"Memorial concerning the Gravers in making Medalls"
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of His
Majestys Treasury
May it Please Your Lordships
When the Gravers Pattent was Settled about Ten Yeares Since, it was thought necessary to take away from them the power they had of making Medals without Controll.
Vpon a Report made some time after by the Officers of the Mint that good Graving was the best Security of the Coin of the Kingdom, and best acquired by Graving of Medals, and that without exercise in such Graving the Gravers might in time loose the Skill they had allready acquired, Her late Majesty was then pleased to grant a Warrant (a Copy whereof is hereunto annexed) impowering the Officers of the Mint to direct the said Gravers to make such Medals as should be approved of by them.
As the said Warrant is of no force at present, We humbly represent to Your Lordships, that for the reasons therein expressed, We hope it may be thought necessary the Same should be renewed that the Gravers may improve their hands, when they are not employed about the Coins
Which is most humbly Submitted to your Lordships
great Wisdom.
Rich Sandford
Is. Newton
[1] <200v>Officers of the Mint Memorial concerning the Gravers in making Medalls.