"Report of the Officers of the Mint upon the Petition of the Tellers of the Bank"
To the Right Honourable the Lords
Commissioners of his Majesties Treasury
May it please your Lordships
In Obedience to your Lordships Order of Reference we have examined the annexed Petition of the Tellers of the Bank praying a reward for telling all the new moneys proceeding from the twelve Generall Remaines at the request of the Officers of the Exchequer; And we find by your Lordships warrants to Mr Neale that all the new monyes proceeding from those Remaines were told at the Mint; and the tale as well as the weight reported to your Lordships by your Order. We find also that the Tellers of the Exchequer were at first sent to the Mint to tell the same; but when the Coynage encreased so that a sufficient number of Tellers could not be spared from the Exchequer, they were assisted by the Tellers of the bank. For they sent their Porter William Dumford from time to time to summon the Tellers of the Bank to attend at the Mint, as appeares by the Affidavit of the said William Dumford hereunto annexed. We find also by the schedule hereunto annexed, & long since signed by Mr Neale and his Deputy Mr Fauquier, & by Mr Fitch our Weigher and Teller, and Mr Turner who supervised the Tellers and reported the tale, that the severall Tellers of the Bank were imployed the several dayes certified by the said schedule. And by the annexed Affidavit of the said Tellers we find that they have not yet received any reward for the said service. But what reward they were promised, or what part of those twelve Remaines was carried from the Mint to other places than the Exchequer we do not find.
All which is most humbly submitted
I Stanley
Is. Newton
[1] <70v>Report of the Office{rs} of the Mint upon the Petition of the Tellers of the Banck.
18 Iuly 1701