
To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury.

May it please your Lordships

In obedience to your Lordships Order of Reference of 5t May last We have Considered the Petition of the Widdow of John Roos Esquire late Engraver of his Majestys seales setting forth that his Bill for the silver & engraving work of publick seales amounting to 788li 15s 812d was payd off by order of the Commissioners of his Majestys Treasury dated 7th Aug. 1717 excepting two seals for Ireland valued at 236li. 18s. 10d12 u{p}on a supposition that those two were to be paid for out of the Treasury of that kingdom: and we are humbly of opinion that the said Graver be paid out of the Exchequer here for the seals in question. For they were ordered & made here, & have formerly been paid for here as appears to us by an Order of the Treasury dated 6 Sept. 1711, & some seals made since for Ireland have already been paid for here, & Gravers may hereafter prove unwilling to make seals here for Ireland if they must be sent thither for their money.

All which is most humbly submitted to your Lordships great


Mint Office
5 Iuly 1720.

Wm: Thompson

Is. Newton

M Bladen


Officers {of the} Mint Report on Roos's Petition

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