Orders, Signed by his Majestys hand                Signed by the           Lord Arch Bishop of Canterbury Lord Chancellor                Earle of Worcester Lord Treasurer                Lord Knollys Lord Privy Seale                Lord Stanhope Lord Chamberlain             Sr. Julius Cæsar Knight


A Letter from the Lord Treasurer unto Sir W.m Wade Leiutenant of the Tower Authorizing him to Sett up a Barr upon the Wharfe to hinder the Passage of Carts over the Wharfe

After my hearty Comendation: Whereas I have been Certified that the Ordnance upon his Majestys Wharfe lyeth in very foule & Vndecent Sort by reason of the Vnusuall Landing of Goods among the Peeces & at the Cranes as also by Permission of Cartage of all things over the Smae Wharfe, These are therefore to require you to cause a Barr to be Sett up at the West Side of the Bridge called Traytors Staires that no Carts pass that way: Also that you Suffer neother the Labourers to take up at the Cranes nor any goods whatsoever to bee taken up at that part of that wharfe Extending from the West Side of the Bridge called Traytors Staires unto the Com̄on landing Staires by the Dock, neither any Ships but only for his Majestys Use & Service & Whereas the Assignes of Sir Roger Ashton are willing at their Charges to Sett up a Crane for the taking up of Stone & timber & all other things on that part of the Wharfe which his Majesty hath lett unto Sr. Roger Ashton, being the Eastermost part of the Wharfe Extending from the siad Traytors Staires unto St Katherines by which meanes Subjects goods may bee as conveniently Landed as before I pray you to permitt the Setting up of such a Crane <375r> 32 To so good a Purpose & Soe I com̄it you to God: at Whitehall the last of Novemb. 1611                          Yoer loving Friend

                         R Salisbury

The Setting up a Crane in that place confronting the Chiefe Roomes in the Kings Lodgings being found very Inconvenient for that & other respects Is tayed the Erecting of the Same & satisfied the Lord Treasurer therein    W.mWade

A Letter from Mr. Leiutenant of the Tow:er to the Lord Viscount Tenton Captain of the Guard to his Majesty      24.th of Aug:t 1612

It may Please yoer honorable Lordship I know the Meaness of my Place to bee Such & my honest affection Soe great to yoer honorable Lordship as that I will on Noe Sort Seem to contend with yoer Lordship but with yoer honorable favour I may humbly informe yoer Lordship of any knowledge of the Condiction of the Warders here, It may therefore please yoer Lordship to Vnderstand that before the first Comittment of the Duke of Som̄ersett at the time of King Edward the Sixth: the Warders did never weare the Kings Coate but he Seeing the Paines they tooke & to Winn their favour & to leave a Memoriall of his favour to them promised to procure them his Majestijs Cloth whenSoever it should please his Majesty to Sett him at Liberty which hee upon his Enlargment performed. & Soe it was ordred at that time they should bee Sworne Extraordinary Yeomen of the Chamber and that hath Continued ever Sichence. When I came to the place I found most of them had been Servant in former times to the Leiutenants & I know no other Meanes the <375v> Leiutenant hath to recompence his Servants that give painfull Attendance on Prison.ers but in Preferring them to be Warders. Where it pleaseth yo.er Lordship to Stay yo.er desire to bring things to Ancient Order I shall think my Selfe bound highly unto you that I may have yo.er Lordships Assistance therein Wherein to informe yoer Lordship truly I must Affirme it was a great abuse offered therin both to his Majesty & this Place by those that procured Soe many Revertions of Warders Roomes at his Majestys first happy Entrance of persons of all Sorts neither known to his Majesty yo.er Lordship or the Leiutenant of the Tower of which Sort I find there were no less then 16. the Second abuse was that these grants were passed under the Great Seale contrary to former Order which was only under his Majestys Signe Manuell, and when his Majesty thought it meet to add at the time of the powder Treason ten Warders more I would Suffer none of them to take Pattens of their Place Vnder the great Seale therefore I see noe Cause why those who have gotten Revertions by Such abusive Meanes should bee reguarded & therein with yo.er Lordships favour I meane to be an humble Suitor to his Majesty that all those Pattentees may be dealt withall to yeild up their Patents and to take them (as was accustomed) under his Majestys hand whereby they may the better be Subject to the Orders Sett down by his Majesty but there are already Soe many of them as I have no hope to bring in any of my poore Servants unless (as I have done) with Compounding with those that have Revertions. I must Confess there are diverse Warders Soe Unable by their <376r> 33 Yeares & Infirmites as I have noe Service of them and thō: they dauly Importune me to Sell their places and it is agreable to all the Instructions under the hands of his Majesty or his Progenitors to informe his Majesty of the Insufficiency of any of them yet I shall forbeare to give Consent therin, thō: I supply the peace by my owne Servants. For I will not the short time I am like to Serve here give any occasion of Offence & yet I shall never forbeare the Same in respect of those that are in Reversion who deserve no favour, but not give Occasion of any dislike, this much I am bold to Certifie humbly to yoer Lordship with whom I meane not to Contend, but humbly to Seeke yo.er hon.ers favour and to Offer my Service & observance and to be at the Commandment of yo.er Lordship           Wm Wade


