"Sir Theodore Janssen's proposal to export tin"
To the Right honourable the Lords Commissioners of her Majestie's Treasury
My Lords
If your Lordships do think fitt to send any Tin for the Streights. I humbly propose to take any quantity not exceeding one hundred and fifty Tuns upon the following Terms viz
To pay to your Lordships for the quantity of Tin that shall be deliverd at Leghorne into the hands of Messr. Arundell Bates and Company and at Genoa into the hands of Messrs. Guille. Boisser & Company at the rate of four pounds Ten shillings per hundred weight viz
for part as soon as the Tin is deliverd there
for part three months after and
for part Six months after
provided the quantity deliverd at Genoa doth not exceed one third part of the whole I am
Your Lordships
Most obedient humble servant
[1]Theod: Janssen
[1] 10 March 171