Royal warrant to the Mint wardens William Parkhurst and Anthony St Leger repeating the order to expel non-Mint personnel
Charles R
Whereas wee have by severall Expresse orders and warrants unto the officers of our Mint and the Lieutenant of our Tower of London commanded and appointed Our said Mint to be cleared from all Inhabitants not haveing realing unto the same, whether Tennants unto any of our said Officers or not for the better Security of our said Mint, and for the accomodating of such other officers and workmen as here after shall be employed in the making of Tooles and Engines, and in Coyning Our Monies by the Mills and Presse, And where as the warden of our said Mint in pursuance of our Orders and Commands, and upon the Removall of our Captain Fleetwood late Tennant unto John Wallis weigher of Our said Mint have with Advice and Constent of the rest of the Officers there, On Our behalfe made an Agreement with, and taken a Lease from the said John Wallis bearing date the six and twentieth day of Iuly last past of all his Interest and Terme of yeares in our house and Garden with the appurtenances scituate and being in or neare a place known by the Name of the Irish Mint in our said Tower of London belonging unto the said John Wallis as weigher unto our Mint, and now in the possession of Peter Blondeau Engineer unto our said Mint For and in consideration of the yearly rent of sixteen pounds therein and thereby reserved and payable unto the said John Wallis and his Assignes during his naturall life out of the profits of our Mint by you and your successors Wardens for the time being, And whereas you have with the Advice and Consent aforesaid On Our behalfe likewise agreed with and taken one other Lease from Thomas and John Woodward Assay Masters bearing date the twenty third May last past of all their Interest and Term of years of and in one house with the appurtenances in Our said Mint belonging to them as Assay masters as it now lyeth divided and of one piece of Ground or Garden plott upon which wee have lately caused to be erected two horse Mills with other Buildings for our service in Coyning our Monies after a new Invented way the said house being in the possession of one John Roettiers One of Our Chiefe Gravers for and in consideration of the yearly Rent of sixteen pounds therein and thereby reserved and payable unto the said Thomas and John Woodward and their Assignes dureing their Naturall Lifes and the life of the longest liver of them out of the profits of our Mint by you and your successors Wardens for the time being, As by the said severall and respective Leases will appeare, Now For as much as None of the officers of our said Mint may receive any prejudice by soe readily complying with our Commands and service as aforesaid or loose the rest or benifit of the respective houses Wee have thought fitt and doe hereby appoint and Authorize the Wardens of our Mint for the time being well and duely to pay unto the said John Walles and Thomas and John Woodward out of the Profitts of our Mint as they shall arise the said severall and respective Rents by Quarterly payments after the usuall Course of the Mint and according to the true intent and meaning of the aforementioned Leases, And wee doe hereby likewise Command and Authorize the officers of our Exchequer and the Auditor of our Mint for the time being to make due Allowance and defalcation unto you and your successors upon you and their Accounts of the said Rents accordingly, And our further Will and pleasure is, And wee doe hereby Require and Authorize you the warden of our Mint for the time being to make one Lease or Assignement of the said house with the Garden and appurtenances lately belonging to the said John Wallis unto our Good subject and Peter Blondeau Engineer unto our said Mint, To hold the same unto him and his Assignes for and dureing the terme of twenty and one yeares from the First day of November last past without paying any Rent for the same unto us, our heires and successors or unto any other person or persons whatsoever, the said Peter Blondeau his Executors and Assignes well and truely performing what on his or their parts respectively ought to be performed Concerning his Covenants and undertakings mentioned in our Letters Patents and Agreements under our Greate Seale to and with the said Peter Blondeau about the Coyning of our Gold and Silver Monies by the Mill and Presse after his new Invented way bearing date the first day of November last past, And this shall be your warrant for soe doeing, Given at our Court at whitehall this present one and thirtieth day of December, 1662: in the 14{th} year of our Reigne
By his Majesties Command
William Morrice
To sir Wililam Parkhurst and sir Anthony St Leger Knights wardens and unto the Auditors of our Mint in our Tower of London for the time being