Touching the Warders place Vntll Sir Christo: Hatton was Captain of the Guard to the late Queene, never any Captain of the Guard did Sett their hands to any bill for any Warder of the Tower

He being in Speciall favour with her Majesty in reguard the Warders are Sworne Extraordinary of the Guard did pretend to have Interest in their Admittance, but neither hee nor Sr. Walter Raleigh who Succeeded him ever preferred any Warder

Many bills are yet to be Shewed for Warders Roomes whereunto the Leiutenants hand is alone but not any to which the Captain of the Guard is Subscribed without the Leiutenants

Sr. Owen Hipton (the Queene being in Prog:ress) did admit Sibley (now dead) in the Roome of one that deseased & he never had noe bill Signed for the place but Continued awarder above 30 yeares

Sir Cha.s Hatton did labout to bring in one Gibson now a Warder & wrote his Letter to Sr. Owen Hopton for his Consent whereunto Sir Owen Hopton answered by Letter that he was Contented at his request to yeild thereto which he would not doe at the Entreaty of any other

Harding had the hand of Sir Charles Hatton to his Bill and of Sr. Owen Hopton the Leiutenant but before it was Signed by her Majesty Sr. Owen was removed & Sr. Michael Blount appointed Leiutenant the bill being Offered to her Majesty, She Vtterly refused to <377r> Signe the Same to any whom the present Leiutenant should not prefere and thereupon the hand of Sir Michael Blount was Procured & soe was Signed by her Majesty which is yet to bee Seen

There are old Grants from King Henry the 8 King Edward & his Majesty there is a Clause that if any shall happen to decease the Leiutenant shall Advertise their Majestys thereof that a Sufficient man may be chosen in the Place & never any Mention made of the Captain of the Guard & thereby also Authority is given to the Leiutenant to fine Imprison or Discharge those that shall deserve the Same. I have formerly informed yoer Lordship that before his Majestys happy Coming to the Crown never any Warder of the Tower had their Places under the Great Seale, but only un.er the Cignett nor any Revertions granted but upon good Service done by Some of the Leiutenants Servants who have the Keeping of Prison.ers and the Leiutenant hath noe other means to reward them but in procuring them Warders Roomes & most part of the Warders time out of mind have been Servants to the former Leiutenants or Such as have bought their places of them

The Bills Signed by their Majesties for admittance of warders have alwayes been & are directed to the Leiutenant of the Tower & not to the Captain of the Guard or any other which should not bee soe if the Captain of the Guard had the Appointing of the Warders


The Warders are Sworne Extraordinary Yeomen of the Chamber because they doe weare his Majestys Cloth Which had the Beginning only in the time of King Edward the 6.th by the procurement of the Duke of Som̄ersett when he was first Released out of the Tower

The late Queene Elizabeth of famous Memorie in the Beginning of her Reigne at the Suite of Sir Owen Hopton the Leiutenant of the Tower Complaining that Revertions of Ward.ers Roomes were procured without his Knowledge gave Speciall Order that noe Bill for any Warders Roomes either in Revertion or otherwise might passe without Speciall Recommendation of the Leiutenant

Bill of a Warders Roome under the Signet granted by King H: 8 to Walter Anniers bearing date the 25 March in the 3.d yeare of his Reigne Subscribed by Mr. Comptroller & Signed by the King directed to Sir John Gage Knight Constable of the Tower & to Sir Edm: Walsingham Leiutenant of the Same:                               Jo Gage

Another from Queen Elizabeth to W.m Stile bearing date the 16th day of May in the 29 yeare of her Majestys Reigne 1587 Signed by her Majesty & Sir Owen Hopton Leiutenant of the Tower           Cha Hatton           Owen Hopton


