
At the Court at Whitehall

The 24 of January 1661


The Kings most Excellent Majestie
His Royall Highnes the Duke of York
Lord Chancellor &c

Vpon proposalls and desires of the Officers of his Majesties Mint concerning the Fabrick of Moneys by way of Press or screw and the preventing of abuses therein on the 22d Instant, It was this day Ordered by his Majestie in Councill — That the Officers of his Majesties Mint doe speedily give perticuler Accompt of all persons who have entruded and now Inhabitt within the Mint or Precincts thereof and have no relation thereunto to the Committee of his Majesties Privy Councill for his Mint, And in order to the settlement of dwelling places workhouses and Conveniences for such who are or shall be employed in that his Majesties service, It was further Ordered, That Sir William Compton Knight Master of his Majesties Ordinance Colonell William Legg Leiftenant of the same, and Capt Marish one of the officers thereof have notice to attend the Committee of the Mint on wednesday the 29th of this Month before the setting of the Councill in the afternoone about the stables in their use and possession within the Limitts of the Tower, And likewise that the Leiftenant of the Tower deliver possession of the houses Contraverted mentioned in the 5th Article of the said proposalls to the officers of his Majesties said Mint In case it appeareth that it hath formerly belonged to the said Mint, that the house & buildings thereunto belonging wherein one Ramage doth now Inhabitt and workers be likewise forthwith delivered to the said Officers of his Majesties Mint for his Majesties service In case the said Ramage cannot shew any just title to the same, otherwise to appear at this Board on wednesday next the 29th of this Instant. Edw: Walker

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