
Noah Neal Esqr his Letter to Isaac Newton Esqr Warden of the Mint

stamford Augt: the 15th: 97


I have sent you more work as you will see by the enclosed information, the method I have to propose to you to take them is this, Thorpe writes to Cossens for some money he hath sent him a bill for 10£: upon his correspondent one Coreye a goldsmith in fleet street near fleet bridge and hath told him the matter that when Thorpe comes for the money that he secures him, & whoever comes with him, describing Bacon to be a {lower} {Coiner} man with a scar in his face: Thorpe writes to Cossens to direct his letter to be Left for him at Mr Serjeants at the Mityr in Pye corner, And to his brother in Law (who also hath seen the stamps but is unwilling to appear yet) he orders him to direct to be left at Mr {Boswir} at the Scotch armes in High Holbourne; for that I think you had best see who comes for the Money, it may be both may come, if only Thorpe; then you must send immediatly, & search for Bacon at these two places, for otherwise we know not where to find him: but I must beg your pardon for presuming to direct you in this matter who knows soe much better then I can direct. your Deputy hath been with me; I hope the Lords of the Treasury will grant my request about these two Little houses. for I am sure I have earned them the {most} stayes I am

Sir your most humble servant

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