34 Another under the Cignett granted by Queen Elizab: unto John Harding Signed by her Majesty & Subscribed by Sir Christo Hatton Lord Chancelor Sir Michael Blount & Sir Owen Hopton dated the 7.th of Octob: in the xxxiij yeare of her Reigne                          Christ Hatton Cant           Owen Hopton Mic Blount

Another Bill Signed by her Majesty und.er her Cignet granted to Roger Tibson & Subscribed by Sir Richard Berkeley dated the 15 of Decemmb: An:o Regi Dn R xxxix:ro 1596                Richard Barkeley


Taken out of an old Presentment in paper interlined throughout with the hand of Sir Tho: Saunders Knight Lord Cheife Barron of the Exchequer & Steward of the Tower aman of great Learnig in the Laws & of great Estimation Presentments by the Queens Majestys Inquest of the Tower of London Sworne by Sir Tho: Saunders Knight Steward of the Said Tower before Sir Francis Jobson Knight Leiutenant of the Same conteining among other things the bounds of the Tower

First wee have Viewed & doe present that from the wat.er gate at the Thames Side called Pirks Corner streight unto the End of Petty Wales & to the Corner house unto the End of Tower Street comonly called Robert Smiths house & Soe Streight North to the Brick wall which was Some times part of Mudd: then called Pirks Garden & Sichence in the Tower or Occupation of Ra: Johnson now Com̄only called the Earle of Arundells wall, on this Side the Crouched Fryars from thence Streight East to the Wall of the Citty of London with Nine Gardens adjoyning to the Same, above & on the North Side of the Posterne and Soe Streight North from the said Posterne by the said Wall unto the Broken Tower in the said Wall then streight East to the Middle of Hogglane end & Soe plaine South to the Thames Side and thence directly South to the Corner of the Stone house & Six foot Streight East without the Staires of the Eastgate of the said Tower towards S.t Katherines

Also wee doe present that in times past there hath been away appointed with POsts & Gates leading from the Iron gate of the said Tower to the Fields calles S.t Katherines Fields Ratcliffe Fields or London Fields Very Nessessary for the Queene her <379r> 35 Majesty and the Inhabitants of the said Tower: Whereas at this present writing hereof the said way is Stopped up with Buildings & Earth, Nevertheless Part of the Gates doe remayne the Order whereof being referred from time to time, as may appeare by Ancient Records unto such as have been I shall be appointed to peruse the Same. Wee therefore the said Inquest doe find it often Presented & not yet amended

Also wee present that no man Shall lay any shipp Cray.er or Hoy lighter or other Vessel alongst the Tower-Wharfe & the Water gate Except it bee abought the Queens Majestys affaires upon paine of Forfeiting for every Such Offence iijs: iiijd:

Also wee present vj Gardens & yards with all the Rest of the Bancks on the Tower ground betweene the Watergate & Tower-Street end to belong to the Tower

Also wee present a pale Standing on the West Side of the Tower hill adjoyning to Tower Street End Counted by Estimation 10 foote at the One End & 2 foote at the other Side Standing upon the Pinch & liberty of the said Tower to be pulled downe before the feast of S.t John Baptist next upon Paine of Forfeiting of x£: to be levied of the Goods & Chattells of the Landlords & Tennants of the Same

Also wee present Certaine Posts & Railes Standing upon the Queens ground adjoyning to the Earle of Arundells wall

Also wee present Nine Gardens lying betweene one W.m Lewis his house on the North & the Posterne on the South Joyning upon London wall on the East & on the said Tower hill on the West all which Gardens are <379v> Within the libertyes of the Tower

Also wee present the Master of S.t Katherines for Breaking up of the Posterne gates in the Evening & disquieting the Neighbours there

Also wee present Mr. Alderman Bancks for that he holdeth a Peice of ground from the libertijes of the said Tower lying betweene the Broaken Tower & the Posterne on the East Side of Londen Wall that he should restore the Same againe to the libertyes of the said Tower before the feast of S.t John Baptist next coming upon paine of For feiture of x£:

Also wee present that Robert Henning shall place noe Ten̄ant within the Posterne, but such as shall be hereafter of good & honest behaviour upon Paine of forfeiture for Every Tennant otherwise found v:£

Also wee present Henning the Bailiffe for his kine feeding & Anoying in the Tower-ditch on the East Side of the Posterne to be amended upon Paine of Every time Feeding iijs iiijd

