
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury

Wee the Warden and Master Worker of his Majesties Mint, Having received from your Lordshipps a Refference dated the 4th. day of August last, Vpon the Memorial of Mr. Ionathan Ambrose hereunto Annex'd wherein he proposes to have Three halfe pence per pound for the First Melting down of the Plate; Wee take this Opertunity humbly to lay before your Lordshipps That the Master & Worker of the Mint, did alwayes melt down all silver and gold brought thither to be coyned, and did therein Employ such person or persons as he thought fitt for the doeing thereof being bound by the Indenture of the Mint to performe that service, and is answerable for all Loss and Miscarriage that may happen in the doeing thereof, And therefore humbly

Prays that he may Employ the persons that doe it as formerly, and is willing to undertake the severall meltings of the Clipt money at 3 farthings the pound, and on such other Conditions as are at present allowed for the same, and to undertake the first melting down of the plate at one penny per pound, and the refineing (since the Quantity is like to be great) for whats done in London at 11d. per pound, but for what's done and to be done in the Country he humbly does crave the present allowance of 12d. per pound, he having all along paid the same price, And as to the said Ionathan Ambrose we humbly lay before your Lordshipps that the Coynage Duty is not sufficient to Defray the necessaries of the mint at this time, And therefore submitt it to your Lordshipps Directions how and at what rate he shall be paid for the Plate he hath already melted and refined. And we further presume to Represent to your Lordshipps an Inconvenience we Conceive has arisen by wording the warrant under his Majesties signe Mannual for the Distribution of the 14d. per pound Allowed by an Act of Last Sessions for making the money, whereby it is Directed that nine pence per pound (part of the 14d.) should be paid to the Corporation of monyers, Whereas by the Indenture of the Mint 8d. per pound and no more is directed to be paid them for their service, And the Additionall penny was only to be paid and allowed them as a bounty <210v> from his Majestie, So long as the Warden, Master Worker, and Comptroller or any Two of them whereof the Warden to be one should perceive the moneys well sized, blanched, and Coyned, and a due proportion of small money made, and the said Service not having by them been well and duely performed, As an Inducement for the future, and to make them well size, Blanch and Coyne, the Silver money, and in all things for the Future, to act as they ought, We Conceive it convenient that in the next Warrant to be signed by his Majestie for Coyning either the Clipt money or Plate in Pursuance of any Act of this Sessions, that the giving the Penny to the monyers may be Only Conditional, As it is by the Indenture, And that if they doe not Deserve it, the same money to be saved to the Crowne.

Is. Newton

Tho Neale


[1] December
the 10th

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