
Office of Ordnance
23d Febry 171920


Having directed our Officer to make a Plan of the late Master Smiths House & Shops in the Mint, as also a Design for improving the same for the reception of Clerks, that they may the better attend their business. you have underwritten an abstract of his Report

In improving this solace, I humbly observe that the Buildings adjoining to the premisses on both side{s of} the street & belonging to the Mint, are all Timber Buildings & the Party Walls the same, so that in case of Fire, it may be of ill consequence On the Northwise of the street, the Party Wall between the Smiths Shops & the House inhabited by the Widdow Lucuss is of Timber. A Stack of Chimneys irregularly built & the Foundation not so low as the intended Cellar by Four Feet

This stack of Chimneys makes a Break in the premisses, & by its smallness is a great detriment, which by building a Brick Party wall & new building the Chimneys may be prevented & no damage done, but rather an Improvement to the said Houses.

On the Southside of the Street & the West end of the premisses are the Milling houses, which are built of Timber & will require a Part wall of Brick. here are some of the Windows in the upper Room above theirs belonging to the Mint, which 'tis hoped may be well spared to be shutt up by the New part wall.

Here is also on the back End of this Part Wall, a Break into the premisses about 10 feet square, which in the first story is a Vault & belongs to these premisses. But above is a slight Timber Buildings & belongs to the Mint, to preserve this upper Building when the shops are pulled down will be a matter of some difficulty.

[1] <434v>

We therefore desire some of your — Officers may soon meet with some of ours, in order to settle these matters, which We hope may lend to the mutual advantage of both Offices.

We are


your very humble Servants

Cha WillsMRichardsTWhite
T WheateJohn Armstrong.

[1] Principal Officers of his Majestys Mint

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