Also wee present that the said Robert Hen̄ing shall neither bring his Kine through the said Posterne nor yett Suffer them to graize or feed on the Tower hill Towards London upon paine of Forfeiture of v:£

Allsoe Wee present all the Tawyers that wash their Skinns in the Tower ditch for that the filth thereof is a Destruction to the fish in the Same


36 Also wee present Certaine Posts Set up by the Inhabitants & awell inclosed with a Paile & also alay stale hard by the said Well on the East Side of the Hill upon the Queens ground and the said Inhabitants Knowledge in that they hold it of the Tower

Also wee present Henning the Woodmonger for a house Standing upon the Queens ground over against the Irongate to bee taken down upon the forfeiture of x£:

Allsoe wee present all those that Sett any Carts or make any Leystates between the Irongate & the East Gate upon paine of x:£

Allsoe wee present all the Tennants within the Teniment adjoyning to the Tower ditch that they cast noe dirt nor filth herein upon paine of every time soe Offending x£:

Also wee present that we Find the Staires without the East Gate & Six foote from the Staires to bee the Queens ground

Alsoe wee present ashed that Johne Deane Some time dwelled in unmeet to Stand on the Wharfe Except an Englishman dwell therin

Allsoe wee present that Noe waterman, shall land any man or woman at the Corner staires of thesaid Wharfe or at any other place of the Same after the latter shutting of the Tower gates neither shall make fast any Hulk or Hulkes upon the said Staires or Wharfe or any parts thereof upon for feit for <380v> Every time iijs iiijd

Allso wee present that Noe Persons keeping Shops or sheds within the Bulwarke shall lye within the Same a-Nights except they be English men upon forfeiture for every time iijs iiij:£

Alsoe we present that no housholder within the libertyes of the Tower shall take away Tennants to dwelll within their houses, but Such as have been their owne Servants or else their own friends upon paine to forfeit for Every Such Tennant for every tyme xl:s

Aalso wee doe present that it is not meet that any Stranger borne out of this Realme should dwell within the Tower & the libertyes of the Same

Also we present the want of two ports with a Lock and Chaine without the Bulwarke in the way to London Very Needfull to bee had

Also we present that if any Person or Persons shall Sett any Carts or Carrs on the Tower-hill or any place about and within the Liberty of the Tower shall pay for Every time Soe Offending xij:d

Allsoe wee present that there shall be noe ship Crayer or Hoy nor any other Vessell at or within Six staires of the East gate of the Tower & within Six foote Streight East beyond the said Staires upon Paine of Forfeiture of every Vessell soe Found iijs iiijd


37 Pat: 12 E. 3. p. 3. M 5

Licent Sternendi quandam domum bretagialam juxta Turrini Rex omnibus adquos &ta. Salutem Supplicarunt nobis Major Aldermanni & Cives Civitatis noster London ut sum ipsi Nuper audito Remare alienigene hostes nostri cum 9 aleax et alias Vavium guerrinax multitudine copiosa ad Civitem predictam accedere Ordinabant ad eandem Civitatem hostiliter invadend quandam dormum Bretagiatum ad Sumplus Suos per prios in loca vocuto Petty Gales juxta Turrim nostram London erigi et denovo construi at Nonnullos palos extransverso aque Thamisie ibidem figi fecerunt pro defensione dicte Civitatis et Securiori repulsione hostium predictos Velimus Licentiam eisdem consedere dictam domum prosternendi deponendi & etiam amovendi una Cum Palis Predictis & Commodum Suum inde faciendi. Nos advertentes iporum Majoris Aldermanos & Civium Contra hujusmodi hostilem Nequitiam actus & Gestus Strenuus ac Sumptus & Expensas quos Circa Constructionem dicte domus & alia premisa ex causa predicta et tam pro nostri quam ipsis honoris Conservatione fecerunt tam gratamter Volentes eorum Supplicationum eo prelextu favorabiliter annuere in hac parte concessimus per nobis & heredibus nostris eisdem Majori Aldermannis & Civibus quod ipi pace inter nos & adversarios Nostros Super guerris & is cordijs hinc inde Motis reformata et hujusmodi guerrare dispendijs & perticulis cessantibus & amotis predictum domum Bretagiatam prosternere deponere & amovere una cum palis predictis et Commodum Suum inde facere prosunt juxta iporum libitum Voluntatis Sine occasione vel impedimento nostri & heredum nostrorum ac aliorum quorumque In cujus etcetera T. Custode apud P. Windsore Secundo die Januar


Claus 11: H. 3 M 15

Rex Constabulario Turris Lond. Salutem, Mandamus vobis quod eos qui dicunt piscem venalem in Navibus us London et remanent trans pontem London Scilicet exparte Turris London distingatis ad ducendym predictum piscem Vs Hesham Rigine ibidem Vendendum Sicut adjuducatum fuit ad ultima placita Corone nostro apud Turrim London T. R. apud Westm̄ visessimo die Marc.

