The values of several forreign coynes.
Silver Coynes unworn
dwt dwtgr dwt.gr.mi d
The Ecu of France of piece of 60 sols Turnois W.1 1713 17.11.2 5413
The three Guilder piece of Holland or piece of 60 styvers W.2 20.8 20.3.13 6246
The Ducatoon of Holland or piece of 63 styvers B.3 20.21 21.3.15 6559
The Patagon or Rixdoller of Holland or piece of 50 styvers W.14 18.0 16.20.15 5228
The 10 schelling piece of Zeland or piece of 60 styvers W.2 20.6 20.1.13 6221
The Lyon Doller of Holland or 2 3 of the Ducaton W.44 17.14 14.2.7 437
The Ducaton of Flanders or piece of 60 sols or Patars B.412 20.22 21.8.2 6615
The Patagon or Cross Doller of Flanders or piece of 48 Patars W. 12 18.1 17.1. 13 5291
The Doller or Patagon of the Bishop of Liege W.12 17.2212 16.22.5 5248
The Ducaton of Cologn B.3 20.18 21.0.15 652
The Doller of Cologn W.13 18.0 16.22.14 5253
The Piastre of Spain or Sevil piece of 8 Reaus now raised to 10 W.112 17.12 17.9.3 5388
The new Sevil piece of eight W.112 14.0 13.21.15 4311
The Crusado of Portugal of 400 Res now raised to 480 W.2 11.4 11.1.13 3431
A Ducat of Naples of 10 Carlins or 5 Tarins W.3 14.014 13.1.0 4043
An Escuti or Ecu of Rome or piece of 10 Iulios 1684 20.14
The Teston of Rome or piece of three Iulios W.1 5.2112 5.20.19 4821
The Ducat of Florence & Legorn or piece of 7 lires B.8 20.212 20.19.18 6457
The Crown of Florence & Legorn, or 45 of the Ducat W.1 16.1734 16.16.0 51,66
The Croisat of Genoa or piece of 712 lires B.7 24.15 25.9.11 78,74
A Ducat of Venice with the words Ducatus Venetus upon it W.2312 14.14 13.0.19 40,42
Another Ducat of Venice with the number 124 upon it 18.2
A Crusat or St Mark of Venice with the number 140 upon it 20.6
The double Gulden of the Elector of Hanover W.7 18.18 18.3.16 56,29
The Gulden of the Elector of Hannover or piece of 23 B.1712 8.10 9.1.18 28,14
The half Gulden of the Elector of Hanover or piece of 13 B.1712 4.5. 4.12.19 14,07
The Gulden of the Elector of Saxony or piece of 2 3 W.41 11.3 9.1.14 28,12
The Gulden of the Duke of Zell, or piece of 16 Gute Grosh W.43 11.1 8.21.13 27,6
A half Gulden of Brandenburg or piece of 13 W.43 5.13 4.12.5 14.
An old Gulden of the Elector of Brandenburg now riased from 24 to 26 Marien Grosh W.43 12.4 9.19.9 3041
A Gulden of the Bishop of Hildesheim or piece of 24 Marien Grosh now raied to 26 W.4012 11.22 9.17.17 30,21
The four Mark piece of Danemark of coarser allay W.61 14.8 10.910 30,21
The four Mark piece of Danemark of finer allay W.21 11.1312 10.11.5 32,45
The eight Mark piece of Swedeland sta. 20.4 20.4.0 62,52
The four Mark piece of Swedeland W.58 13.10 9.21.7 30,73
The Rixdoller of the last Emperor Ferdinand III W.1012 18.9 17.12.4 54,27
The Rixdoller of the present Emperor Leopold W.1012 18.9 17.12.4 54,27
The Rixdollers of Sigismund III & Vladislaus IIII Kings of Poland W.10. 18.9 17.13.4 54,4
The Rixdoller of Ferdinand Archduke of Austria W.1012 18.5 17.8.17 5378
The old Banck Doller of Hamborough W.8 18.9 17.17.4 5492
The old Rixdoller of Dantzick W.1012 18.9 17.12.4 5427
The old Rixdoller of Thorn near Dantzick W.12 18.812 17.8.15 5385
The old Rixdoller of Franckfurt W.9 18.8 17.14.4 5453
The old Rixdoller of Nuremburg W.6 18.10 17.22.1 5555
The old Rixdoller of Hanover W.8 18.12 17.20.2 553
The old Rixdoller of {Lunenburg} W.10 18.11 17.15.2 5465
The old Rixdoller of the Elector of Brandenburg W.9 18.13 17.19.1 5517
The old Rixdoller of Lubec W.9 18.16 17.21.17 5552
Gold Monies unworn. Assay Weight Standard
Value at
4li per ounce
car.gr dwtgr dwt.gr.mi sd
The Lewid'or W.0.012 4.8 4.7.8 17.28
The Spanish Pistole W.0.012 4.8 4.7.8 17.28
The Moeda of Portugal W.0.014 6.21 6.20.11 27.51
The old Italian Pistole W.0.134 4.6 3 4 4.4.15 16.95
The Sequin Chequin or Zacheen of Venice B.1.334 2.5 3 4 2.10.11 9.91
The Hungary Ducat B.1.2 2.5 2 3 2.9.7 9.67
The Ducat of Holland coynd ad legem Imperÿ B.1.2 2.5 1 2 2.9.3 9.63
The Ducat of Campen in Holland B.1.2 2.5 1 2 2.9.3 9.63
The Ducat of the Bishop of Bameberg B.1.2 2.523 2.9.7 9.67
The double Ducat of the Elector of Hanover B.1.2 4.1012 4.17.9 19.109
The single Ducat of the Elector of Hannover 2.514
The Ducat of Poland B.1.2 2.5 2.8.12 9.52
The Ducat of Swedeland 2.512
The Ducat of Danemark B.1.2 2.512 2.9.3 9.63
A double Pistole of Pope Vrban 1634 8.1412
An half Pistole of Pope Innocent XI 1685 2.4
A double Pistole of Placentia 8.10
A double Pistole of Millain 8.1312
A single Pistole of Millain 4.614
A double Pistole of Genoa 8.16
A Pistole of Savoy 1675. 4.612

I Stanley

Is. Newton

In Ellis.

[1] Mint Office
7 Iul. 1702

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