
An Accompt of monies received by Isaac Newton Esquire Warden of his Majesties Mint towards defraying the charges of prosecuting Clippers & Coyners from the 5t of Sept. 1696 to the 12t of Iune 1699

Sept 5 1696 Received at the Exchequer by order of the
Lord Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury
} 300.00.00
Sept 24 1696 Received of Mr Edmund Rolf Town-clerk of
Lynn Regis 166 ounces of clippings of ham-
mered money which at 5s 1d per ounce amounts to
} 42.03.10
Novemb. 22. 1697 Received of the Undersheriff of Lincolnshire
39 ounces & 15 penny weight of clippings of old
hammered money which at 5s 1d per ounce amounts
} 7.16.0334
Sold to Mr Ambrose an Ingott of coarse silver melted down
out of counterfeit money for 17. 15s. 0d
} 17.15.00
May 11th 1698 Received of the Undersheriff of Middlesex for
good forfeited to the King by the conviction of
Lewis Skidmore for coyning
} 7.05.06
Jan 14 16989 Sold to Mr Floyer an Ingott of coarse silver
melted down out of counterfeit money for
6. 11s 00d
} 6.11.00
May 5 1699 Received by the hands of my Clerk Mr John
Ellis for a parcell of clippings found on Sarah Nott
} 5.10.00
Iune 12 1699 Received of Mr Floyer for 5 ounces 13 penny
weight of clippings delivered to me by Mr Battely
1 8s 11d and for a parcell of silver filings
and counterfeit money taken on Mr Ivy in
Ireland & sent thence to the Keeper of Newgate
2. 9s. 6d
} 3.18.05
Received at severall times of Tho. Neale Esquire Master
and Worker of his Majesties Mint the salary of
Mr Ellis my Clerk for three years ending Michaelmas 1699 after the rate of sixty
pounds per an
} 180.00.00
571. 00. 0034.

An Accompt of monies expended by Isaac Newton Esquire Warden of his Majestys Mint in the apprehending & prosecuting of Clippers and Coyners between the third day of August 1696 and the