Liberate 18 E. 2: M. 2 zꝫ 5 Liberate    19. E. 2. M. 3 zꝫ 4

Rex Thesaurar & Camerar Suis Salutem. Liberate de Thesauro Nostro dilectis Nobis in Xpo: Magistro Fratribus & Sororibus Hospitalis Sancta Katherine juxta Turrim nostram London 36:s 08d: 06 de Termino patch. proximo preterito de illus quinque marcis Sex Solid & Novem denar quos dns Ed{rus}. quondam Rex Aug.s pater noster eis Concessit Singulis Annis ad Sanarium nostrum percipiendum in recompensatorem dampin quod Sustinuerunt per Elongatoenem fossati Circa Turrim dictam T. R. apud Porsestr: 20 die Maij

Pat 8. R. 2: p: 1 M 20

l Majore etcetera London Rex omnibus Ballivis & Fidelibys Suis ad quos etcetera Salutem Scratis quod pro eo quod diversa conventicula Congreatuones, cōvine Turbatoes & Insurrectiones {folomie} & proditorie contra Statum nostrum at pacem & Coronam Nostram regiam at Nicum. Brember Majorem & Gubernatores Civitatis nostro London <382r> 38 & Contra Gubernatorem ejusdem Jam Noviter facta Fuerunt & Perpetrata in Eadem Civitate per Johem Northampton Draper Nuper Majorem dicte Civitatis Johem More Mercer Ricum Norbury Mercer & alios unde ijdem Johnes Johnes & Ricus indicati et alijs vijs accusati pluribus Malefactis Suis hujusmodi Coram Nobis & Consilio Nostro in presentia Nostra peripsos Cognitis Super hujus modi felonijs & proditionibus coram dilectis & fidelibus nostris Johne de Monte Acuto Senest Hospitij Nostri & Socijs Suis Justiciar Nostris ad Prisonam Turris Noster London de eisdem Johne Johne & Rico in ea existentibus deliberandum Assignatis Seperatim post modum allocuti & inde per Cognitiones Suas proprias conoicti quod distraherentur & Suspenderentur adjudicati Fuissent, Executionibus Judiciorum in hac parte redditorum, quo ad vitam ipsorum Johis Johis. & Rici in respectu, de gratia nostra ad Voluntatem Nostram adhuc remanentibus pro ut per Recordim & prosesu Coram prefactis Justicyarijs Nostris inde habita plenicus poterit apparere. Nos igitur pro pace & tranquillitate Civitatis noster predicte volumus & Consedimus pro Nobis & heredibus Nostris ligeis Nostris Majori & Com̄unitati Civitatis nostre predicte & eorum Successioribus quod si contingat nos imposterum cum eisdem Johne Johne & Rico vel eos aliquo de vila Sua agere gratiose quod Nihilomimus ijdem Johes Johes & Ricus ad diversas prisonas in diversis Com̄. per Centum leusas a dicta Civitate distantes Mittantur ibidem Seperatim per decem Anno <382v> Prox Sequentes abs alia deliberatione de eis vel eorum aliquo interim Consedendum moralur, itoo quod Elapsis dictis decem annis et nos Contingat eisdem Johni Johni & Rico vel eos alicui de vita Sua gratiam facere Specialem ijdem Johes Johes. & Ricus ab hujusmodi prisonis quos Sufficientem Securitatem Invenerint quod per ipsos vel eos aliquem aut aliquem de Covina Sua vel per procurationem Suam malum vel prejudicium Civite nostre predicte Seu alicui ligeos nostros ejusdem non Eveniet quovismodo, ad requisitionem cujuscum nullatenis deliverantur. Volumus etiam et Consetudinus eisdem ligeis nostris Majori & Coitati & eis Successioribus quod si Contingat ipsos Johnem Johnem. & Ricum vel eos aliquem hujusmodi deliberationem assequi in hac parte eisdem Johni Johni & Rico et eos cuilibet ex parte Nostra inhibiatur ne ipsi ex tunc Civitatem nostram predictum ex aliqua parte infra regnum Nostrum Angl. per Centum Leusas contingant vel eos aliquis attingat Sub pena amissionis vite Sice. Ita quod ipsos vel eos aliquem post hujusmodi deliberationem assecutā infra bundas Centum leucas predictas inveniri beneliceat Cuicum persone tam dicte Civitatis quum Suburbios & Libertatem ejusdem et aliis quibuscum de quolibet eos Johis Johis. & Rici infra dictas bundas Sic invento facere tanquam de Inimico nostro et ut de illo quem tenemus et volumus quod Sit et Erit extra protectioneme nostram infra Centum leucas Supradictas abs Impetitione molestatione Sive Gravamine propter hoc vel ex <383r> 39 Causa per nos vel GHeredes nostros aut Justicium nostros vel Heredum Nostros vel alium quemcumqꝫ ex parte nostra in futurum. Et in Super Volumus & Consedimus quod si aliquis dicte Civitatis per ipsum vel personam Mediam Sectum faciat aliqualiter vel manutenentiam pro eisdem Johne Johne & Rico vel aliquo eos in Contrarium has literas et inde devile Convintatur imprisonetur & ad Nostram Voluntatem redimatur & bona & Cattalla Sua ad opus Nostrum foris faciat, Et pro Majori conforatione habendi bonam & Sanam Gubernatorum in Civitate nostra predicta de avisamento Sapientum ejusdem et per Castigationem & punitionem omnium alios riotos hujusmodi conventicula Congregationes Covinas vel insurrectiones imposternum facientium Volumus & Contedimus pro nobis & Heredibus Nostris dictis ligeis Nostris Majori & Comunitati et eos Successoribus quod presentes literæ noster Patentes in Omnibus remanebunt affectuales abs revocatione vel aliquali ad nullatione. Incujus etcetera Teste Rege apud Castrū Suum Windesore 26 die Sept                     per lram ipius Regis de Signeto


