
A List of the Names of severall Persons who Claimed by Vertue of their grants if Goods &ca. of Traytors. delivered Mr. Attorney Generall with other writings in January 1690 pursuant to the Order of the Right honourable the Lords Commissioners of their Majestys Treasury.

Franco. Scott. Bayliffe of the Franchisse for the Dean & Chapter of st. Pauls
Walter Bayns. Bayliffe of the liberty for the Dutchy of Lancaster
Edw: Cary. Bayliffe for the liberty of Westminster
Wm. Ayres. Bayliffe for the Burrough of Southwarke
Wm. Pawly for the Lady Wentworths liberty of stepney
Sir Ia: Ruthaut for harrow the Hill
Sir Ia: Butler. for St. Katharines
Sir Tho: Cooke. for the liberty of Hackney
Ino. Harwood. for the Bishop of Londons liberty of E{l}in
Sir Fra: Child } Sheriffs of the Citty of London.
Sir Edw: Clarke
Mr Tizard Vnder sSherriff for iddlesex

Summons from Mr. Attorney dated the 25°. Ianr. 1690. were delivered to the above Persons directing them to attend him with their Grants on the 2d. of February. Following

per Geo Macey


A List

Of those who Claime Traytors Goods by vertue of their Grants.

26 Iana 90

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