
p 42. lin 28. for: an offender &c read: a false coyner or clipper or importer of false of clipt money receive a reward of 40s

p 43 lin 3 for: did mightily encourage, read: encouraged

p. 54 l. 12. read: Hereupon the Kings Receivers & Collectors being order{ed} by the Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury to receive Guineas at no more then 21s 6d, & an advertisement thereof being published in the Gazet, they presently began to pass at that rate & still continue to do so as they did also many years before 1695.

p 58. l. 18. In stead of [The Gentlemen of the Office of Ordnance] read The Garrison

{Ib}. lin 25 & 28 Instead of of [the Ordnance] read [the Garrison.]

p.62 l. 27. After [weekly] may be added. And the like observations were made of the Mills, Marking Engins & Furnaces for knowing the dispatch of each.

p. 70 l 16,17 Quære if forreign silver was not dearer.

p. 73 l {ult}. add: Also any person might before 1st Iune 1697 pay this years taxes or any part thereof in such wrought plate at such rate as aforesaid

p 82 {Delete} [which was what he would undertake provided &c] & scribe: & for an experiment he edges some blanks of Tin with a groove and then he discovered that his designe was to be made Supervisor of the Mint for putting these things in practise & published his proposal in which he made severe reflections upon the Officers & others of the Mint as unskilful people that he might recommend himself the move.

Mr Newton then Warden of the Mint represented to some of the Committee on the other hand that his way of Chaloners would be slow & chargeable & subject to other inconveniences. For – – – cast with a high impression & smoothed between two

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

Faculty of History, George Street, Oxford, OX1 2RL - newtonproject@history.ox.ac.uk

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