The Verdict of his Majestys late Jury for the Royall Tower of London & the libertyes there of Sworne before the Honorable Sir John Robinson Knight & Barronet Leiutenant of the said Tower & Sir Tho: Stringer Knight Steward of Majestijs Court there the 26 of November in the 29 yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second over England etcetera by us Daniell Colwall Foreman. Nathaniell Montney Mathew Humberton W.m Fisher. George Whateley Rob.t Burgoijne. Tho: Dawson. John Slaughter. Charle Gringand. Henry Hardy. W.m Kuijpes, Fra Burgess, Henry Crane. W.m Bull & John Cliffe as Followeth


Imprimis Wee present that it hath been used & accustomed time out of mind that Every person resident & dweling within the Precinct & liberty of the Tower of London at their first Entrance & dwelling within the said liberty ought to take his Oath & bee Sworne before his Majestys Steward of his Said Court to bee at all times upon Nessessary Occasions Aiding & Assisting to his Majestys high Constable & Leiutenant of the Tower for the time being for the Safe Preservation of the said Tower and thereupon their Names to be Entred & Registred by the Steward of the Tower aforesaid & afterwards they are to bee deemed & accounted Freemen of the Tower and in respect thereof & of their Service & attendance they are freed & Exempted from all Service at the Assizes & Sessions within the County of Middlesex & also freed & Exempted from the payment of Tithes for any of their houses & habitations within the said Precinct & liberty of the Tower


