Documents relating to the expulsion of non-Mint personnel from Mint premises
Whereas Wee have lately received his Majestys Expresse Comand concerning the Clearing the Mynt from all persons using or Inhabiting any Lodgings or houses scituate or being betweene the two Mint Gates of the Mynt within the Tower of London and not having Relations to the same for the better Accomodation of such officers Workmen and others as shall hereafter be employed in Coyning of his Majesties Moneys by way of the Presse or screw. Wee doe therefore Order and hereby Require the Officers of his Majesties said Mynt immediately upon the Receipt hereof To give perticuler Notice unto all Persons now Inhabiting within the Mynt as aforesaid and not belonging thereunto of his Majesties Pleasure that all such as att present hold any houses or Lodgings of any of the said Officers Doe Remove themselves and families out of their respective houses or Lodgings within twenty daies after the date hereof And that all other Persons lodging or Inhabiting as aforesaid doe Remove themselves and families within Eight daies at the furthest whereunto all persons concerned herein are enjoyned to give due Obedience And it is likewise Ordered that none of the Officers of his Majesties Mynt within the Tower of London or any other person or persons belonging unto the same who have right to any houses or Lodgings therein shall for the future Lett or sett their respective houses or Lodgings unto any person or persons whatsoever without our perticular knowledge and Consents From Southampton house this present 18th day of February 1661
T Southampton
[1] <418v>Att the Court att Whitehall
The 2d day of May 1662
The Kings most Excellent Majestie
His Royall Highnes the Duke of York. | Earl of Carbery |
Lord Treasurer | Lord Seymour |
Lord Privy Seale | Lord Holles |
Duke of Buckingham | Lord Wentworth |
Marquis of Dorchester | Lord Ashley |
Earl of Portland | Sir William Compton |
Earl of Berkshire | Mr Treasurer |
Earl of St Albans | Mr Comptroller |
Earl of Anglesey | Mr Vice Chamberlaine |
Earl of Carlile | Mr Secretary Nicholas |
Mr Secretary Morrice
Vpon Reading a Warrant from the right honourable the Lord High Treasurer of England and the Lord Ashley Chancellour of his Majesties Exchequer Dated the 18th of February last directed to the Chief Officers of his Majesties Mynt within the Tower of London signifying his Majesties Expressd Commands concerning the Clearing of his Majestys said Mynt from all persons using and Inhabiting any Lodgings or houses scituate or being betweene the two Gates of the Mynt within the Tower of London and not havinge Relation to the same. For the reason in the said Warrant expressed and declared. It was this day Ordered (his Majestys present in Councell) That Sir John Robinson Knight & Barronett his Majesties Leiftenant of the Tower of London doe Cause their Lordships said Warrant to the said Officers of the Mynt to be forthwith effectually put in Execution.
[2]Edw: Walker
<419r>By an Order under the hands of the right honourable the Lord high Treasurer of England and the Lord Ashley bearing date the 18th. of February 1661 To Sir William Parkhurst Sir Ralph Freeman Mr James Hoare and the Rest of the Officers of the Mynt. They were desired upon Receipt of the said Order to give notice to all persons Inhabiting the said Mynt and not belonging thereunto To Avoid the same with their respective Families and Relations within Eight daies att the furthest after notice gven them And whereas in pursuance of the said Order It was further Ordered in Councill (this Majestie being present) that I should see the said First Order effectually put in Execution by the Masters and Officers of the said Mynt
These are therefore to Require you that upon Notice from the said Officers of the Mynt you be Ready to see the said Order effectually executed as they shall direct by Ayding and assisting in the Avoiding of Ramage and her family for which doing this shall be your Warrant Given att the Tower under my hand and seale the 4th of August 1662
John Robinson Lieutenant {of the} Tower
[3] [4] <419v>Copies of the Kings Orders for clearing the Mint of Forreigners in the years 1661 & 1662.
[2] Copie
[4] Copie