} ..
Fees at the Treasury for the Warrant & Order for the 300
received out of the Exchequer 2. 10s. 00d, at the
Exchequer 7. 15s. 00d
} 10.05.00
Fees at the Treasury for an 100lb given by order of the Lords
of the Treasury to Mr Geo. Smyth of Gloucester-
shire for defraying his charges in prosecuting Coyn-
ers 2. 10s. 00d, at the Exchequer 2. 15s. 00d
} 5.05.00
Paid Mr Tussingham's Bill for registring the Privy Seal &c
4. 10s. 00d paid Mr Ingham for two engrost copies
thereof with Deputations 15s
} 5.05.00
Charges of a Sign Manual for a new Clerk 5. 2s. 6d
and paid my clerks salary for two years & an
half from Michaelmas 1696, 180. 00s. 00d
} 180.02.06
Paid Mr Ca{n}twell the keeper of the Savoy Prison for sending
his man in August 1696 to Lewis in Sussex to
apprehend Emery a Coyner 1. 10s. 00d and for
apprehending & deteining some days in custody
James Pritchard a Soldier & Coyner 1. 12s. 00d
} 3.02.00
Paid Mr Cha. Maris one of the Kings Messengers for charges
of himself & two other Messengers & four Assist-
ants with their horses in going to apprehend 32
Clippers & Coyners in Worcestershire & Shropshire
in September 1696, 41. 02s. 00d & for other services against coyners
} 51.02.00
Sept 19 1696 & Feb 16967 Paid Taylor an Engraver in Holburn
for charges & pains in discovering Irish, Williamson
Maud & other Coyners of severall Gangs & attending the
sessions & Kingston Assizes against some of them
} 6.10.00
Sept. 24 1696 Paid Mr Rolf Townclerk of Lynn Regis
discharge of a Bill for prosecuting ten Clippers in
} 10.06.10
Paid Mr Benjamin Maris one of the Kings Messengers at
severall times for the charges of himself and
Companions in detecting & apprehending great numbers
of Clippers & Coyners & prosecuting some of them
& buying counterfeit money in order to discover
some of their Gangs
} 64.10.00
341. 08. 04
Brought over 341.08.04
Sept 11 1696 Paid Humfrey Hall to buy him a suit of
cloaths to qualify him for conversing with a Gang
of coyners of Note in order to discover them
} 5.00.00
Several charges upon divers occasions in the prosecution of
Captain William Wintour of Gloucestershire vizt
to Ienkins & Dun 15, to Oldersha{w}{ir} 1, to Stablin
& Mountsteven 10 to Mary Davis 5. 12s. 6d, to
James Tenant 4. 6s. 0d. In all
} 35.18.06
Paid Mr Packers Clerk in part of a Bill of charges of
prosecuting Coyners
} 4.19.00
Nov. 1. 1696 Paid Dougless towards the charges of himself &
two others & their horses in going 150 miles to
apprehend Coyners
} 6.00.00
Paid Mr Rewse severall Bills of charges for prosecuting
coyners 14. 10s. 00d & towards his & Weekmans
charges in going to the Assizes at Worcester Staffod
Salop Hereford & Monmouth to prosecute coyners in summer
1698, 20. 00s. 00d
} 34.10.00
Charges of Sending Caleb Clerk & others into Worcestershire to
apprehend Coyners 5℔ & of sending Ioseph Williams to Worcester
Assizes in March 16967 to give evidence
against them 3 In all
} 8.00.00
Charges of detecting apprehending & convicting William
Bird at Exeter
} 40.00.00
Charges of detecting the designes of Chaloner & his associates
in their conspiring to set on foot a new way of
coyning in summer 1697 & of apprehending some
of them
} 09.10.00
Iuly 27 1697 Mr Wilder & Mr Russell for apprehending & prosecuting Chapman & White 13.08.00
Charges of prosecuting John Gibbons vizt Iul. 19 & 20 1698 to
Counel 5. 7s. 3d. Iul 29 to Hildyard 1. 12s. 6d
Iune 27 1698 at the secretaries Office for two
Warrants 6 Guineas or 6. 12s. 00d Sept 9
98 to Mary Townsend 15s, Iune 19 & Iul 4
1699 to Mrs Stavely 12. 16s. 9d
} 27.03.06
Paid Mr Christopher Priddith 27. 7s which with 50. 8s. 6d
received by him out of forfeited estates I allowed
him in discharge of two Bills amounting to 108.
18s. 01d for journeys into the Country & prosecuting 26 persons besides 17 convicted
Paid Mr Legat Mr Snow & Mr Boteler for charges in detecting
& apprehending John Smith, Tho Read, Rebecca Bury
Robt Lacy & his wife, Sarah Cletor, Dr Stringer &c
21. 3s. 8d. Paid them more in the same accompt
by Mr Secretary Vernon 5. Paid Mrs Lewis on the same
accompt 3lb
} 29.03.08
552. 08. 0{0}
Brought over 582. 08s. 00d
Paid for prosecuting the two Quarringtons & Hitchcock
at Alesbury 3. 10s. 00d Hawkins & Harrison at
Lincoln 2. 10s. 00d Fr. Exton at Kingston 3, Rawlinson & Walene at Maidstone in Kent 4.
Divers coyners by Bouner 2, others by Weekma
2lb. 14s. 00d. F removing Lawrence Wilkinson from
Canterbury hither 2. 10s. 00d To Edward Floyd in
part of his charges of coming from Ireland about
Coyners 2. 10s. 00d. To Clifford Pierce on the same accompt
3. 00s. 00d
Paid several other small summs in carrying on the prosecu
tion of coyners vizt to Mr Ca{n}twell 10s to two sworn Appraisers
1. 10s. 00d two Watchmen 10s John Down 9s, John
Iones 10s. witnesses against Scott 5s. to Russel 1
Robt Attey 3. John Stewart 15s Mrs Lewis 12s. 9d
A Constable 5s Cornelius Dyer 5s. Rich. Thornton
16s. Stephen Dunk 5s Charnock 5s Gartrude Brown
1. 02s. 00d. Weekman 5s Tho. Bland 15s Ann Dear
16s A Nightman 6s Mary Hobbs 1. 5s. John Prit-
chard 12s John Welch 12s Tho Hall 11s Mary Morgan 1 Mary
Ball 15s Mrs Booker 15s
19. 11. 9
Remains due to me
Remains due to me
627. 05. 09
571. 00. 0034
56. 5. 814

© 2025 The Newton Project

Professor Rob Iliffe
Director, AHRC Newton Papers Project

Scott Mandelbrote,
Fellow & Perne librarian, Peterhouse, Cambridge

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