Item wee present the Bounds Franchises & Libertijes of the said Tower the which upon a Vieco or Survey thereof wee find to be & extend as Followeth vizt that the Same doth beginn in the West & South part thereof by the Thames Side at the Waterfate comonly called Pikes Corner, where Thomas Clee Brewer deceased lately dwelt & now is in the Occupation of Robert Richardson Wharfinger of Brewhouse Key and from thence goeth Streight along by Petty Wales London up to the Corner at the East End of Tower Street of the New Brick buildings, lately erected by Mr Good deseased & set out from the Foundation by the Honorable Sir John Robinsons Sir Jonaes Moore Survey.er of his Majesties Ordinance & by M.r Hooke Surveyer of the Citty of London & from thence Northward to the brick wall, where now Stands Erected two new Brick houses the one in the Tenure & Occupation of the widdow Kinsley the other inhabited at Present by Sir Denny Ashburnham, heretofore Called Pikes Garden & Since Called the Lord Lumleys Garden & now in the Tenure or Occupation of the Lord Savage deceased his heires or Assignes, or Edward Barkwell of London Goldsmith or his Assignes & is now Called Savage Garden on the Southside of Crouched Fryars & from thence to the Northside of an house wherein Thomas Godsall now dwelleth & from thence thirty two foot due North along by the End of the Garden now Converted into Warehouses in the Tenure or Occupation of one Marc Mortymer & from thence Streight to the Wall of the Citty of Londen (being the Furthest bounds of the liberty of the Tower Northwards) & from thence South to the the Posterne Gate all along by Certaine Gardens (which formerly were nine in Number) but now otherwise Converted & divied & from without the Posterne gate Northwards close under the Posterne up to the Place wgere the Broaken Tower was on the Street Side turning up towards the Memories by the Smiths forge unto a Tavern <384v> There lately a Victualling house called the Starr right against the said Broaken Tower & from thence Eastward to the end of Hogg lane alias Rosemary Lane & from thence Southward all along the Tower ditch unto the Thames Side Six foot east from the Staires at the East Gate of Tower wharfe towards S.t Katherines

Item we present the Lord Major & Court of Aldermen of the Citty of London for a Perillous & dangerous Breach in the Comon shoare of the said Citty which for divers yeares past was Broaken up & now lyeth open neare the Posterne within his Majestys liberty of the Tower of London to the great danger & Perill of his Majestys Subjects & whereby divers have lately been hurt, for which our Predecessors of his Majestys Leete Jury by their presentment bearing date the 19 of October in the 27 yeare of the Reigne then did amerse them 5£-10s-0d for every default weekly untill the said breach should be repaired & amended, for the use of our said Soveringe Lord the King & for as the said Breach still lyeth Open unamended or Repaired & is much more Enlarged then Ever & become almost Impassable (espetically in the Night Season) for all Passengers that way Wee doe therefore answer them Six pounds & twenty shillings for Every Weeke from henceforth (for the use of his said Majesty) untill the Same shall be Sufficiently repaired & Amended

Item wee present the Master of the Brotherhood & sisterhood of S.t Katherines Hospital & the Scavenger and overSeers of the high wayes for the great Encroachment lately made by the Inhabitants of the liberty of s.t Katherines aforesaid dwelling on the East Side of the Tower ditch, upon his Majestys wast ground on the       side of the said ditch who have made an Inroade thereupon whereby all drayes <385r> 40 Carts horses etcetera forsaking the Comon high way doe now make their Passage into the Minories & have likewise raised a great dunghill thereon & Turned the Comon shoar which should pass into the Thames Soe that it now venteth all its filth & draining into his Majestys Moate there & in time is likely to Choake up the said Moate or ditches to the great danger & Inconvenience of the Tower. & that the Inhabitants there about now make the said ground their Leystall. for all which Annoyances Neusances & Incroachments wee doe amerse them ten pounds & twenty shillings Monthly untill the Same be reformed repaired & amended

Item wee present the Officers within this liberty for the two yeares now last past & Expired John Jackman & Hugh Bailly Overseers for the Poore Thomas Hoggsflesh Constable Eleazer Wiggon Head borough Henry Crispe Scvanger, John Ashton & W.m Wall Alecuners

Item wee present that there is & hath been time out of mind one Chest belonging to the Court Leete (bound about with Plates of Iron) wherein is or Should be kept all the Presentments of his Majestys Leete Jury for the time being for the liberty aforesaid. Books Bonds & other writings & accompts from the Overseers of the Poore from Yeare to Yeare. Statute Bookes one Booke of accompts one Money box with a Lock & key belonging to the Same And to the Chest aforesaid beling three locks & keys one whereof is to be kept by the foreman & the other two by two others of the Courts Leete, whom they shall think fitt to appoint for their Theors & <385v> Soe to be delivered up Succesively from one Leete to Another, Also in the Chest aforesaid one New Booke of Orders bought at the Charge of this Leete, one pair of Brass Scales & Weights, apile of Weights one wooden Measure & a Pewter Standish

And lastly for Confirmation of these o.er presentments aforesaid wee the said Jurates first above named have hereunto Put o.er hands & Seales this 22.th day of Octob 1679 & in the one & thirtieth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second over Engld Ha:

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